Teaching Psychology around the World (Volume 4)

Teaching Psychology around the World (Volume 4) PDF Author: Alfredo Padilla-López
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527520048
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 499

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This book provides a one-volume overview of psychology’s globalization, and will serve as a handbook for psychology professors around the globe wanting to internationalize and diversify their courses and curricula and seeking innovative ideas to enrich their teaching. Topics covered include practical tips to diversify specific courses, such as abnormal psychology, lifespan development, and psychotherapy, and innovative methods of assessment of student learning. Additionally, a number of chapters focus on describing the training of psychologists and the history and future of psychology education in various nations and regions. Co-edited by six distinguished, international academics, the thirty-three chapters represent each major geographic region around the world, with authors based in nations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Instructors of cross cultural, cultural, and international psychology and of multicultural education will be especially interested in the book, as will program evaluators, policy makers, and university administrators.

Teaching Psychology around the World (Volume 4)

Teaching Psychology around the World (Volume 4) PDF Author: Alfredo Padilla-López
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527520048
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 499

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Book Description
This book provides a one-volume overview of psychology’s globalization, and will serve as a handbook for psychology professors around the globe wanting to internationalize and diversify their courses and curricula and seeking innovative ideas to enrich their teaching. Topics covered include practical tips to diversify specific courses, such as abnormal psychology, lifespan development, and psychotherapy, and innovative methods of assessment of student learning. Additionally, a number of chapters focus on describing the training of psychologists and the history and future of psychology education in various nations and regions. Co-edited by six distinguished, international academics, the thirty-three chapters represent each major geographic region around the world, with authors based in nations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Instructors of cross cultural, cultural, and international psychology and of multicultural education will be especially interested in the book, as will program evaluators, policy makers, and university administrators.

Teaching Psychology around the World

Teaching Psychology around the World PDF Author: Grant J. Rich
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527547124
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 471

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Book Description
This volume serves as a handbook for psychology professors around the globe who aim to internationalize and diversify their courses and curricula, and who seek innovative ideas to enrich their teaching. The work provides an overview of psychology’s globalization, and offers a broad range of suggestions for psychology instructors aiming to internationalize their undergraduate and graduate courses. Topics covered here include practical tips to diversify specific courses, such as abnormal psychology, lifespan development, and psychotherapy, and innovative methods of assessment of student learning. Additionally, a number of chapters focus on describing the training of psychologists, and the history and future of psychology education in various nations and regions. Co-edited by five distinguished, international academics, the thirty-five chapters represent each major geographic region of the world, with authors based in nations in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and North America. Instructors of cross cultural, cultural, and international psychology and of multicultural education will be especially interested in the book, as will program evaluators, policy makers, and university administrators.

Teaching Psychology around the World

Teaching Psychology around the World PDF Author: Victor Karandashev
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443810797
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 625

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Book Description
This book brings together current information on the teaching and practice of psychology collected by experts in the field from throughout the world. It is highly recommended by prominent U.S. psychologists Dr. Ann O’Roark, President of the International Council of Psychologists (ICP), Dr. Wilbert McKeachie and Dr. Phillip Zimbardo, former President of the American Psychological Association (APA) and well-known international textbook author. Here are what other leaders in the discipline say about the book:

Psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean

Psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean PDF Author: Grant J. Rich
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030877639
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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The Caribbean and Oceania are understudied areas from a psychological perspective, and this book is designed to fill that knowledge gap. In addition to diverse, rich cultural traditions and abundant economic opportunity for some, these regions also reflect the challenges of modernity, including crime, poverty, ethnic tensions, adaptations to climate change, and disparities in health, education, and access to care. With contributions from noted psychologists in the Caribbean and Oceania, as well as experts from around the globe, this book provides nuanced examination of significant psychological issues in nations such as Fiji, Guyana, Belize, Haiti, Jamaica, and more. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals with an interest in this part of the world, will find this volume a rich resource, as will those generally interested in the relationship between culture and psychology. This book takes you on an outstanding journey of what is occurring in cultural psychology in the 21st century. It addresses the abundance of each nation through a transformational lens of current practices in psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone interested in sailing the high seas connecting the present with the endless possibilities of those who dare to journey into the waters of a divine future.”- Florence Denmark, Past-President, American Psychological Association "Chock full of expert knowledge and insights, Psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean is an indispensable resource for psychologists. A must-read that will expand your understanding of life in these regions and beyond! “- Pamela A. Hays, PhD, Author of Addressing Cultural Complexities in Practice "This is a breath-taking book in its coverage of the uniquely endowed psychology worlds of Oceania and the Caribbean. Now that Dr. Rich, Dr. Ramkumar, and colleagues have produced this awesome book volume on the cultural psychology of the rim water nations, I have a palpable sense of relief from their having addressed a huge gap in cultural psychology scholarship. This volume opens hitherto undreamed of opportunities for further studies on cultural practices in psychology in Oceania and the Caribbean!”- Elias Mpofu, PhD, DE.D, CRC, MAPS, Professor of Health Sciences at the University of North Texas, Honorary Professor of Health Sciences at the University of Sydney and Executive Board member of the Australian Psychological Society’s Rehabilitation Psychology Interest Group "This book represents a vital exploration into the purpose and practice of Psychology in island nations. It is a welcome compilation of academic writings from sociocultural perspectives within Oceania and the Caribbean and serves as a landmark account of the unique forces shaping the development and evolution of Psychology in these states." - Gerard Hutchinson MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Psychosocial Experiences and Adjustment of Migrants

Psychosocial Experiences and Adjustment of Migrants PDF Author: Grant J. Rich
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128237953
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 500

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Psychosocial Experiences and Adjustment of Migrants: Coming to the USA explores the emotional experiences of migrants seeking to come to America, including psychological sequelae of such relocation from one's home country to another country. This book is divided into three main parts. The first introduces the reader to the foundational principles of migration. Next, the chapter authors review individuals and families who come to the United States through "orderly" migration, profiling the experiences of immigrants from various countries and regions. The next set of chapters discuss "forced" migration, examining the relative impact of social and legal challenges and the psychological impact. The book wraps up with research, advocacy and mental health and social services options for migrants. - Spotlights mental health and psychosocial experiences of migrants, as well as refugees and asylum seekers - Provides greater depth about migratory patterns to the United States and the various complexities - Examines psychological adjustments in the presence of trenchant sociocultural change, cultural conflict and family dislocation - Discusses individual experiences and clinical case examples of migration to the USA through orderly and forced migration - Profiles experiences of immigrants from various countries and regions such as Mexico, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe, etc. - Presents migration in the context of diverse stakeholders, including government, international agencies, civil society and even students

Handbook on the State of the Art in Applied Psychology

Handbook on the State of the Art in Applied Psychology PDF Author: Peter Graf
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119627737
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 531

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Book Description
Learn the most up-to-date developments in applied psychology with one authoritative collection The Handbook on the State of the Art in Applied Psychology delivers 19 state-of-the-art addresses on a selected topic in applied psychology. Together, they constitute an up-to-date and authoritative reference that describes the most cutting-edge material in the most prominent domains of applied psychology. The accomplished academics and editors Dr. Peter Graf and Dr. David Dozois put the focus on areas where the most profound recent progress has been made. They also emphasize the link between science and practice, showcasing basic science research that has practical implications for real world problems. Readers will benefit from up-to-date research on topics as varied as occupational commitment and organizational productivity, forgiveness, shared cultural spaces, environmental decision making, and the early identification of reading problems. In addition to the papers included in the collection, the Handbook on the State of the Art in Applied Psychology features: An insightful preface focused on the theme of connecting basic research to practical solutions in the real world An overview of the chapters and their arrangement in the collection An author and subject index to assist readers in finding the information they seek A focus on the most cutting-edge advancements in the field of applied psychology, with an emphasis on the impact of technological innovation and increased recognition of cultural determinants of behavior Perfect for applied psychology researchers, workers, teachers, and students around the world, Handbook on the State of the Art in Applied Psychology also belongs on the bookshelves of anyone looking for an efficient way to get up to speed on the latest developments on a wide variety of relevant topics in applied psychology.

Teaching Psychology around the World

Teaching Psychology around the World PDF Author: Jacquelyn Cranney
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443834734
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 505

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Book Description
This book updates the information in the first two volumes of Teaching Psychology around the World, providing a current overview of teaching psychology internationally. Psychology curricula continue to become increasingly internationalised; the book includes relevant information about and research on teaching from secondary, undergraduate (baccalaureate) and post-graduate (MA, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral) psychology programs in Australia, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and the US. It is a must-read for all instructors of psychology and university personnel engaged in building international programs, as well as psychologists and psychology students interested in the international aspects of the discipline. This book, like the earlier ones in the series, brings together current information on the teaching and practice of psychology collected by experts in the field from throughout the world.

International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching

International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching PDF Author: Joerg Zumbach
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030287459
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1483

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Book Description
The International Handbook of Psychology Learning and Teaching is a reference work for psychology learning and teaching worldwide that takes a multi-faceted approach and includes national, international, and intercultural perspectives. Whether readers are interested in the basics of how and what to teach, in training psychology teachers, in taking steps to improve their own teaching, or in planning or implementing research on psychology learning and teaching, this handbook will provide an excellent place to start. Chapters address ideas, issues, and innovations in the teaching of all psychology courses, whether offered in psychology programs or as part of curricula in other disciplines. The book also presents reviews of relevant literature and best practices related to everything from the basics of course organization to the use of teaching technology. Three major sections consisting of several chapters each address “Teaching Psychology in Tertiary (Higher) Education”, “Psychology Learning and Teaching for All Audiences”, and “General Educational and Instructional Approaches to Psychology Learning and Teaching”.

A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education PDF Author: Stephanie Marshall
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429535163
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 699

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Focused on developing professional academic skills for supporting and supervising student learning and effective teaching, the fifth edition of A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education recognises the complex demands of teaching, research, scholarship and academic management in higher education institutions. Fully updated to reflect changes in practice and policy, this new edition has been written to enhance excellence in teaching and learning design and support all involved in facilitating a world-class inclusive education. Offering plentiful and rich practical advice, this rigorous and sound introduction to the basics of teaching and learning in higher education draws together a large number of expert authors and a range of global case studies. A definitive guide for anyone working in higher education, this edition: Offers new chapters covering an inclusive curriculum, the importance of student well-being and the scholarship of teaching and learning Considers the impact of technological changes on policy and practice Discusses the use of digital learning environments Explores how best to engage students in their disciplines and embed skills for employability The ultimate guide to support all those involved in providing student learning of the highest quality, A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is essential reading for all new lecturers. It will be particularly useful for anyone taking an accredited course in teaching and learning in higher education, as well as more experienced lecturers who wish to improve their teaching practice.

Handbook of Media Psychology

Handbook of Media Psychology PDF Author: Grant J. Rich
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031565371
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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