Structure and Function in Man

Structure and Function in Man PDF Author: Stanley Wallace Jacob
Category : Anatomy
Languages : en
Pages : 622

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Structure and Function in Man

Structure and Function in Man PDF Author: Stanley Wallace Jacob
Category : Anatomy
Languages : en
Pages : 622

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Structure and Function in Man

Structure and Function in Man PDF Author: Stanley Wallace Jacob
Publisher: Saunders Limited.
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 706

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Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology PDF Author: Lindsay Biga
ISBN: 9781955101158
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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A version of the OpenStax text

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology PDF Author: J. Gordon Betts
ISBN: 9781947172807
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Structure & Function of the Body

Structure & Function of the Body PDF Author: Gary A. Thibodeau
ISBN: 9789997639318
Category : Human anatomy
Languages : en
Pages : 547

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Book Description
There are many wonders in our world, but none is more wondrous than the human body. This is a textbook about that incomparable structure. It deals with two very distinct and yet interrelated sciences: anatomy and physiology. As a science, anatomy is often defined as the study of the structure of an organism and the relationships of its parts. Physiology is the study of the functions of living organisms and their parts. - p. 1.

Cell Structure & Function

Cell Structure & Function PDF Author: Guy Orchard
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199652473
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 517

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Cell Structure and Function describes the structural and functional features of the diverse cells from which the human body is formed. Focusing on normal cell structure and function, it gives readers a firm grounding in the appearance and behaviour of healthy cells and tissues on which a full understanding of abnormal cell behaviour can be built.

What Are Natural Structures?

What Are Natural Structures? PDF Author: Bobbie Kalman
Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780778733232
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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This book looks at natural structures such as plants, animal bodies, mountains, caves, rock formations, and icebergs, the materials from which they are made, and their colors, shapes, and textures. It shows structures made by animals, such as beehives and bird nests. This wonderful book with amazing photos will encourage young readers to notice colors and shapes in nature and how they relate to the purpose of structures.

Human Structure

Human Structure PDF Author: Matt Cartmill
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674418059
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 470

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Human Structure is an innovative introduction to human gross anatomy with a twofold approach to view the basics of anatomy from a broad scientific perspective and to explain the facts of form and function in terms and concepts that minimize the usual confusion and anxiety of beginning anatomy studies. Functional, comparative, and developmental anatomy are ingeniously woven into a single explanatory perspective, presenting human anatomy as an intelligible whole rather than as a heap of disconnected facts to be memorized. As a result, Human Structure is suitable not only for first-year medical students but also for undergraduates in premedical or biological science courses, for students in paramedical or college-level nursing programs, and indeed for anyone seeking a refresher course in human anatomy. The book begins with the generalized segmental organization characteristic of vertebrates and then examines the most obviously segmented parts of the human body: the bones, muscles, vessels, and nerves of the trunk between the neck and the pelvis. The book progresses through regions where the simple organizational plan has undergone more and more radical modifications and ends with the ancient and extreme specializations found in the head. At each step, the authors widen our intellectual understanding of how these modifications have been imposed, onto-genetically or phylogenetically, upon simpler precursors. The prose is personal and literate, peppered with inventive elucidations of concepts and accompanied by a wealth of illustrations designed for conceptual clarity and ease of visualization. The level of presentation has been finely tuned, over several years of class testing, to enhance its pedagogical effectiveness in human anatomy courses.

Discoveries in the Human Brain

Discoveries in the Human Brain PDF Author: Louise H. Marshall
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 147574997X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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170u can climb back up a stream of radiance to the sky, and back through history up the stream of time. 1 -Robert Frost topics that he judged to be important in brain his From the last years of the second millennium, tory leading into the end of the century, and was we can look back on antecedent events in neuro undertaken in response to the enthusiasm gener science with amazement that so much of modern ated by exhibition at several national and interna biomedical science was anticipated, or even said or done, in an earlier time. That surprise can be tional meetings of a series oflarge posters for which matched by appreciation for what the pioneer Magoun wrote a 27-page brochure. The posters investigators, with no inkling that they were creat were viewed by a multitude of young neuroscien ing a discipline, contributed to its emergence as a tists who wanted more, as well as by mature inves productive force in human progress. In today's tigators who were warmly pleased to see familiar names and faces from the past. The acclaim was reductionist atmosphere, in which research at the molecular level is producing breathtaking new accompanied by a veritable deluge of requests for knowledge throughout biology, the student may an illustrated, expanded publication.

Blandy's Urology

Blandy's Urology PDF Author: Omar M. Aboumarzouk
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118863372
Category : Medical
Languages : de
Pages : 884

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Die 3. Auflage von Blandy?s Urology ist auf dem besten Weg, ein Klassiker zu werden. Die neueste Auflage eines der populärsten Fachbücher der Urologie vereint erfolgreich alles Wissenswerte zur allgemeinen Urologie und Chirurgie in der Urologie für die Zielgruppe der Urologen und Chirurgen. Hauptmerkmal ist die einzigartige Art und Weise von Blandy, urologische Erkrankungen und deren Management zu beschreiben: - Klare, direkte und unkomplizierte Beschreibungen von Krankheiten und Störungen mit Hunderten klinischer Fotos. - Eine Fülle exzellenter Schaubilder zu chirurgischen Eingriffen, die die besten Operationstechniken verdeutlichen. - Legt den Nachdruck auf die häufigsten Erkrankungen in der klinischen Praxis. - Jedes Thema ist einem anatomischen Bereich zugeordnet. Ein Fachbuch, das wegen seines direkten Zugangs zu dem Fachgebiet vor allem von Urologen und angehenden Chirurgen geschätzt wird. Eignet sich auch für die Prüfungsvorbereitung und als Auffrischung