Teaching the Literature Survey Course

Teaching the Literature Survey Course PDF Author: Gwynn Dujardin
ISBN: 9781946684097
Category : Literature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Teaching the Literature Survey Course makes the case for maintaining--even while re-imagining and re-inventing--the place of the survey as a transformative experience for literature students. Through essays both practical and theoretical, the collection presents survey teachers with an exciting range of new strategies for energizing their teaching and engaging their students in this vital encounter with our evolving literary traditions. From mapping early English literature to a team-based approach to the American survey, and from multimedia galleries to a "blank syllabus," contributors propose alternatives to the traditional emphasis on lectures and breadth of coverage. The volume is at once a set of practical suggestions for working teachers (including sample documents like worksheets and syllabi) and a provocative engagement with the question of what introductory courses can and should be.

Teaching the Literature Survey Course

Teaching the Literature Survey Course PDF Author: Gwynn Dujardin
ISBN: 9781946684097
Category : Literature
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Teaching the Literature Survey Course makes the case for maintaining--even while re-imagining and re-inventing--the place of the survey as a transformative experience for literature students. Through essays both practical and theoretical, the collection presents survey teachers with an exciting range of new strategies for energizing their teaching and engaging their students in this vital encounter with our evolving literary traditions. From mapping early English literature to a team-based approach to the American survey, and from multimedia galleries to a "blank syllabus," contributors propose alternatives to the traditional emphasis on lectures and breadth of coverage. The volume is at once a set of practical suggestions for working teachers (including sample documents like worksheets and syllabi) and a provocative engagement with the question of what introductory courses can and should be.

The European Higher Education Area

The European Higher Education Area PDF Author: Adrian Curaj
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319208772
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 906

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Bridging the gap between higher education research and policy making was always a challenge, but the recent calls for more evidence-based policies have opened a window of unprecedented opportunity for researchers to bring more contributions to shaping the future of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Encouraged by the success of the 2011 first edition, Romania and Armenia have organised a 2nd edition of the Future of Higher Education – Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference (FOHE-BPRC) in November 2014, with the support of the Italian Presidency of the European Union and as part of the official EHEA agenda. Reuniting over 170 researchers from more than 30 countries, the event was a forum to debate the trends and challenges faced by higher education today and look at the future of European cooperation in higher education. The research volumes offer unique insights regarding the state of affairs of European higher education and research, as well as forward-looking policy proposals. More than 50 articles focus on essential themes in higher education: Internationalization of higher education; Financing and governance; Excellence and the diversification of missions; Teaching, learning and student engagement; Equity and the social dimension of higher education; Education, research and innovation; Quality assurance, The impacts of the Bologna Process on the EHEA and beyond and Evidence-based policies in higher education. "The Bologna process was launched at a time of great optimism about the future of the European project – to which, of course, the reform of higher education across the continent has made a major contribution. Today, for the present, that optimism has faded as economic troubles have accumulated in the Euro-zone, political tensions have been increased on issues such as immigration and armed conflict has broken out in Ukraine. There is clearly a risk that, against this troubled background, the Bologna process itself may falter. There are already signs that it has been downgraded in some countries with evidence of political withdrawal. All the more reason for the voice of higher education researchers to be heard. Since the first conference they have established themselves as powerful stakeholders in the development of the EHEA, who are helping to maintain the momentum of the Bologna process. Their pivotal role has been strengthened by the second Bucharest conference." Peter Scott, Institute of Education, London (General Rapporteur of the FOHE-BPRC first edition)

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education PDF Author: Pedro Isaias
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030481905
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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This book is to explores a variety of facets of online learning environments to understand how learning occurs and succeeds in digital contexts and what teaching strategies and technologies are most suited to this format. Business, health, government and education are some of the core sectors of society which have been experiencing deep transformations due to a generalized digitalization. While these changes are not novel, the swift progress of technology and the rising complexity of digital environments place a focus on the need for further research and novel strategies. In the context of education, the promise of increased flexibility and broader access to educational resources is impelling much of higher education’s course offerings to online environments. The 21st century learner requires an education that can be pursued anytime and anywhere and that is more aligned with the demands of a digital society. Online education not only assists students to success-fully integrate a workforce that is increasingly digital, but it helps them to become more comfortable with the use of technology in general and, hence, more prepared to be prolific digital citizens. The variety of settings portrayed in this volume attest to the unlimited opportunities afforded by online learning and serve as valuable evidence of its benefit for students’ educational experience. Moreover, these research efforts assist a more comprehensive reflection about the delivery of higher education in the context of online settings.

Surveys of Higher Education in the United States, 1937-1949

Surveys of Higher Education in the United States, 1937-1949 PDF Author: Elizabeth Nelson Layton
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 30

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Basic Elements of Survey Research in Education

Basic Elements of Survey Research in Education PDF Author: Ulemu Luhanga
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1648026044
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 825

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In this first book of the series Survey Methods in Educational Research, we have brought together leading authors and scholars in the field to discuss key introductory concepts in the creation, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of survey instruments and their resultant findings. While there are other textbooks that might introduce these concepts adequately well, the authors here have focused on the pragmatic issues that inevitably arise in the development and administration process of survey instruments. Drawing from their rich experiences, the authors present these potential speed bumps or road blocks a survey researcher in education or the social sciences might encounter. Referencing their own work and practice, the authors provide valuable suggestions for dealing with these issues “your advisor never told you about.” And all of the recommendations are aligned with standard protocols and current research on best practices in the field of research methodology. This book is broken into four broad units on creating survey items and instruments, administering surveys, analyzing the data from surveys, and stories of successful administrations modeling the entire research cycle. Each chapter focuses on a different concept in the survey research process, and the authors share their approaches to addressing the issues. These topics include survey item construction, scale development, cognitive interviewing, measuring change with self-report data, translation issues with surveys administered in multiple languages, working with school and program administrators when implementing surveys, a review of current software used in survey research, the use of weights, response styles, assessing validity of results, and effectively communicating your results and findings … and much more. The intended audience of the volume will be practitioners, administrators, teachers as researchers, graduate students, social science and education researchers not experienced in survey research, and students learning program evaluation. In brief, if you are considering doing survey research, this book is meant for you.

Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science in Higher Education

Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science in Higher Education PDF Author: Zilla Sinuany-Stern
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303074051X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 529

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This handbook covers various areas of Higher Education (HE) in which operations research/management science (OR/MS) techniques are used. Key examples include: international comparisons, university rankings, and rating academic efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); formulating academic strategy with balanced scorecard; budgeting and planning with linear and quadratic models; student forecasting; E-learning evaluation; faculty evaluation with questionnaires and multivariate statistics; marketing for HE; analytic and educational simulation; academic information systems; technology transfer with systems analysis; and examination timetabling. Overviews, case studies and findings on advanced OR/MS applications in various functional areas of HE are included.

Recent Alumni and Higher Education

Recent Alumni and Higher Education PDF Author: Joe L. Spaeth
Category : College graduates
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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Blended Learning in Higher Education

Blended Learning in Higher Education PDF Author: D. Randy Garrison
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118180186
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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This groundbreaking book offers a down-to-earth resource for the practical application of blended learning in higher education as well as a comprehensive examination of the topic. Well-grounded in research, Blended Learning in Higher Education clearly demonstrates how the blended learning approach embraces the traditional values of face-to-face teaching and integrates the best practices of online learning. This approach has proven to both enhance and expand the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education across disciplines. In this much-needed book, authors D. Randy Garrison and Norman D. Vaughan present the foundational research, theoretical framework, scenarios, principles, and practical guidelines for the redesign and transformation of the higher education curriculum. Blended Learning in Higher Education Outlines seven blended learning redesign principles Explains the professional development issues essential to the implementation of blended learning designs Presents six illustrative scenarios of blended learning design Contains practical guidelines to blended learning redesign Describes techniques and tools for engaging students

The American Freshman

The American Freshman PDF Author: Kevin Eagan
Publisher: Higher Education Research Institute
ISBN: 9781878477637
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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Provides national normative data on the characteristics ofstudents attending American colleges and universities as first-time,full-time freshmen.

Opening the Curriculum

Opening the Curriculum PDF Author: Isabel Elaine Allen
Category : Education, Higher
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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"Awareness and adoption of open educational resources (OER) has yet to enter the mainstream of higher education. Most faculty remain unaware of OER, and OER is not a driving force for faculty decisions about which educational materials to adopt. The picture does include some promising signals, as results show that faculty find the concept attractive: those who are aware of OER rate it roughly on par with traditional resources, and those who have not yet used it are very willing to give it a try ... This report builds on several previous Babson Survey Research Group efforts exploring the role of OER in higher education."--Page 2-3.