The Helping Relationship

The Helping Relationship PDF Author: Lawrence M. Brammer
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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The Helping Relationship

The Helping Relationship PDF Author: Lawrence M. Brammer
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Helping Relationships and Strategies

Helping Relationships and Strategies PDF Author: David E. Hutchins
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Company
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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For more than a decade, David E. Hutchins and Claire Cole Vaught have been helping readers understand themselves and others, understand the helping process, develop basic skills, and implement strategies for client change. These experienced authors will aid you in developing an awareness of the cross-cultural aspects of helping as they encourage you to discover the importance of evaluation and to be accountable for changes that occur in the helping relationship. This thorough revision offers a TFA (Thinking, Feeling, Acting) model, updated with new research and examples, that you can use to integrate diverse techniques in practice and apply to practical problems, such as domestic violence and interpersonal social skills; brief and solution-focused approaches to the helping relationship (New!); a comprehensive five-point diversity model that will lead you to examine personal aspects of diversity as you interact with others (New!); a behavior checklist; self-assessment questions; role plays and case vignettes; and a personal change project that guides you in looking at yourself, understanding how change happens, and learning how the process of change is important in a helping relationship.


Helping PDF Author: Edgar H. Schein
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
ISBN: 1605098809
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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A Strategy+Business Best Leadership Book of the Year: An “uncommonly wise” analysis of the psychological and social dynamics of helping relationships (Warren Bennis, author of On Becoming a Leader). Helping is a fundamental human activity, but it can also be a frustrating one. All too often, to our bewilderment, our sincere offers of help are resented, resisted, or refused—and we often react the same way when people try to help us. Why is it so difficult to provide or accept help? How can we make the whole process easier? Many words are used for helping: assisting, aiding, advising, caregiving, coaching, consulting, counseling, guiding, mentoring, supporting, teaching, and more. In this seminal book on the topic, corporate culture and organizational development guru Ed Schein analyzes the social and psychological dynamics common to all types of helping relationships, explains why help is often not helpful, and shows what any would-be helpers must do to ensure that their assistance is both welcomed and genuinely useful. He shows how to navigate the delicate acts of asking for or offering help; avoid pitfalls; mitigate power imbalances; and establish a solid foundation of trust—and how these techniques can be applied to teamwork and organizational leadership. From the bestselling author of Organizational Culture and Leadership, and illustrated with examples from many types of relationships—husbands and wives, doctors and patients, consultants and clients—Helping is a concise, definitive analysis of what it takes to establish successful, mutually satisfying helping relationships.

Communication Skills in Helping Relationships

Communication Skills in Helping Relationships PDF Author: Vonda Olson Long
Publisher: Brooks Cole
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Vonda Long's fresh approach to the counseling process focuses on the important and essential communication skills necessary for all potential counselors. Her emphasis on personal growth makes the book engaging and helps students understand themselves as they practice and learn how to become thoughtful and empathic helpers. The book is organized into an operational, structural framework for the helping process that incorporates outcome and process goals, philosophy of growth, communication, and facilitative skills. The author does not purport hers be the only possible framework, only a suggested framework that has been used successfully. The framework is based on the 3 R's: Rights, Respect, and Responsibility.

Smart Decarceration

Smart Decarceration PDF Author: Matthew Epperson
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190653094
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Smart Decarceration is a forward-thinking, practical volume that provides concrete strategies for an era of decarceration. This timely work consists of chapters written from multiple perspectives and disciplines including scholars, practitioners, and persons with incarceration histories. The text grapples with tough questions and builds a foundation for the decarceration field.

Process Consultation Revisited

Process Consultation Revisited PDF Author: Edgar H. Schein
Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN: 9780201345964
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This volume focuses on the interaction between consultant and client, explaining how to achieve the healthy, helping relationship so essential to effective consultation.

The Helping Relationship

The Helping Relationship PDF Author: Augustine Meier
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776619357
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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The increased use of and emphasis on managed care, manualized treatment protocols, evidence-based treatments and quick treatments have marginalized the role of the helping relationship in the helping professions. This shift has sparked a debate within the helping professions over whether the helping relationship or technique is primarily responsible for healing and change. The Helping Relationship weighs in on this debate, arguing that healing and change always take place within the context of relationships and that the relationship is more important than the technique. While recognizing the value of techniques, the authors valorize the helping relationship, considering it in unconventional contexts, such as formal education, supervision, and faith communities to show its flexibility and efficacy. This alternative approach adds a new perspective on the helping relationship debate, shedding new light on the roles of relationship and technique in the healing process.


Publisher: Charles C Thomas Publisher
ISBN: 0398081093
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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In this exceptional new sixth edition, the author has retained the practical framework for offering immediate problem-solving assistance to persons in crisis. Therefore, the goal of this updated and expanded edition is to provide knowledge and methods applicable to particular crisis circumstances. Specific topics include: core concepts that are fundamental to all intervention efforts, crisis theory and the philosophy of crisis intervention, basic communication and problem-solving skills, suicide prevention, assistance for terminally ill persons, bereavement counseling, intervention with crime victims, rape counseling, negotiating with armed perpetrators, group strategies, family and marital interventions, disaster relief, case management, physical facilities, modes of contact, community relations, selection, training, and burnout prevention procedures. The handbook also details a review of the research on crisis intervention and how individual intervenors can build upon that knowledge. Numerous case examples presented in the handbook (with fictitious names) are based on actual occurrences the author has encountered. The techniques in this book are applicable to crisis centers, hotlines, Internet-based services, victim-assistance programs, college counseling centers, hospitals, schools, correctional facilities, children and youth programs, and other human service settings. The Study Questions at the end of each chapter are designed to serve as useful applications of crisis intervention theories and principles. Intended for caregivers whose work involves crisis intervention efforts, this is an informative resource for counselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses, physicians, clergy, correctional officers, parole and probation officers, and lay volunteers.

Touch in the Helping Professions

Touch in the Helping Professions PDF Author: Martin Rovers
Publisher: University of Ottawa Press
ISBN: 0776627570
Category : Psychology
Languages : fr
Pages : 311

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Touch may well be one of the least understood or talked about subjects in the helping professions. A discussion on the importance and ethics of positive, caring, and appropriate touch in professions such as teaching, nursing and counselling is long overdue. Touch in the Helping Professions delivers just that, weaving together scholarly evidence, research and clinical practice from a wide range of perspectives encompassing philosophy, theology, psychology, and anthropology to challenge assumptions about the role of touch in the helping professions. The contributors to the volume focus not only on the overarching roles of gender, age, culture and life experience, but go beyond to encompass canine-assisted therapy, touch deprivation, sacred objects, as well as key ethical considerations. The prevailing lack of dialogue, due to fear of contravening ethical boundaries, has stood in the way of an open and responsible discussion on the use of touch in therapy. Touch in the Helping Professions is a welcome and much needed contribution to the field—a window onto a fundamental need. This book is published in English. - Cet ouvrage offre un ensemble de données probantes et de résultats cliniques à l’appui du toucher dans le développement physique et émotionnel. Il est structuré selon trois axes : la théorie sur le toucher; la pratique du toucher dans un contexte de thérapie, et les questions éthiques. Il aborde la question du rôle du genre, de l’âge, de la culture et de l’expérience de vie, des sujets comme la zoothérapie, la privation sensorielle, des objets sacrés, et des considérations d’ordre éthique. Les approches variées – philosophie, théologie, psychologie, anthropologie – remettent en question les présuppositions, offrent un contexte historico-culturelprofessionnel, et font appel à des données primaires. Les collaborateurs soutiennent que le toucher sain et non sexuel n’est pas suffisamment enseigné dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle. Cette absence de dialogue – engendrée par la crainte de dépasser des bornes éthiques, fait en sorte qu’une discussion ouverte et responsable sur l’utilisation du toucher dans un cadre thérapeutique ne peut avoir lieu, alors même qu’elle contribuerait aux balises théoriques de notre compréhension de cet enjeu fondamental. Ce livre est publié en anglais.

Treating Difficult Couples

Treating Difficult Couples PDF Author: Douglas K. Snyder
Publisher: Guilford Press
ISBN: 9781572308824
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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This essential handbook describes effective treatments for a particularly challenging clinical population: couples struggling with both relationship distress and individual mental health difficulties. Distinguished scientist-practitioners provide detailed accounts of their respective approaches, reviewing conceptual and empirical foundations as well as clinical procedures. Included are well-established treatments for couples in which one or both partners has anxiety, mood disorders, schizophrenia, substance abuse, sexual dysfunction, or physical aggression. Also covered are emerging couple-based approaches to managing personality disorders, PTSD, difficulties related to aging and physical illness, and other problems. Following a standard format to facilitate comparison across treatments, each chapter is illustrated with detailed case material. Provided are powerful insights and tools for couple and family therapists, clinicians providing individual therapy, and students in any mental health discipline.