Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law

Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law PDF Author: Stuart MacDonald
ISBN: 9781292204475
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 576

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Complete Criminal Law

Complete Criminal Law PDF Author: Janet Loveless
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199646414
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 866

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'Complete Criminal Law' provides a student-centred, straightforward approach to the criminal law LLB/CPE syllabus. It involves the student in an active approach to learning through the use of many learning features.

Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials

Criminal Law: Text, Cases, and Materials PDF Author: Jonathan Herring
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199646252
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1000

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Includes bibliographical references index.

Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's Text, Cases, and Materials on Criminal Law

Smith, Hogan, and Ormerod's Text, Cases, and Materials on Criminal Law PDF Author: David Ormerod
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198788711
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 835

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Book Description
Smith, Hogan, & Ormerod's Text, Cases, & Materials on Criminal Law is a thorough and accessible guide to criminal law, combining extracts from key cases and statutes, together with invaluable extracts from expert reports and articles. Ormerod and Laird expertly guide the reader through the various facets of the law while posing numerous questions for further investigation and reflection. The contents of the twelfth edition have been substantially revised and restructured to closely match the structure of contemporary courses. This new edition includes significantly more explanatory text and third-party critical commentary, ensuring that the book is suitable for use as a core textbook. This book provides the law student with everything they need to develop a thorough understanding of this fascinating subject. Online Resource Centre www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/sho/ This book is accompanied by a selection of online resources, including detailed annual updates, useful web links, and outline answer guidance to selected in-text questions.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law PDF Author: Cynthia Lee
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1096

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Book Description
This text, the only criminal law casebook authored by two progressive female law professors of color, provides the reader with both critical race and critical feminist theory perspectives on criminal law. The book focuses on the cultural context of substantive criminal law, integrating issues of race, gender, class, and sexual orientation where relevant

Cases and Materials on Criminal Law

Cases and Materials on Criminal Law PDF Author: Joshua Dressler
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1142

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Book Description
Premised on the belief that criminal law is an exciting subject to learn and teach, this popular casebook provides a balanced and creative overview of classic and modern criminal law cases and issues while covering both common law foundations and modern statutory reform, including the Model Penal Code. The casebook invites classroom consideration of many controversies in the field (e.g., rape law, race-based jury nullification, Internet crime, and anti-stalking legislation) and defenses (e.g., battered women?s self-defense). Using imaginative examples from literature and music to illustrate criminal law issues (e.g., examining insanity with Edgar Allen Poe?s The Tell-Tale Heart and homicide with Willa Cather?s O Pioneers!), the casebook allows law students to confront some of the Big Questions with which philosophers, theologians, scientists, poets, and lawyers have grappled for centuries.

Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law

Text, Cases and Materials on Criminal Law PDF Author: Stuart MacDonald
ISBN: 9781292204475
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 576

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Text, Cases, and Materials on Criminal Law

Text, Cases, and Materials on Criminal Law PDF Author: Stuart Keith Macdonald
ISBN: 9781292219943
Category : Criminal law
Languages : en
Pages :

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Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights

Text, Cases and Materials on Public Law and Human Rights PDF Author: Helen Fenwick
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135071330
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1060

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Book Description
This book interweaves an authoritative authorial commentary – significantly expanded from the last edition - with extracts from a diverse and contemporary collection of cases and materials from three leading academics in the field. It provides an all-encompassing student guide to constitutional, administrative and UK human rights law. This fourth edition provides comprehensive coverage of all recent developments, including the Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011, restrictions on judicial review (Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015), changes to judicial appointments (Crime and Courts Act 2013), the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum, Scotland Act 2016 and draft Wales Bill 2016. Recent devolution cases in the Supreme Court, including Imperial Tobacco (2012) and Asbestos Diseases (2015) are fully analysed, as is the 2015 introduction of English Votes for English Laws. The remarkable Evans (2015) ‘Black Spider memos’ case is considered in a number of chapters. The common law rights resurgence seen in Osborn (2013), BBC (2014) and Kennedy (2014) is analysed in several places, along with other key developments in judicial review such as Keyu (2015) and Pham (2015). Ongoing parliamentary reform in both Lords and Commons, including major advances in controlling prerogative powers, are fully explained, as is the adaptation of the core Executive to Coalition Government (2010-2015). There is comprehensive coverage of key Strasbourg and HRA cases (Horncastle (2010), Nicklinson (2014), Moohan (2014), Carlile (2014)), and those in core areas of freedom of expression, police powers and public order (Animal Defenders (2013), Beghal (2015), Roberts (2015), Miranda (2016)) and the prisoners’ voting rights saga, up to Chester (2015).

Smith and Hogan's Criminal Law

Smith and Hogan's Criminal Law PDF Author: David Ormerod
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0198702310
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1393

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'Criminal Law' is written with the needs of the student foremost in mind to provide, more than ever, as modern and as comprehensive an exposition of the criminal law as he or she could possibly require.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law PDF Author: Jonathan Herring
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780198904656
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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