Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics E-Book

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics E-Book PDF Author: Ravindra Nanda
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323609325
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 355

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Book Description
Achieve excellent patient outcomes with minimally invasive, cost-effective procedures! Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics, 2nd Edition covers everything you need to know to begin offering TADs in your practice. More than 1,500 full-color photos and illustrations guide you through the entire treatment process, from diagnosis and planning to biomechanics, implants and anchorage devices, and management of problems. Detailed case reports provide insight into the treatment of specific conditions. From a team of expert contributors led by Ravindra Nanda, this book shows the temporary anchorage techniques that will take your orthodontic skills to the next level. - Over 1,500 full-color clinical photographs and line drawings depict important concepts and techniques, and show treatment progress from beginning to end. - Case Report boxes walk you through the treatment of specific conditions, from initial patient visit to final outcome, with clinical photos showing the changes that occur at each stage of treatment. - Unique coverage of temporary anchorage devices is provided by this complete, comprehensive, one-of-a-kind reference, as the use of TADs is becoming more and more popular within the field of orthodontics. - Expert contributors from all over the world share their experience and current knowledge of each topic, ensuring that you have accurate, up-to-date, and clinically relevant information. - Logical organization begins with a discussion of basic orthodontic principles and moves on to diagnosis and treatment planning, implants and anchorage devices, and management of problems. - NEW Anchorage of TADs Using Aligner Orthodontics Treatment for Lower Molars Distalization chapter helps you incorporate TADs to clear aligner therapy. - NEW Expert Consult website provides an online version of the book, allowing you to search the entire book electronically. - NEW! Updated clinical photos illustrate the advances that have been made since publication of the first edition. - NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and advances in this evolving area.

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics E-Book

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics E-Book PDF Author: Ravindra Nanda
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323609325
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 355

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Book Description
Achieve excellent patient outcomes with minimally invasive, cost-effective procedures! Temporary Anchorage Devices in Orthodontics, 2nd Edition covers everything you need to know to begin offering TADs in your practice. More than 1,500 full-color photos and illustrations guide you through the entire treatment process, from diagnosis and planning to biomechanics, implants and anchorage devices, and management of problems. Detailed case reports provide insight into the treatment of specific conditions. From a team of expert contributors led by Ravindra Nanda, this book shows the temporary anchorage techniques that will take your orthodontic skills to the next level. - Over 1,500 full-color clinical photographs and line drawings depict important concepts and techniques, and show treatment progress from beginning to end. - Case Report boxes walk you through the treatment of specific conditions, from initial patient visit to final outcome, with clinical photos showing the changes that occur at each stage of treatment. - Unique coverage of temporary anchorage devices is provided by this complete, comprehensive, one-of-a-kind reference, as the use of TADs is becoming more and more popular within the field of orthodontics. - Expert contributors from all over the world share their experience and current knowledge of each topic, ensuring that you have accurate, up-to-date, and clinically relevant information. - Logical organization begins with a discussion of basic orthodontic principles and moves on to diagnosis and treatment planning, implants and anchorage devices, and management of problems. - NEW Anchorage of TADs Using Aligner Orthodontics Treatment for Lower Molars Distalization chapter helps you incorporate TADs to clear aligner therapy. - NEW Expert Consult website provides an online version of the book, allowing you to search the entire book electronically. - NEW! Updated clinical photos illustrate the advances that have been made since publication of the first edition. - NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and advances in this evolving area.

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics

Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics PDF Author: Jae Hyun Park
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119513472
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 816

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Book Description
Provides the latest information on all aspects of using temporary anchorage devices in clinical orthodontics, from diagnosis and treatment planning to appliances and applications Written by some of the world’s leading experts in orthodontics, Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference that covers all aspects of temporary anchorage device (TAD) use in contemporary orthodontics. Taking a real-world approach to the subject, it covers topics ranging from diagnosis and treatment planning to the many applications and management of complications. Case studies demonstrate the concepts, and high-quality clinical photographs support the text throughout. The book begins with an overview of clinical applications and fundamental principles of TADs. It then goes on to cover biomechanical considerations for controlling target tooth movement with TADs. Biomechanical simulations for various clinical scenarios treated with TADs are addressed next, followed by an examination of histological aspects during the healing process and anatomical considerations with TADs. Other chapters cover: Class II Correction with TADs, Distalization with TADs, TAD-anchored Maxillary Protraction, Maxillary Expansion with TADs, Anterior Open Bite Correction with TADs, TAD-assisted Aligner Therapy, TADs vs. Orthognathic Surgery; Legal Considerations When Using TADs; and much more. Provides evidence-based information on the use of TADs, with a focus on improving outcomes for patients Considers topics ranging from diagnosis and treatment planning to specific clinical applications and appliances Takes a real-world clinical approach, with case studies demonstrating concepts Written by international experts in the field Presents hundreds of high-quality clinical photographs to support the text Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics is an essential resource for orthodontists and orthodontic residents.

Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices

Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices PDF Author: Ki Beom Kim
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642550525
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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Anchorage control is one of the most challenging tasks in orthodontic treatment. Many different types of appliance are used to control anchorage, but an excellent outcome may be difficult to achieve owing to either poor mechanics or inadequate patient compliance. Recently, temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs) have become popular in orthodontics. Some orthodontic movements that are now possible using TSADs were previously considered almost impossible with traditional orthodontic appliances. Several different types of TSAD are currently available, and in choosing between them orthodontists are obliged to rely on the information provided by manufacturers, which is often not based on scientific evidence. This book therefore presents the various design characteristics of TSADs and provides up-to-date scientific evidence to assist orthodontists in selecting the best TSADs for their patients.

Microimplants in Orthodontics

Microimplants in Orthodontics PDF Author: Jae-Hyun Sung
ISBN: 9788995660508
Category : Dental implants
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Contemporary Orthodontics, 6e: South Asia Edition-E-book

Contemporary Orthodontics, 6e: South Asia Edition-E-book PDF Author: William R. Proffit
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 8131257029
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 747

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Contemporary Orthodontics, 6e: South Asia Edition-E-book

Orthodontic Pearls

Orthodontic Pearls PDF Author: Eliakim Mizrahi
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040076211
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 551

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Orthodontic Pearls: A Selection of Practical Tips and Clinical Expertise synthesizes a wealth of information gleaned from clinical and administrative experiences in orthodontic practice. The administration and running of an orthodontic practice is not often taught extensively or formally in most schools. This book fills that gap by providing tips,

Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement

Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement PDF Author: Vinod Krishnan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119608937
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 42

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Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement This new edition continues to be an authoritative reference to the scientific foundations underpinning clinical orthodontics The newly and thoroughly revised Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement delivers a comprehensive reference for orthodontic trainees and specialists. It is fully updated to include new chapters on personalized orthodontics as well as the inflammatory process occurring in the dental and paradental tissues. It is heavily illustrated throughout, making it easier for readers to understand and retain the information discussed within. The topics covered range from bone biology, the effects of mechanical loading on tissues and cells, genetics, tissue remodeling, and the effects of diet, drugs, and systemic diseases. The Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement features seven sections that cover subjects such as: The development of biological concepts in orthodontics, including the cellular and molecular biology behind orthodontic tooth movement Mechanics meets biology, including the effects of mechanical loading on hard and soft tissues and cells, and biological reactions to temporary anchorage devices Inflammation and orthodontics, including markers for tissue remodeling in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva Personalized diagnosis and treatment based on genomic criteria, including the genetic influences on orthodontic tooth movement Rapid orthodontics, including methods to accelerate or decelerate orthodontic tooth movement Perfect for residents and PhD students of orthodontic and periodontal programs, Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement is also useful to academics, clinicians, bone biologists, and researchers with an interest in the mechanics and biology of tooth movement.

Atlas of Complex Orthodontics - E-Book

Atlas of Complex Orthodontics - E-Book PDF Author: Ravindra Nanda
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323357547
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 425

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Book Description
Introducing the Atlas of Complex Orthodontics, a revolutionary new text with step-by-step instructions for treating today's toughest orthodontic cases. Over 1,500 full-color clinical photographs, radiographs, and illustrations present each phase of treatment in this atlas-style guide, starting with the pre-treatment work-up, continuing through the treatment sequence, and ending with the final results. Drs. Ravindra Nanda and Flavio Uribe cover the latest techniques for managing moderate to severe orthodontic problems, including the use of temporary anchorage devices and the "surgery-first" orthognathic approach, to ensure you stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing field of orthodontics. - A standardized, atlas-style presentation for each case takes you through the pre-treatment intraoral, extraoral, and smile analysis; the diagnosis and case summary (including the problem list and treatment plan); a brief discussion of the treatment options; the treatment sequence and biomechanical plan; and the final results. - UNIQUE! Over 1,500 high-quality photographs, radiographs, and line drawings illustrate the stages of treatment for a wide range of complex orthodontic problems to help improve understanding. - Discusses moderate to severe orthodontic problems, including: vertical problems; anterior-posterior problems; transverse problem; missing maxillary lateral incisors; impacted teeth; and surgical correction of dentofacial deformity. - Multidisciplinary approach to treatment helps you draw appropriately from multiple disciplines, redefine problems outside of normal boundaries, and reach solutions based on a new understanding of complex situations. - Coverage includes the "surgery-first" orthognathic approach (SFOA), a timesaving procedure in the combined orthodontic-surgical approach to selected cases of prognathism. - Highly regarded lead author, Dr. Ravindra Nanda, is Chair, Department of Orthodontics at University of Connecticut and widely known in the field of orthodontics. - Addresses the use of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) in correcting different types of malocclusion.

Contemporary Orthodontics, 5e

Contemporary Orthodontics, 5e PDF Author: William R. Proffit
Publisher: Elsevier India
ISBN: 8131232735
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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Book Description
Now in full color, Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition is a practical resource with a long tradition of excellence. Line drawings and more than 1,000 new color images illustrate concepts more clearly than ever. This book includes detailed information on diagnosis, treatment planning concepts, related problems or controversies, and current treatment procedures, including the role of orthodontics in comprehensive treatment of patients with multiple problems. Updated material on psychosocial problems in orthodontic treatment, oral function, and the relationship between injury and dental disease. Case studies throughout the text highlight the demand for orthodontic treatment, the etiology of orthodontic problems, and treatment planning for cleft lip and palate patients.

Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment - E-Book

Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment - E-Book PDF Author: Ravindra Nanda
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323683835
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Improve patient outcomes with the latest advances in aligner treatment and orthodontics! Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment describes how to use and adjust the materials involved in tooth alignment. Featuring full-color photos and illustrations, this book provides a clear overview of tooth alignment techniques along with step-by-step instructions for both normal and unusual cases. An Expert Consult website includes access to the fully searchable eBook. From a team of active clinicians and researchers led by Ravindra Nanda, this expert resource takes your orthodontic skills to the next level. - Protocols for treatment describe how to manage aligner orthodontics cases in almost every clinical situation. - Full-color photos and illustrations show clinical cases. - Expert, international authors represent the top fields of aligner orthodontics and provide the latest thinking and the most current procedures. - Explanation of biological science makes it easier to understand the principles behind aligner treatment. - Coverage of mechanical properties clearly explains the materials used in aligner orthodontics. - Tips and tricks provide advice and insight into technical adjustment. - Expert Consult website includes fully searchable access to the entire text with each new print purchase.