A Practical Approach to Special Education Administration

A Practical Approach to Special Education Administration PDF Author: James B. Earley
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1071877097
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
"The goal of the authors is to share what they have learned as veteran special education administrators to assist those in the job or looking to move into the job. The comprehensiveness and complexities of the position can be and are at times overwhelming. Throughout their careers the authors made mistakes, and this book with its short chapters and conversational tone provides insight into decision-making and relationship-building. Included are tips like face-to-face interactions and classroom visitations are essential in assisting staff, students, and building principals; and topics such as the importance of parents in the process, the significance of confidentiality, due process, program development, and working with advocates. This book is a critical tool in the special education administrator's box, and provides practical and friendly advice for a difficult job"--

A Practical Approach to Special Education Administration

A Practical Approach to Special Education Administration PDF Author: James B. Earley
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 1071877097
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Book Description
"The goal of the authors is to share what they have learned as veteran special education administrators to assist those in the job or looking to move into the job. The comprehensiveness and complexities of the position can be and are at times overwhelming. Throughout their careers the authors made mistakes, and this book with its short chapters and conversational tone provides insight into decision-making and relationship-building. Included are tips like face-to-face interactions and classroom visitations are essential in assisting staff, students, and building principals; and topics such as the importance of parents in the process, the significance of confidentiality, due process, program development, and working with advocates. This book is a critical tool in the special education administrator's box, and provides practical and friendly advice for a difficult job"--

A Principal's Guide to Special Education (3rd Edition)

A Principal's Guide to Special Education (3rd Edition) PDF Author: David F. Bateman
Publisher: Council For Exceptional Children
ISBN: 0865864799
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
An essential handbook for educating students in the 21st century, since its initial publication A Principal's Guide to Special Education has provided guidance to school administrators seeking to meet the needs of students with disabilities. The third edition of this invaluable reference, updated in collaboration with and endorsed by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals and incorporating the perspectives of both teachers and principals, addresses such current issues as teacher accountability and evaluation, instructional leadership, collaborative teaching and learning communities, discipline procedures for students with disabilities, and responding to students' special education needs within a standards-based environment.

Special Education Leadership

Special Education Leadership PDF Author: David Bateman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351201336
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Book Description
Integrating coverage of the most important knowledge base, research, and practice in the field, this book prepares educators for the challenging role of special education leader. Special Education Leadership provides leaders with tools to review programs, implement special education law, and build special education programs that effectively supervise and support teachers. Grounded in theory, this book also includes best practice for day-to-day operations, such as issues of teaching and learning, personnel selection and evaluation, basic financial management, working with parent relations, mental health issues, and legal matters related to special education. Full of advice from practitioners, end-of-chapter questions, and coverage of emerging trends, this book helps prepare special education administrators and supervisors to survive the pressures of working with students with disabilities while supporting appropriate services and preventing litigation.

Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education

Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education PDF Author: Jean B. Crockett
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 135184993X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 636

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Book Description
The Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education brings together research informing practice in leading special education from preschool through transition into postsecondary settings. The second edition of this comprehensive handbook has been fully updated to provide coverage of disability policy, historical roots, policy and legal perspectives, as well as effective, collaborative, and instructional leadership practices that support the administration of special education. It can be used as a reference volume for scholars, administrators, practitioners, and policy makers, as well as a textbook for graduate courses related to the administration of special education.

Program Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Special Education

Program Administrator's Guide to Early Childhood Special Education PDF Author: Janeen McCracken Taylor
Publisher: Brookes Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781557668059
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Provides practical and accessible guidance for program administrators in early childhood special education and includes tools, tips and knowledge to better manage the programs.

What Every Principal Needs to Know About Special Education

What Every Principal Needs to Know About Special Education PDF Author: Margaret J. McLaughlin
Publisher: Corwin Press
ISBN: 9780761938316
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 524

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Book Description
This book is written as an easily accessible guide for headteachers and other general education administrators who administer and/or interact with special education programmes and services in their schools. The book is designed to provide basic foundational knowledge of special education that every headteacher needs in order to lead effectively, as well as examples for how to create effective special education. In this era of universal accountability for improving student achievement and school wide improvement planning, it is imperative that headteachers understand fully the key components of special education. Headteachers may need basic legal and/or procedural information, but more important are the understandings about who gets into special education as well as current thinking about how to educate children with diverse disabilities.

The Survival Guide for New Special Education Teachers

The Survival Guide for New Special Education Teachers PDF Author: Catherine Creighton Martin
ISBN: 9780865865068
Category : First year teachers
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book offers practical guidance on such topics as roles and responsibilities, school environment and culture, classroom organization and management, collaboration with other professionals, and individual professional development.

Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education

Handbook of Leadership and Administration for Special Education PDF Author: Jean B. Crockett
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136869689
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 398

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Book Description
This book brings together for the first time research informing leadership practice in special education from preschool through transition into post-secondary settings. It provides comprehensive coverage of 1) disability policy 2) leadership knowledge, 3) school reform, and 4) effective educational leadership practices. Broader in scope than previous books, it provides in-depth analysis by prominent scholars from across the disciplines of both general and special education leadership. Coverage includes historical roots, policy and legal perspectives, and content supporting collaborative and instructional leadership that support the administration of special education. Comprehensive – This is the first book to integrate the knowledge bases of special education and educational leadership as these fields impact school improvement and the performance of students with disabilities. Chapter Structure – Chapters provide a review of the knowledge base as well as recommendations for special education leadership and future research. Multicultural Focus – Addressing special education leadership within the context of a multicultural society, chapters incorporate content related to the diversity of families, teachers, and students. Expertise – Chapter authors have made significant contributions to the knowledge base in their specific areas of study such as educational policy, special education law and finance, school reform,, organizational management, and instructional leadership. This book is a reference volume for scholars, leaders, and policy makers and a textbook for graduate courses in special education, educational administration, and policy studies.

A Teacher's Guide to Special Education

A Teacher's Guide to Special Education PDF Author: David F. Bateman
Publisher: ASCD
ISBN: 1416622047
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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Book Description
Despite the prevalence of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, few teachers receive training on how to meet these students’ needs or how to navigate Despite the prevalence of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, few teachers receive training on how to meet these students’ needs or how to navigate the legally mandated processes enumerated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). What is their role? What are their responsibilities? What are the roles and rights of parents? And what must all teachers do to ensure that students with disabilities and other special needs receive the quality education they’re entitled to? In this practical reference, David F. Bateman—bestselling author of A Principal’s Guide to Special Education—and special education administrator Jenifer L. Cline clarify what general education teachers need to know about special education law and processes and provide a guide to instructional best practices for the inclusive classroom. Topics covered include The pre-referral, referral, and evaluation processes Individualized education programs (IEPs) and the parties involved Accommodations for students who do not quality for special education, including those covered by Section 504 Transition from preK to K–12 and from high school to postschool life Classroom management and student behavior Educational frameworks, instructional strategies, and service delivery options Assessment, grades, graduation, and diplomas The breadth of coverage in this book, along with its practical examples, action steps, and appendixes covering key terms and definitions will provide the foundation all K–12 teachers need to successfully instruct and support students receiving special education services. It’s an indispensable resource for every general education classroom. the legally mandated processes enumerated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). What is their role? What are their responsibilities? What are the roles and rights of parents? And what must all teachers do to ensure that students with disabilities and other special needs receive the quality education they’re entitled to? In this practical reference, David F. Bateman—bestselling author of A Principal’s Guide to Special Education—and special education administrator Jenifer L. Cline clarify what general education teachers need to know about special education law and processes and provide a guide to instructional best practices for the inclusive classroom. Topics covered include The pre-referral, referral, and evaluation processes Individualized education programs (IEPs) and the parties involved Accommodations for students who do not quality for special education, including those covered by Section 504 Transition from preK to K–12 and from high school to postschool life Classroom management and student behavior Educational frameworks, instructional strategies, and service delivery options Assessment, grades, graduation, and diplomas The breadth of coverage in this book, along with its practical examples, action steps, and appendixes covering key terms and definitions will provide the foundation all K–12 teachers need to successfully instruct and support students receiving special education services. It’s an indispensable resource for every general education classroom.

High-leverage Practices in Special Education

High-leverage Practices in Special Education PDF Author: Council for Exceptional Children
ISBN: 9780865865266
Category : Special education teachers
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Special education teachers, as a significant segment of the teaching profession, came into their own with the passage of Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, in 1975. Since then, although the number of special education teachers has grown substantially it has not kept pace with the demand for their services and expertise. The roles and practice of special education teachers have continuously evolved as the complexity of struggling learners unfolded, along with the quest for how best to serve and improve outcomes for this diverse group of students. High-Leverage Practices in Special Education defines the activities that all special educators needed to be able to use in their classrooms, from Day One. HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral practices, and instruction because special education teachers enact practices in these areas in integrated and reciprocal ways. The HLP Writing Team is a collaborative effort of the Council for Exceptional Children, its Teacher Education Division, and the CEEDAR Center; its members include practitioners, scholars, researchers, teacher preparation faculty, and education advocates--Amazon.com