The Aesthetics of LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka: The Rebel Poet

The Aesthetics of LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka: The Rebel Poet PDF Author: Maurice A. Lee
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8437085446
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 157

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Aquest llibre explora l'estètica de LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka des dels seus primers dies com poeta 'beat' fins a l'actualitat. Baraka ha estat considerat com el poeta rebel, el que sempre ataca la política, denuncia l'abús de poder i les errònies polítiques administratives dels Estats Units. Aquest volum examina alguns dels més importants assajos i obres de ficció, amb l'objectiu de clarificar la importància en el desenvolupament de l'obra de Baraka.

The Aesthetics of LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka: The Rebel Poet

The Aesthetics of LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka: The Rebel Poet PDF Author: Maurice A. Lee
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 9788437055411
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Book Description
Aquest llibre explora l'estètica de LeRoi Jones / Amiri Baraka des dels seus primers dies com poeta ?beat? fins a l'actualitat. Baraka ha estat considerat com el poeta rebel, el que sempre ataca la política, denuncia l'abús de poder i les errònies polítiques administratives dels Estats Units. Aquest volum examina alguns dels més importants assajos i obres de ficció, amb l'objectiu de clarificar la importància en el desenvolupament de l'obra de Baraka.

The Routledge Companion to African American Theatre and Performance

The Routledge Companion to African American Theatre and Performance PDF Author: Kathy Perkins
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351751433
Category : Drama
Languages : en
Pages : 574

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The Routledge Companion to African American Theatre and Performance is an outstanding collection of specially written essays that charts the emergence, development, and diversity of African American Theatre and Performance—from the nineteenth-century African Grove Theatre to Afrofuturism. Alongside chapters from scholars are contributions from theatre makers, including producers, theatre managers, choreographers, directors, designers, and critics. This ambitious Companion includes: A "Timeline of African American theatre and performance." Part I "Seeing ourselves onstage" explores the important experience of Black theatrical self-representation. Analyses of diverse topics including historical dramas, Broadway musicals, and experimental theatre allow readers to discover expansive articulations of Blackness. Part II "Institution building" highlights institutions that have nurtured Black people both on stage and behind the scenes. Topics include Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), festivals, and black actor training. Part III "Theatre and social change" surveys key moments when Black people harnessed the power of theatre to affirm community realities and posit new representations for themselves and the nation as a whole. Topics include Du Bois and African Muslims, women of the Black Arts Movement, Afro-Latinx theatre, youth theatre, and operatic sustenance for an Afro future. Part IV "Expanding the traditional stage" examines Black performance traditions that privilege Black worldviews, sense-making, rituals, and innovation in everyday life. This section explores performances that prefer the space of the kitchen, classroom, club, or field. This book engages a wide audience of scholars, students, and theatre practitioners with its unprecedented breadth. More than anything, these invaluable insights not only offer a window onto the processes of producing work, but also the labour and economic issues that have shaped and enabled African American theatre. Chapter 20 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath PDF Author: Paul Mitchell
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8437083974
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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Sylvia Plath es una de las poetas más conocidas y controvertidas del siglo XX. Desde su muerte en 1963, el debate crítico sobre su obra ha sido animado y, en ocasiones, incluso hostil. Esta obra ilustra cómo leer a Plath desde una perspectiva alternativa, utilizando la teoría de Julia Kristeva sobre el lenguaje político, y que permite una apreciación de los poemas que va más allá de lo biográfico al hacer énfasis, en cambio, en los textos; de ese modo, se engrana con la primera persona como una herramienta heurística compleja e inestable. Al explorar los poemas en términos de su trascendencia en lugar de centrarse exclusivamente en su significado explora la manera en la que la obra de Plath produce una crisis de subjetividad oratoria y, a partir de ahí, emerge la naturaleza «revolucionaria» de la voz poética.

Four Books, One Latino Life

Four Books, One Latino Life PDF Author: Ignacio F. Rodeño Iturriaga
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8491347585
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 206

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Acclaimed by many as one of the most gifted essayists and stylists in American letters these last few decades, Richard Rodriguez has left an indelible imprint on the tradition of autobiographical writing of the nation. Rodeño’s study of the four installments of Rodriguez’s self-writing offers an insightful and perspicacious analysis of the evolution and the most controversial elements in this Chicano writer’s production so far. Delving deeply into issues of racial and ethnic identity, sexual orientation, religious background, various types of hybridity, and different forms of socio-cultural adaptation, this book presents all kinds of incisive observations about the contested space(s) that “minority” self-writers are often pushed to occupy in the American tradition of the genre.

Constructing the Self

Constructing the Self PDF Author: Carmen Rueda-Ramos
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8491342486
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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This volume aims to show how southerners have faced their post and constructed a self. The essays in this volume explore the different personal narratives and strategies southern authors have employed to channel the autobiographical impulse and give artistic expression to their anxieties, traumas and revelations, as well as their relationship with the region. With the discussion of different types of memoirs, this volume reflects not only the transformation that this sub-genre has undergone since the 1990s boom but also its flexibility as a popular form of life-writing.

Benjamin Drew

Benjamin Drew PDF Author: Vicent Cucarella Ramon
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8491349138
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Benjamin Drew’s "North-Side View of Slavery: The Refugee, or the Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada" (1856) is a collection of his interviews with former slaves living in Canada who had escaped from the United States, and an invaluable example of the transnational abolitionist movement’s political agenda. These edited oral accounts show how these runaways turned into African Canadians and reconfigured new meanings of Blackness in Canada, set out the foundations of a Black Canadian sense of attachment, and eventually helped to reshape North America by contributing to the birth of the Canadian nation-state.

Going Indian

Going Indian PDF Author: Judit Ágnes Kádár
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 843708976X
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Durante los años sesenta y setenta aparece cierto interés en el fenómeno de las personas blancas que se comportan como indios o nativos, así como un nuevo entusiasmo por desafiar la tradición Cooperiana de cruzar las líneas del color en narraciones aparentemente no racistas. Este libro analiza cómo el «patio de recreo intelectual» proporciona biografías postcoloniales de «personajes tan escurridizos» como Sir William Johnson, Mary Jemison, May Dodd, y Archie Belaney/Grey Owl, o de otros ficticios como Jack Crabb y Jeremy Sadness. Los textos analizados aquí plantean cuestiones relacionadas con la construcción de la identidad, el parentesco ficticio y el etnicidad simbólica, las motivaciones y los impulsos que subyacen al comportamiento/juego de ser «otro», así como los procesos e implicaciones de la transculturación y de la epistemología de las relaciones de raza.

Truths Up His Sleeve: The Times of Michael Cacoyannis

Truths Up His Sleeve: The Times of Michael Cacoyannis PDF Author: John Howard
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8491349588
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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This first critical biography of radio broadcaster, stage director, and auteur filmmaker Michael Cacoyannis examines his prolific body of work within the socio-political context of his times. Best known as a bold modernist for triple-Oscar-winner ‘Zorba the Greek’, Michael likewise was hailed as an astute classicist for his inventive interpretations of Euripides. Working across several continents and languages, he forwarded feminist, humanist, and pacifist agendas, as he further innovated crafty LGBT narratives of unprecedented artistry and complexity. Despite intense persecution during the Cold War red scare and lavender scare, his casts and crews of frugal cosmopolitans critiqued racism, militarism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Avoiding censorship, job loss, and jail, Michael thereby laid foundations for the 1990s new queer cinema and set the stage for empowering dramas of socio-economic justice in the third millennium. Over his long life and productive career, Michael exposed and espoused the vital truths up his sleeve.

Voicing the Self

Voicing the Self PDF Author: Carmen Rueda Ramos
Publisher: Universitat de València
ISBN: 8437084040
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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Este libro analiza la manera con la que Lee Smith ha dado voz a todos los aspectos de su experiencia tanto como mujer-artista que vive en la América contemporánea como nativa de la Appalachia, una región sureña que todavía conserva un fuerte sentimiento de la tradición oral y de vínculos con la comunidad. Smith revisa y altera el lenguaje y los mitos que han condicionado sus búsquedas de la identidad y han silenciado sus voces. Al realizarlo, explora la relación entre el heroísmo femenino y la creatividad de las mujeres como algo distinto a la de los hombres. En su lucha, las heroínas de Smith reflejan el desarrollo personal y artístico de la escritora. La relación conflictiva de sus personajes femeninos con la auto-afirmación y con el mundo de la Appalachia revela los propios sentimientos ambivalentes de Smith hacia el concepto de individualidad y hacia sus raíces culturales.