The Impact of Mexican Rail Privatization on the Texas Transportation System

The Impact of Mexican Rail Privatization on the Texas Transportation System PDF Author:
Category : Mexico
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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The Impact of Mexican Rail Privatization on the Texas Transportation System

The Impact of Mexican Rail Privatization on the Texas Transportation System PDF Author:
Category : Mexico
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Texas Transportation Researcher

Texas Transportation Researcher PDF Author:
Category : Transportation, Automotive
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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Twin Ports Intermodal Freight Terminal Study

Twin Ports Intermodal Freight Terminal Study PDF Author:
Category : Freight and freightage
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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The study examines the potential for an intermodal freight terminal in the metropolitan area of Duluth, MN and Superior, WI (Twin Ports).

Multimodal Aspects of Statewide Transportation Planning

Multimodal Aspects of Statewide Transportation Planning PDF Author: Henry L. Peyrebrune
Publisher: Transportation Research Board
ISBN: 9780309068697
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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This synthesis report will be of interest to department of transportation ( DOT) administrators, planning supervisors, managers, and staffs, as well as to planning consultants that work with them. It provides information for practitioners interested in the results of attempts to apply multimodal considerations at the statewide level and identifies key research findings. It covers post-ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991) processes and projects and both passenger and freight activities. The report examines the application of three multimodal aspects: alternatives, modal mix, and integration into three statewide planning functions, which include state planning, corridor studies, and financing, budgeting, and programming. The emphasis is on implementation. This report of the Transportation Research Board documents processes and research currently under development, using three approaches: a literature review, results of a survey of state DOTs, and five case studies. It cites the following states with exemplary practices in multimodal/intermodal transportation based on a 1998 report by the policy research project at the University of Texas on Multimodal/ Intermodal Transportation: Florida, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Economic Impact of Barge Transportation on the Texas Portion of the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway (GIWW) and Extension of the GIWW Into Mexico

Economic Impact of Barge Transportation on the Texas Portion of the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway (GIWW) and Extension of the GIWW Into Mexico PDF Author:
Category : Barges
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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The purpose of this study is to update a 1989 study of the economic impact of the Gulf Intracoastal Watersay System in Texas. The study uses a variety of factors to determine the current impact of the GIWW on Texas including cargo value of domestic goods, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway maintenance dredging, water transportation/services revenue. In addition, the ramifications and economic impact of a possible extension of the GIWW into Mexico is presented. This study is being continued under the auspices of a new sponsor, the Texas Waterway Operators Association. The second part involves a more in-depth review of the economic impact that the barge industry has on Texas, particularly as related to industries that are heavily dependent on low-cost transportation for bulk commodities.

Synthesis of Highway Practice

Synthesis of Highway Practice PDF Author: National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Category : Highway engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 460

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Journal of the Transportation Research Forum

Journal of the Transportation Research Forum PDF Author:
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Policy Harmonization and Adjustment in the North American Agricultural and Food Industry

Policy Harmonization and Adjustment in the North American Agricultural and Food Industry PDF Author: R. M. A. Loyns
Publisher: [Austin, Tex.] : Texas A&M University ; [Guelph, Ont.] : University of Guelph
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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Emerging Trade Corridors and Texas Transportation Planning

Emerging Trade Corridors and Texas Transportation Planning PDF Author:
Category : Commerce
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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ISLA PDF Author:
Category : Latin America
Languages : en
Pages : 582

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Clippings of Latin American political, social and economic news from various English language newspapers.