The Bar Handbook 2013-2014

The Bar Handbook 2013-2014 PDF Author: Nicholas Bacon
ISBN: 9781405778534
Category : Lawyers
Languages : en
Pages : 2048

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Book Description
PUBLISHED IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE BAR COUNCILThe current landscape for practising barristers is changing rapidly, whether it be in relation to the Carter Review of legal aid, the future of the Criminal Bar, opening up access to the Bar and the Bar Standards Board or the reforms contained in the Legal Services Act. There is an increasing need for barristers to be aware of all the rules and regulations governing their practice to ensure that they are compliant and can run a successful and profitable business. The Handbook sets the scene for, clarifies and puts in context these changes in a practical and non-technical way.A practical handbook bringing together, for the first time, details and guidance relating to a barrister’s professional obligations, parameters of work, permitted charging arrangements, ability to get paid, getting redress when not paid, tax and VAT liabilities, insurance, practice planning and good practice advice and relevant statutory and regulatory references, for all barristers be they sole practitioners, employed, publically or privately funded.* All relevant source materials in one place* Invaluable professional conduct guidance – a collective corpus of material that exists nowhere else in such an accessible form* Single-volume portable guide to all most relevant obligations/conduct advice* Key regulation and statutory extracts collected together in a single point of reference* Professional Code of Conduct material from originating professional body* As well as being a ready resource in itself, it provides key signposts to repositories of other specialist expertise for those seeking in-depth coverage of particular issues* Includes commentary by the authors to aid with interpreting the materials* Aims to answer the most commonly asked questions dealt with by the Representative side of the Bar Council