Spiritual Care at the End of Life

Spiritual Care at the End of Life PDF Author: Steve Nolan
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 1849051992
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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This book examines the services that chaplains provide to dying patients and the unique relationship that palliative care staff construct with people at the end of life. It explores the nature of hope when faced with the inevitable and develops a theory of spiritual care rooted in relationship that has implications for all healthcare professionals.

Spiritual Care at the End of Life

Spiritual Care at the End of Life PDF Author: Steve Nolan
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 1849051992
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Book Description
This book examines the services that chaplains provide to dying patients and the unique relationship that palliative care staff construct with people at the end of life. It explores the nature of hope when faced with the inevitable and develops a theory of spiritual care rooted in relationship that has implications for all healthcare professionals.

Charting Spiritual Care

Charting Spiritual Care PDF Author: Simon Peng-Keller
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030470709
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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This open access volume is the first academic book on the controversial issue of including spiritual care in integrated electronic medical records (EMR). Based on an international study group comprising researchers from Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland), the United States, Canada, and Australia, this edited collection provides an overview of different charting practices and experiences in various countries and healthcare contexts. Encompassing case studies and analyses of theological, ethical, legal, healthcare policy, and practical issues, the volume is a groundbreaking reference for future discussion, research, and strategic planning for inter- or multi-faith healthcare chaplains and other spiritual care providers involved in the new field of documenting spiritual care in EMR. Topics explored among the chapters include: Spiritual Care Charting/Documenting/Recording/Assessment Charting Spiritual Care: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Aspects Palliative Chaplain Spiritual Assessment Progress Notes Charting Spiritual Care: Ethical Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care in Digital Health: Analyses and Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care: The Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care is an essential resource for researchers in interprofessional spiritual care and healthcare chaplaincy, healthcare chaplains and other spiritual caregivers (nurses, physicians, psychologists, etc.), practical theologians and health ethicists, and church and denominational representatives.

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century

Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century PDF Author: Wendy Cadge
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 1469667614
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Wendy Cadge and Shelly Rambo demonstrate the urgent need, highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, to position the long history and practice of chaplaincy within the rapidly changing landscape of American religion and spirituality. This book provides a much-needed road map for training and renewing chaplains across a professional continuum that spans major sectors of American society, including hospitals, prisons, universities, the military, and nursing homes. Written by a team of multidisciplinary experts and drawing on ongoing research at the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab at Brandeis University, Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care in the Twenty-First Century identifies three central competencies—individual, organizational, and meaning-making—that all chaplains must have, and it provides the resources for building those skills. Featuring profiles of working chaplains, the book positions intersectional issues of religious diversity, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and other markers of identity as central to the future of chaplaincy as a profession.

Spiritual Care in Common Terms

Spiritual Care in Common Terms PDF Author: Gordon J. Hilsman, D.Min
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 178450369X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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Encouraging a broad, compassionate, humanistic approach to spirituality, this book shows how patients' spiritual needs can be communicated well within interdisciplinary teams, leading to better patient wellbeing. This book describes the art of charting patients' spiritual perspectives in an open way that will help physicians and nurses to better direct medical care. It includes practical information on how to distil spiritual needs into pragmatic language, helping to demystify spiritual experience. Drawing on his extensive practical experience, the author also suggests key points to emphasise that will enrich chart notes for medical records, including brief, relative narratives, trusting one's own impressions, reflecting holistically on the patient's life, patient attitudes towards treatment and recovery, and describing families' opinions on the health care situation of their loved one. The book shows healthcare professionals of all disciplines how to engage in a shared responsibility for the spiritual care of their patients.

Disaster Spiritual Care

Disaster Spiritual Care PDF Author: Willard W. C. Ashley Sr.
Publisher: Skylight Paths Publishing
ISBN: 9781594735875
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The first comprehensive resource for pastoral care in the face of disaster--a vital resource for clergy, seminarians, pastoral counselors and caregivers of all faith traditions. Updated and expanded! This essential resource for clergy and caregivers integrates the classic foundations of pastoral care with the unique challenges of disaster response on community, regional and national levels. Offering the latest theological perspectives and tools--along with basic theory and skills from the best disaster response texts, research and concepts--the contributors to this resource are innovators in their fields and represent Christianity, Judaism, Islam and more. New to this edition are chapters on: N-VOAD Points of Consensus and Guidelines--A Developing Conversation Ethics in Disaster Spiritual Care Assessment Developing a Theological Framework for Providing Disaster Spiritual Care And More Exploring how spiritual care changes following a disaster, and including a comprehensive explanation of a disaster's lifecycle, this is the definitive guidebook for counseling not only the victims of disaster but also the clergy and caregivers who are called to service in the wake of crisis.

Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care

Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care PDF Author: Emmanuel Y. Lartey
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1532685556
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 239

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This anthology is about caring for all persons as a part of the revolutionary struggle against colonialism in its many forms. In recognition of the varied ways in which different forms of oppression, injustice, and violence in the world today are traceable to the legacy and continuing effects of colonialism, various authors have contributed to the volume from diverse backgrounds including differing ethnic identities, religious and cultural traditions, gender and sexual orientations, as well as communal and personal realities. As a postcolonial critique of spiritual care, it highlights the plurality of voices and concerns that have been overlooked or obscured because of the politics of race, religion, sexuality, nationalism, and other structures of power that have shaped what discursive spiritual care entails today. Postcolonial Images of Spiritual Care presents voices of practical and pastoral theologians, academics, spiritual care providers, religious leaders, students, and activists working to provide greater intercultural spiritual care and awareness in the areas of healthcare, community work, and education. The volume, as such, expands the discourse of spiritual care and participates in the ongoing paradigm shifts in the field of pastoral and practical theology.

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care PDF Author: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Publisher: Fortress Press
ISBN: 9781451406825
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Bonhoeffer says spiritual care is a function of the congregation and that it is an aspect of the broader, more encompassing activity of proclamation. In Spiritual Care, we are confronted with the awesome truth that in speech God's presence is known and that speech is also our own; in silence God's presence is known and that silence is also our own. The text demands us to consider how the gospel message is brought to people in the midst of their personal lives, and his message and counsel use the tools given within the traditional life of the church so that such grace becomes enacted, enfleshed, and incarnate in the Christian community.

Spiritual Care for Non-Communicative Patients

Spiritual Care for Non-Communicative Patients PDF Author: Linda S. Golding
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
ISBN: 1784504793
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Research shows that non-responsive patients benefit significantly from spiritual and pastoral care. This book equips chaplains with the confidence and skills to deliver excellent care in this challenging context. With exercises, worksheets, small group activities and case studies, it sets out how best to use words and body language, foster trust and respect, and involve patients' loved ones. It provides practical ways to recognise and affirm the humanity of the patient, and how to engage with the patient by employing skills of listening and presence.

Spiritual Care

Spiritual Care PDF Author: Elizabeth Johnston Taylor
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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This book provides practical guidance on many aspects of spiritual caregiving. It addresses many relevant topics including spiritual assessment, planning care, documentation, ethical concerns of sharing personal spiritual beliefs, and numerous approaches to nurturing the spirit. Presentation of religion as a positive factor influencing health and coping introduces readers to material in a manner that is sensitive to diverse spiritual beliefs. Two-tiered approach to assessment encourages readers to be empathetic listeners and identify spiritual need (first tier) and then, if necessary, follow up with more extensive assessment (second tier). Research Profiles boxed features provide readers with profiles of a research study conducted by a nurse on the topic of spirituality and health. One Nurse's Story boxed features illustrate a nurse's perspective of concepts and clinical examples of spiritual caregiving. For nursing professionals.

Spirituality, Health, and Healing

Spirituality, Health, and Healing PDF Author: Caroline Young (MPH.)
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9781556426636
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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In Spirituality, Health, and Healing, health care professionals and spiritual care providers are presented with a comprehensive resource for delivering effective, compassionate spiritual care to their clients. Content includes exploring the spiritual dimension of individuals, the various aspects of spiritual care, spiritual dimensions in particular types of care, and spiritual considerations of special populations.