Imperial Death Star

Imperial Death Star PDF Author: Ryder Windham
ISBN: 9780857333728
Category : Space vehicles in motion pictures
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The Death Star is a spherical space station, the size of a small moon, highly armoured and armed to destroy anything from enemy spaceships to whole planets. Using cutaway drawings, exploded diagrams and photographs, backed by detailed technical specifications and descriptions of the onboard systems, this owner's manual reveals the technology contained within and lays bare the awesome power (and weaknesses) of the Empire's ultimate weapon.

Imperial Death Star

Imperial Death Star PDF Author: Ryder Windham
ISBN: 9780857333728
Category : Space vehicles in motion pictures
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The Death Star is a spherical space station, the size of a small moon, highly armoured and armed to destroy anything from enemy spaceships to whole planets. Using cutaway drawings, exploded diagrams and photographs, backed by detailed technical specifications and descriptions of the onboard systems, this owner's manual reveals the technology contained within and lays bare the awesome power (and weaknesses) of the Empire's ultimate weapon.

Operators Manual

Operators Manual PDF Author:
Category : Military helicopters
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Operator's Manual (crew)

Operator's Manual (crew) PDF Author:
Category : Howitzers
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Publisher: Jeffrey Frank Jones
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1386

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Book Description
BOTH MANUALS: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. DESCRIPTION. This manual contains the complete operating instructions and procedures for UH-60A, UH-60Q, UH-60L, and EH-60A helicopters. The primary mission of this helicopter is that of tactical transport of troops, medical evacuation, cargo, and reconnaissance within the capabilities of the helicopter. The observance of limitations, performance, and weight and balance data provided is mandatory. The observance of procedures is mandatory except when modification is required because of multiple emergencies, adverse weather, terrain, etc. Your flying experience is recognized and therefore, basic flight principles are not included. IT IS REQUIRED THAT THIS MANUAL BE CARRIED IN THE HELICOPTER AT ALL TIMES.

FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers

FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers PDF Author: United States. War Department
ISBN: 0359171834
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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FM 21-11 1943: Basic field manual, first aid for soldiers.(OBSOLETE) "The purpose of this manual is to teach the soldier what he can do for himself or a fellow soldier if injury or sickness occurs when no medical officer or Medical Department soldier is nearby. Information is also given concerning the use of certain supplies which are for the purpose of helping to keep well. This field manual addresses wounds, fractures/dislocations/ sprains, common emergencies and health measures, effects of severe cold and heat, measures for use in the jungle/tropics and in aircraft and tank injuries, transportation of sick and injured, war gases, and description and uses of first-aid kits and packets.

Central Service Technical Manual

Central Service Technical Manual PDF Author: IAHCSMM
ISBN: 9781495189050
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth

Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth PDF Author: R. Buckminster Fuller
Publisher: Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 77

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Book Description
One of Fuller’s most popular works, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, is a brilliant synthesis of his world view. In this very accessible volume, Fuller investigates the great challenges facing humanity. How will humanity survive? How does automation influence individualization? How can we utilize our resources more effectively to realize our potential to end poverty in this generation? He questions the concept of specialization, calls for a design revolution of innovation, and offers advice on how to guide “spaceship earth” toward a sustainable future. Description by Lars Muller Publishers, courtesy of The Estate of Buckminster Fuller

The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual

The Space Shuttle Operator's Manual PDF Author: Kerry Mark Joëls
ISBN: 9780345341815
Category : Reusable space vehicles
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Welcome Aboard! You are about to embark on a spectacular adventure, blazing a trail for future space travel in the world's greatest flying machine. Prepare for lift-off using the step-by-step instructions for launch and ascent. Soar into the sky consulting the authentic gatefold reproduction of the Shuttle's instrument panel. Operate the remote manipulator arm, the space telescope, and the data relay satellite as you communicate with ground control. Chart your space flight using the authentic fold-out orbital map. Hurtle back through the Earth's atmosphere to land the aircraft gently like a glider. Congratulations! We hope your mission is rewarding and fascinating! Sincerely, Directorate for Crew Training Written for the layperson by curators at the National Air and Space Museum, with colorful illustrations throughout, THE SPACE SHUTTLE OPERATOR'S MANUAL takes the reader through all the motions of an actual mission -- from preparation to takeoff to orbit to re-entry.

Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual PDF Author:
Category : M60 machine gun
Languages : en
Pages : 76

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Chainsaw Operator's Manual

Chainsaw Operator's Manual PDF Author: ForestWorks
Publisher: Landlinks Press
ISBN: 0643097422
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 62

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Book Description
The Chainsaw Operator's Manual is an essential safety tool for chainsaw operators. It is the ultimate guide to basic chainsaw operating techniques covering safety, maintenance and cross-cutting, but not tree felling. Detailed diagrams illustrate horizontal, vertical and boring cuts, as well as trimming and cross-cutting techniques. Safety considerations are discussed, including workplace safety, occupational hazards, kick-back and identifying dangerous trees. An explanation of the 'tension' and 'compression' forces in timber is also provided to help you understand where to begin cutting to avoid jamming the saw. The book covers chainsaw maintenance in detail, explains all aspects of the equipment and helps you select the right chainsaw and personal protection equipment for your needs. Trouble-shooting charts are included to help you solve operating problems. This manual has been updated to take into account the most recent changes in nationally accredited competency standards. It is a must-have for anyone operating a chainsaw.