The Disciple's Personality

The Disciple's Personality PDF Author: Avery T. Willis, Jr.
Publisher: Lifeway Church Resources
ISBN: 9780767325806
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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MasterLife 2 in the series of four helps Christians experience life in the spirit and gain victory in their personal lives. In this six-week study disciples will learn how to share their personal testimonies. Topics include: doing God's will, renewing the mind, mastering the emotions, presenting the body, and being filled with the spirit. Additional available resources include leader helps and video.

The Disciple's Personality

The Disciple's Personality PDF Author: Avery T. Willis, Jr.
Publisher: Lifeway Church Resources
ISBN: 9780767325806
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Book Description
MasterLife 2 in the series of four helps Christians experience life in the spirit and gain victory in their personal lives. In this six-week study disciples will learn how to share their personal testimonies. Topics include: doing God's will, renewing the mind, mastering the emotions, presenting the body, and being filled with the spirit. Additional available resources include leader helps and video.

The Disciple's Mission

The Disciple's Mission PDF Author: Avery T. Willis
Publisher: Lifeway Church Resources
ISBN: 9780767325820
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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MasterLife 4: Disciple's Mission by Avery T. Willis, Jr. completes the series of MasterLife studies. This six-week study helps Christians understand how to be on mission with God and to help others develop growing relationships with Christ. Topics include righting wrong relationships, witnessing through relationships, nurturing new Christians, maturing as a disciple, making disciples, and developing co-laborers with a kingdom perspective. Additional available resources include leader helps and videos.

Twelve Ordinary Men

Twelve Ordinary Men PDF Author: John F. MacArthur
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 141856737X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Discover how God used ordinary men, Jesus's twelve chosen disciples, to change the world, and how He can accomplish the same thing through you. You don't have to be perfect to do God's work. Look no further than the twelve disciples, whose many weaknesses are forever preserved throughout the pages of the New Testament. Join bestselling author John MacArthur in Twelve Ordinary Men as he draws principles from Christ's careful, hands-on training of the original disciples for today's modern disciple, you! Jesus chose ordinary men--fishermen, tax collectors, political zealots--and turned their weakness into strength, producing greatness from people who were otherwise unremarkable. The twelve disciples weren't the stained-glass saints we imagine. On the contrary, they were truly human, all too prone to mistakes, misstatements, wrong attitudes, lapses of faith, and bitter failure. Simply put, they were flawed people, just like us. But under Jesus' teaching and touch, they became a force that forever changed the world. MacArthur takes you into the inner circle of the disciples--their selection, their training, their personalities, and their incredible impact. As MacArthur took a closer look at the lives of the twelve disciples, he found himself asking difficult questions along the way, including: Why did Jesus pick each of the twelve disciples? How did Jesus teach them everything he could in just eighteen short months? Can the lessons that Jesus taught the disciples can still influence our faith today? In Twelve Ordinary Men, you'll learn that disciples are living proof that God's strength is made perfect in weakness. As you get to know the men who walked with Jesus, you'll see that if he can accomplish his purposes through them, he can do the same through you.

The Twelve Disciples

The Twelve Disciples PDF Author: Rose Publishing
Publisher: Rose Publishing
ISBN: 1596365854
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 37

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This bestselling glossy, full-color, quick-reference pamphlet is an excellent tool for teaching new and longtime believers about those who walked with Jesus and what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus today. Jesus called twelve ordinary men and turned their weaknesses into strengths, their faults into testimonies, and their doubts into faith. Who were these men who walked with Jesus? What can we learn from their lives? This bestselling glossy, full-color, quick-reference pamphlet is an excellent tool for teaching new and longtime believers about those who walked with Jesus and what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus today. Get Fresh Insights & a Simple Overview of the Twelve Disciples What do you know about the disciples who learned at Jesus’ feet? The Twelve Disciples pamphlet offers a close-up look at the twelve ordinary men whom Jesus trained to care for his church: Peter, James (son of Zebedee), Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (son of Alphaeus), John, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot. This quick-reference pamphlet presents the life and ministry of Jesus’ twelve disciples in a convenient and easy-to-use, side-by-side comparison chart. The Twelve Disciples pamphlet takes believers inside this circle to learn more about these men as well as:Backgrounds and personalitiesKey events in their lives and lessons learnedStrengths and weaknessesPurposes and missionsEncounters with JesusAnd much more!Glossy and full-color, every pamphlet fact has a Scripture reference. Size: 8.5”x 5.5” unfolds to 33” long. Fits inside most Bible covers. Packed with Fascinating Facts and History What were the backgrounds of the disciples? What was their collective purpose and mission? Here are a few of the facts people will find at a glance in The Twelve Disciples:Each of the disciples were from the Galilee region except for JudasThe disciples were Jesus’ main focus of instructionJesus knew their strengths and their weaknessesJesus trusted them to carry God’s message of redemption to the ends of the earthSee Characteristics and Key Events in the Lives of the Twelve Disciples This bestselling pamphlet reveals the personalities and characteristics of the disciples. For example, Peter was impulsive and courageous whereas John was vengeful and bold. Each disciple had unique and personal encounters with Jesus that speak to the roles of disciples today.Peter was called to be a fisher of men (Matthew 4:19)James was with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)Andrew told Jesus about the boy with five loaves of bread and two fish (John 20:19-25)Thomas affirmed that Jesus was Lord and God (John 21:2-7)Bonus Features of the Twelve Disciples Pamphlet In addition to this concise overview of the twelve disciples, this quick-reference pamphlet also contains:A chart of the 39 other followers of Jesus mentioned by name in the New Testament: Cleopas, Joanna, Judas (brother of Jesus), Mary Magdalene, and dozens of othersA list of 10 ways Jesus and his disciples demonstrated discipleshipTeachers will appreciate the thoroughness of this easy-to-use resource. Students will gain a new insight into the men whose lives and faiths were shaped by walking with Jesus. Pastors or discipleship leaders may want to purchase one of these pamphlets for each church member.

Jesus in the Talmud

Jesus in the Talmud PDF Author: Bernhard Pick
Category : Christianity and other religions
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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"Scattered throughout the Talmud, the founding document of rabbinic Judaism in late antiquity, can be found quite a few references to Jesus--and they're not flattering. In this lucid, richly detailed, and accessible book, Peter Sch fer examines how the rabbis of the Talmud read, understood, and used the New Testament Jesus narrative to assert, ultimately, Judaism's superiority over Christianity. The Talmudic stories make fun of Jesus' birth from a virgin, fervently contest his claim to be the Messiah and Son of God, and maintain that he was rightfully executed as a blasphemer and idolater. They subvert the Christian idea of Jesus' resurrection and insist he got the punishment he deserved in hell - -and that a similar fate awaits his followers. Sch fer contends that these stories betray a remarkable familiarity with the Gospels - especially Matthew and John - and represent a deliberate and sophisticated anti-Christian polemic that parodies the New Testament narratives. He carefully distinguishes between Babylonian and Palestinian sources, arguing that the rabbis' proud and self-confident countermessage to that of the evangelists was possible only in the unique historical setting of Persian Babylonia, in a Jewish community that lived in relative freedom. The same could not be said of Roman and Byzantine Palestine, where the Christians aggressively consolidated their political power and the Jews therefore suffered." -- Book jacket.

The Disciple's Victory

The Disciple's Victory PDF Author: Avery T. Willis, Jr.
Publisher: Lifeway Church Resources
ISBN: 9780767325813
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Book Description
MasterLife 3 in the series of four helps Christians gain victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. This six-week study helps believers develop their prayer lives and gain skills in using God's Word. A prayer retreat follows this study in which disciples experience God directing their future. Additional available resources include leader helps and videos.

Wired That Way Companion Workbook

Wired That Way Companion Workbook PDF Author: Marita Littauer
Publisher: Revell
ISBN: 1441225358
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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Do you want to better understand yourself, maximize your strengths, and improve your relationships? Understanding how we are wired can enrich our lives and our relationships, helping to overcome differences that can seem irreconcilable. Instead of terminating jobs, friendships, or marriage on grounds of incompatibility, it is possible to turn these relationships from dying to growing. For more than 25 years, Marita Littauer, with her mother, Florence Littauer, has helped thousands of men and women with their personal and professional relationships. In Wired That Way, Marita brings together in one book a comprehensive overview of the personality types that speaks to anyone who wants to understand and to be understood.

The Lost Art of Disciple Making

The Lost Art of Disciple Making PDF Author: LeRoy Eims
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310832063
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 193

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"Every believer in Jesus Christ deserves the opportunity of personal nurture and development." says LeRoy Eims. But all too often the opportunity isn't there. We neglect the young Christian in our whirl of programs, church services, and fellowship groups. And we neglect to raise up workers and leaders who can disciple young believers into mature and fruitful Christians. In simple, practical, and biblical terms, LeRoy Eims revives the lost art of disciple making. He explains: - How the early church discipled new Christians - How to meet the basic needs of a growing Christian - How to spot and train potential workers - How to develop mature, godly leaders "True growth takes time and tears and love and patience," Eims states. There is no instant maturity. This book examines the growth process in the life of a Christian and considers what nurture and guidance it takes to develop spiritually qualified workers in the church.

A Stranger in the House of God

A Stranger in the House of God PDF Author: John Koessler
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310864216
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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Growing up the son of agnostics, John Koessler saw a Catholic church on one end of the street and a Baptist on the other. In the no-man’s land between the two, this curious outside wondered about the God they worshipped—and began a lifelong search to comprehend the grace and mystery of God. A Stranger in the House of God addresses fundamental questions and struggles faced by spiritual seekers and mature believers. Like a contemporary Pilgrim’s Progress, it traces the author’s journey and explores his experiences with both charismatic and evangelical Christianity. It also describes his transformation from religious outsider to ordained pastor. John Koessler provides a poignant and often humorous window into the interior of the soul as he describes his journey from doubt and struggle with the church to personal faith

Masterlife Book Set

Masterlife Book Set PDF Author: Avery T. Willis
Publisher: Masterlife
ISBN: 9780767326414
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The MasterLife - Book Set contains all 4 MasterLife Member Books (6 sessions each) in a slip case. An excellent resource to help persons move toward maturity in Christ, MasterLife is appropriate for both new Christians and experienced believers in Jesus Christ as Savior. In addition to gaining victory over areas of weakness, participants will be encouraged to master living in the Word, prayer, personal purity, witnessing, and other key disciplines of faith.