The Carbon Trap

The Carbon Trap PDF Author: Randy Dutton
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781470004071
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 496

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Environmentalists worry about too much carbon dioxide, but what's too little? What if global financiers manipulated the global warming crisis to gain control over humanity's resources, freedoms, and population? What if someone with the financial and technical abilities decided mankind was a virus and used carbon dioxide trapping technology to plunge population levels by crashing life-essential CO2 to new lows? These are questions Anna Picard must face in The Carbon Trap, the first book in The Carbon Series. At the height of the global warming crisis, the United Nations attempts to control all carbon emissions, and authorizes a series of programs it deems necessary to save humanity. A progressive US government enthusiastically endorses the UN Carbon Trapping program, and to help pay for it, will impose carbon taxes, draconian regulations, and... it will secretly sell Alaska. Anna Picard is an amoral fixer, an employee of Agenda 21 member and global financier Alexis Swanson had trained to help recruit his corporate army and neutralize his enemies. It is her job to unleash a global hacker network to help destroy the carbon based industries and funnel insider-trading profits to Swanson. One of her recruits is Dr. Sven Johansson, a brilliant geneticist and President of Snath Biotechnology, who designs life forms to trap CO2. But Sven has more ambitious plans. At a UN conference in the Maldives held to impose draconian carbon regulations, not everyone is happy, some industrial executives realize data has been falsified. To protect her scheme, Anna frames one of the execs for murder. Her plans are complicated when she falls in love with Dr. Pete Heyward, the son of the man she framed for murder. Pete is a US Marine amputee who sees past her malevolent deeds and tries to rejuvenate the morality of her youth. After a series of genetically modified carbon trapping life forms is unleashed upon the Earth, Anna must confront the evils she helped unleash, and prevent an even bigger disaster from unfolding that would destroy most life on Earth. This is a high-tech ecological thriller that takes the reader from the Maldives, to the French Riviera, and the heartland of Texas. It introduces cutting edge technologies and concepts, used for the first time in a novel, that reveal striking implications for society.

The Carbon Trap

The Carbon Trap PDF Author: Randy Dutton
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781470004071
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 496

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Book Description
Environmentalists worry about too much carbon dioxide, but what's too little? What if global financiers manipulated the global warming crisis to gain control over humanity's resources, freedoms, and population? What if someone with the financial and technical abilities decided mankind was a virus and used carbon dioxide trapping technology to plunge population levels by crashing life-essential CO2 to new lows? These are questions Anna Picard must face in The Carbon Trap, the first book in The Carbon Series. At the height of the global warming crisis, the United Nations attempts to control all carbon emissions, and authorizes a series of programs it deems necessary to save humanity. A progressive US government enthusiastically endorses the UN Carbon Trapping program, and to help pay for it, will impose carbon taxes, draconian regulations, and... it will secretly sell Alaska. Anna Picard is an amoral fixer, an employee of Agenda 21 member and global financier Alexis Swanson had trained to help recruit his corporate army and neutralize his enemies. It is her job to unleash a global hacker network to help destroy the carbon based industries and funnel insider-trading profits to Swanson. One of her recruits is Dr. Sven Johansson, a brilliant geneticist and President of Snath Biotechnology, who designs life forms to trap CO2. But Sven has more ambitious plans. At a UN conference in the Maldives held to impose draconian carbon regulations, not everyone is happy, some industrial executives realize data has been falsified. To protect her scheme, Anna frames one of the execs for murder. Her plans are complicated when she falls in love with Dr. Pete Heyward, the son of the man she framed for murder. Pete is a US Marine amputee who sees past her malevolent deeds and tries to rejuvenate the morality of her youth. After a series of genetically modified carbon trapping life forms is unleashed upon the Earth, Anna must confront the evils she helped unleash, and prevent an even bigger disaster from unfolding that would destroy most life on Earth. This is a high-tech ecological thriller that takes the reader from the Maldives, to the French Riviera, and the heartland of Texas. It introduces cutting edge technologies and concepts, used for the first time in a novel, that reveal striking implications for society.

Capturing Carbon

Capturing Carbon PDF Author: Robin M. Mills
ISBN: 9780231701860
Category : Carbon dioxide
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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We now possess the technology to capture carbon emissions as they are released into the atmosphere. After capture, the gas is trapped within facilities hidden far underground. As promising as this process sounds, can it really compete with the often cheaper, low-carbon technologies currently available, and is the practice really safe and eco-friendly? Furthermore, will governments and societies embrace this controversial method and integrate it fully into their economic markets? Capturing Carbon is one of the first books to seriously evaluate this issue, describing the need for this new technology and the components that make it work. Robin M. Mills, a longtime energy professional with a background in geology and economics, paints an accessible portrait of carbon capture's existing and projected technologies. He covers the specifics of geological storage and, interestingly, compares it to the biological sequestering of carbon occurring naturally in soils and forests. With a frank and unbiased analysis, Mills considers the costs of this process and its value in curbing climate change.He tackles the politics and policies that will help the technology take root, and he anticipates the public's reaction and opportunities for business. Mills also accounts for the risks of carbon capture, rounding out a definitive and all-encompassing volume for environmentalists, policymakers, investors, industry insiders, and anyone wishing to understand these new developments.

Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle

Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle PDF Author: Brian J. McPherson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118671791
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 865

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Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 183. For carbon sequestration the issues of monitoring, risk assessment, and verification of carbon content and storage efficacy are perhaps the most uncertain. Yet these issues are also the most critical challenges facing the broader context of carbon sequestration as a means for addressing climate change. In response to these challenges, Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle presents current perspectives and research that combine five major areas: The global carbon cycle and verification and assessment of global carbon sources and sinks Potential capacity and temporal/spatial scales of terrestrial, oceanic, and geologic carbon storage Assessing risks and benefits associated with terrestrial, oceanic, and geologic carbon storage Predicting, monitoring, and verifying effectiveness of different forms of carbon storage Suggested new CO2 sequestration research and management paradigms for the future. The volume is based on a Chapman Conference and will appeal to the rapidly growing group of scientists and engineers examining methods for deliberate carbon sequestration through storage in plants, soils, the oceans, and geological repositories.

Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration

Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309484529
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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To achieve goals for climate and economic growth, "negative emissions technologies" (NETs) that remove and sequester carbon dioxide from the air will need to play a significant role in mitigating climate change. Unlike carbon capture and storage technologies that remove carbon dioxide emissions directly from large point sources such as coal power plants, NETs remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere or enhance natural carbon sinks. Storing the carbon dioxide from NETs has the same impact on the atmosphere and climate as simultaneously preventing an equal amount of carbon dioxide from being emitted. Recent analyses found that deploying NETs may be less expensive and less disruptive than reducing some emissions, such as a substantial portion of agricultural and land-use emissions and some transportation emissions. In 2015, the National Academies published Climate Intervention: Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration, which described and initially assessed NETs and sequestration technologies. This report acknowledged the relative paucity of research on NETs and recommended development of a research agenda that covers all aspects of NETs from fundamental science to full-scale deployment. To address this need, Negative Emissions Technologies and Reliable Sequestration: A Research Agenda assesses the benefits, risks, and "sustainable scale potential" for NETs and sequestration. This report also defines the essential components of a research and development program, including its estimated costs and potential impact.

The Carbon Farming Solution

The Carbon Farming Solution PDF Author: Eric Toensmeier
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
ISBN: 1603585729
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 497

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With carbon farming, agriculture ceases to be part of the climate problem and becomes a critical part of the solution "This book is the toolkit for making the soil itself a sponge for carbon. It’s a powerful vision."—Bill McKibben "The Carbon Farming Solution is a book we will look back upon decades from now and wonder why something so critically relevant could have been so overlooked until that time. . . . [It] describes the foundation of the future of civilization."—Paul Hawken In this groundbreaking book, Eric Toensmeier argues that agriculture—specifically, the subset of practices known as "carbon farming"—can, and should be, a linchpin of a global climate solutions platform. Carbon farming is a suite of agricultural practices and crops that sequester carbon in the soil and in above-ground biomass. Combined with a massive reduction in fossil fuel emissions—and in concert with adaptation strategies to our changing environment— carbon farming has the potential to bring us back from the brink of disaster and return our atmosphere to the "magic number" of 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide. Toensmeier’s book is the first to bring together these powerful strategies in one place. Includes in-depth analysis of the available research. Carbon farming can take many forms. The simplest practices involve modifications to annual crop production. Although many of these modifications have relatively low sequestration potential, they are widely applicable and easily adopted, and thus have excellent potential to mitigate climate change if practiced on a global scale. Likewise, grazing systems such as silvopasture are easily replicable, don’t require significant changes to human diet, and—given the amount of agricultural land worldwide that is devoted to pasture—can be important strategies in the carbon farming arsenal. But by far, agroforestry practices and perennial crops present the best opportunities for sequestration. While many of these systems are challenging to establish and manage, and would require us to change our diets to new and largely unfamiliar perennial crops, they also offer huge potential that has been almost entirely ignored by climate crusaders. Many of these carbon farming practices are already implemented globally on a scale of millions of hectares. These are not minor or marginal efforts, but win-win solutions that provide food, fodder, and feedstocks while fostering community self-reliance, creating jobs, protecting biodiversity, and repairing degraded land—all while sequestering carbon, reducing emissions, and ultimately contributing to a climate that will remain amenable to human civilization. Just as importantly to a livable future, these crops and practices can contribute to broader social goals such as women’s empowerment, food sovereignty, and climate justice. The Carbon Farming Solution is—at its root—a toolkit and the most complete collection of climate-friendly crops and practices currently available. With this toolkit, farmers, communities, and governments large and small, can successfully launch carbon farming projects with the most appropriate crops and practices to their climate, locale, and socioeconomic needs. Toensmeier’s ultimate goal is to place carbon farming firmly in the center of the climate solutions platform, alongside clean solar and wind energy. With The Carbon Farming Solution, Toensmeier wants to change the discussion, impact policy decisions, and steer mitigation funds to the research, projects, and people around the world who envision a future where agriculture becomes the protagonist in this fraught, urgent, and unprecedented drama of our time. Citizens, farmers, and funders will be inspired to use the tools presented in this important book to transform degraded lands around the world into productive carbon-storing landscapes.

The Coal Trap

The Coal Trap PDF Author: James M. Van Nostrand
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108830587
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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A cautionary tale for the many other jurisdictions around the world that are resisting the transition to clean energy resources.

Implementation of the Clean Air and Water Act Amendments of 1970, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution ..., 92-2,...

Implementation of the Clean Air and Water Act Amendments of 1970, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution ..., 92-2,... PDF Author: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 848

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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Public Works

Hearings, Reports and Prints of the House Committee on Public Works PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works
Category : Legislative hearings
Languages : en
Pages : 1664

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Implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 (Title I)

Implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1970 (Title I) PDF Author: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Public Works. Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution
Category : Air
Languages : en
Pages : 1668

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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America PDF Author:
Category : Administrative law
Languages : en
Pages : 956

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The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.