The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Selection utility

The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Selection utility PDF Author: Joseph Zeidner
Publisher: Greenwood
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Selection utility

The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Selection utility PDF Author: Joseph Zeidner
Publisher: Greenwood
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Estimating the gains of alternative policies

The Economic Benefits of Predicting Job Performance: Estimating the gains of alternative policies PDF Author: Joseph Zeidner
Category : Employee selection
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Technical Report

Technical Report PDF Author:
Category : Military research
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Personnel Selection and Classification

Personnel Selection and Classification PDF Author: Michael G. Rumsey
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1134788134
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 555

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Bringing together several key elements needed to identify the most promising themes for future research in selection and classification, this book's underlying aim is to improve job performance by selecting the right persons and matching them most effectively with the right jobs. An emphasis is placed on current, innovative research approaches which in some cases depart substantially from traditional approaches. The contributors -- consisting of professionals in measurement, personnel research, and applied and military psychology -- discuss where the quantum advances of the last decade should take us further. Comprehensive coverage of the selection and classification domain is provided, including a broad range of topics in each of the following areas: performance conceptualization and measurement, individual differences, and selection and classification decision models. The presentations in each of these areas are integrated into a set of coherent themes. This integration was the product of structured group discussions which also resulted in a further evolution of some of the ideas presented.

Strengthening U.S. Air Force Human Capital Management

Strengthening U.S. Air Force Human Capital Management PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309678684
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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The USAir Force human capital management (HCM) system is not easily defined or mapped. It affects virtually every part of the Air Force because workforce policies, procedures, and processes impact all offices and organizations that include Airmen and responsibilities and relationships change regularly. To ensure the readiness of Airmen to fulfill the mission of the Air Force, strategic approaches are developed and issued through guidance and actions of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. Strengthening US Air Force Human Capital Management assesses and strengthens the various U.S. Air Force initiatives and programs working to improve person-job match and human capital management in coordinated support of optimal mission capability. This report considers the opportunities and challenges associated with related interests and needs across the USAF HCM system as a whole, and makes recommendations to inform improvements to USAF personnel selection and classification and other critical system components across career trajectories. Strengthening US Air Force Human Capital Management offers the Air Force a strategic approach, across a connected HCM system, to develop 21st century human capital capabilities essential for the success of 21st century Airmen.

The Blackwell Handbook of Personnel Selection

The Blackwell Handbook of Personnel Selection PDF Author: Arne Evers
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1405144661
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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The Blackwell Handbook of Personnel Selection provides astate-of-the-art review of theory, research, and professionalpractice in the field of selection and assessment. Reviews research and practical developments in all of the mainselection methods, including interviews, psychometric tests,assessment centres, and work sample tests. Considers selection from the organization’s and theapplicant’s perspective, and covers the use of new technologyin selection and adverse impact issues. Each section includes contributions from internationallyeminent authors based in North America and Europe.

The Substitutability of Criteria in the Development and Evaluation of ASVAB Classification Procedures

The Substitutability of Criteria in the Development and Evaluation of ASVAB Classification Procedures PDF Author: Joseph Zeidner
Category : Ability
Languages : en
Pages : 52

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Exploring the Limits in Personnel Selection and Classification

Exploring the Limits in Personnel Selection and Classification PDF Author: John P. Campbell
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135686025
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 686

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Beginning in the early 1980s and continuing through the middle 1990s, the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI) sponsored a comprehensive research and development program to evaluate and enhance the Army's personnel selection and classification procedures. This was a set of interrelated efforts, collectively known as Project A. Project A had a number of basic and applied research objectives pertaining to selection and classification decision making. It focused on the entire selection and classification system for Army enlisted personnel and addressed research questions that can be generalized to other personnel systems. It involved the development and evaluation of a comprehensive array of predictor and criterion measures using samples of tens of thousands of individuals in a broad range of jobs. The research included a longitudinal sample--from which data were collected at organizational entry--following training, after 1-2 years on the job and after 3-4 years on the job. This book provides a concise and readable description of the entire Project A research program. The editors share the problems, strategies, experiences, findings, lessons learned, and some of the excitement that resulted from conducting the type of project that comes along once in a lifetime for an industrial/organizational psychologist. This book is of interest to industrial/organizational psychologists, including experienced researchers, consultants, graduate students, and anyone interested in personnel selection and classification research.

The Optimal Job-person Match Case for Attrition Reduction

The Optimal Job-person Match Case for Attrition Reduction PDF Author: Peter Greenston
Category : Job analysis
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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The purpose of this research is to illuminate an important interaction between personal characteristics and organizational factors as they affect first-term attrition. This study tests the hypothesis that first-term completion is positively related to predicted performance on the job and estimates the attrition reduction that would accompany the utilization of better methods for assigning recruits to jobs so as to improve their predicted performance. The testing is conducted with the 1991 accession cohort using the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences' Enlisted Panel Research Data Base (EPRDB). Regression analysis is used to test for a relationship between attrition behavior and predicted performance on the job, holding other factors constant. This relationship is then applied to estimate the attrition reduction that could be brought about by increased soldier performance through improved job-person matching procedures such as the Enlisted Personnel Allocation System (EPAS).

The Academy of Management Review

The Academy of Management Review PDF Author: Academy of Management
Category : Industrial management
Languages : en
Pages : 884

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