New York Magazine

New York Magazine PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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New York magazine was born in 1968 after a run as an insert of the New York Herald Tribune and quickly made a place for itself as the trusted resource for readers across the country. With award-winning writing and photography covering everything from politics and food to theater and fashion, the magazine's consistent mission has been to reflect back to its audience the energy and excitement of the city itself, while celebrating New York as both a place and an idea.

New York Magazine

New York Magazine PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Book Description
New York magazine was born in 1968 after a run as an insert of the New York Herald Tribune and quickly made a place for itself as the trusted resource for readers across the country. With award-winning writing and photography covering everything from politics and food to theater and fashion, the magazine's consistent mission has been to reflect back to its audience the energy and excitement of the city itself, while celebrating New York as both a place and an idea.

New York Magazine

New York Magazine PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Book Description
New York magazine was born in 1968 after a run as an insert of the New York Herald Tribune and quickly made a place for itself as the trusted resource for readers across the country. With award-winning writing and photography covering everything from politics and food to theater and fashion, the magazine's consistent mission has been to reflect back to its audience the energy and excitement of the city itself, while celebrating New York as both a place and an idea.

Security Threats and Public Perception

Security Threats and Public Perception PDF Author: Elizaveta Gaufman
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331943201X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Countless attempts at analyzing Russia’s actions focus on Putin to understand Russia’s military imbroglio in Ukraine, hostility towards America, and disdain of ‘Gayropa’. This book invites its readers to look beyond the man and delve into the online lives of millions of Russians. It asks not the question of what the threats are to Russia’s security, but what they are perceived to be by digital Russia. The author examines how enemy images are manufactured, threats magnified, stereotypes revived, memories implanted and fears harnessed. It looks at the legacy of the Soviet Union in shaping discussions ranging from the Ukraine crisis to the Pussy Riots trial, and explores the complex inter-relation between enemy images at the governmental level and their articulation by the general public. By drawing on the fields of international relations, memory studies, visual studies, and big data, this book addresses the question of why securitization succeeds – and why it fails. "Security theory meets the visual turn and goes to Russia, where old tsarist and Soviet tropes are flooding the internet in support of Putin's neo-tsarism. A magical mystery tour that comes recommended. Iver B. Neumann, author of "Russia and the Idea of Europe" “The novelty of her approach is in going beyond the traditional top down perspective and capturing the receptivity and contribution of various social groups to securitized discourses.” Andrei P.Tsygankov, author of "Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity". “When do scary proclamations of security threats attract an audience? When does securitization work? ‘Security Threats and Public Perception’ combines in-depth analysis of the Ukraine Crisis in the Russian digital media with discourse theory to make an innovative argument about how and when people believe that they are insecure. A must read!” Laura Sjoberg, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Florida, USA

Martial Culture, Silver Screen

Martial Culture, Silver Screen PDF Author: Matthew Christopher Hulbert
Publisher: LSU Press
ISBN: 0807174718
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 318

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Martial Culture, Silver Screen analyzes war movies, one of the most popular genres in American cinema, for what they reveal about the narratives and ideologies that shape U.S. national identity. Edited by Matthew Christopher Hulbert and Matthew E. Stanley, this volume explores the extent to which the motion picture industry, particularly Hollywood, has played an outsized role in the construction and evolution of American self-definition. Moving chronologically, eleven essays highlight cinematic versions of military and cultural conflicts spanning from the American Revolution to the War on Terror. Each focuses on a selection of films about a specific war or historical period, often foregrounding recent productions that remain understudied in the critical literature on cinema, history, and cultural memory. Scrutinizing cinema through the lens of nationalism and its “invention of tradition,” Martial Culture, Silver Screen considers how movies possess the power to frame ideologies, provide social coherence, betray collective neuroses and fears, construct narratives of victimhood or heroism, forge communities of remembrance, and cement tradition and convention. Hollywood war films routinely present broad, identifiable narratives—such as that of the rugged pioneer or the “good war”—through which filmmakers invent representations of the past, establishing narratives that advance discrete social and political functions in the present. As a result, cinematic versions of wartime conflicts condition and reinforce popular understandings of American national character as it relates to violence, individualism, democracy, militarism, capitalism, masculinity, race, class, and empire. Approaching war movies as identity-forging apparatuses and tools of social power, Martial Culture, Silver Screen lays bare how cinematic versions of warfare have helped define for audiences what it means to be American.

The Official Overstreet

The Official Overstreet PDF Author: House of Collectibles
Publisher: House of Collectibles
ISBN: 9780876378595
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 796

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The bible of the comic book industry is updated for 2002 with Web site information, tips about grading and caring for comics, and more than 1,500 black-and-white photos.

New York

New York PDF Author:
Category : New York (N.Y.)
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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Screen World 1992

Screen World 1992 PDF Author: John Willis
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
ISBN: 9781557831354
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Covers American and foreign films released in the United States each year, with listings of credits and profiles of screen personalities and award winners

American Hunks

American Hunks PDF Author: David L. Chapman
Publisher: arsenal pulp press
ISBN: 1551524651
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 352

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The "American hunk" is a cultural icon: the image of the chiseled, well-built male body has been promoted and exploited for commercial use for over 125 years, whether in movies, magazines, advertisements, or on consumer products, not only in America but throughout the world. American Hunks is a fascinating collection of images (many in full color) depicting the muscular American male as documented in popular culture from 1860 to 1970. The book, divided into specific historic eras, includes such personalities as bodybuilder Charles Atlas; pioneer weightlifter Eugene Sandow; movie stars like Steve "Hercules" Reeves and Johnny "Tarzan" Weismuller; and publications such as the 1920s-era magazine Physical Culture and the 1950s-era comic book Mr. Muscles. It also touches on the use of masculine, homoerotic imagery to sell political and military might (including American recruitment posters and Nazi propaganda from the 1936 Olympics), and how companies have used buff, near-naked men to sell products from laundry detergent to sacks of flour since the 1920s. The introduction by David L. Chapman offers insightful information on individual images, while the essay by Brett Josef Grubisic places the work in its proper historical context. David L. Chapman has written many books on male photography and bodybuilding, including Comin' at Ya!: The Homoerotic 3-D Photographs of Denny Denfield. Brett Josef Grubisic is author of the novel The Age of Cities and editor of Contra/Diction: New Queer Fiction.

The Official Overstreet

The Official Overstreet PDF Author: Robert M. Overstreet
Publisher: House of Collectibles
ISBN: 9780876378205
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 812

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The bible of the comic book industry is updated for 2002 with Web site information, tips about grading and caring for comics, and more than 1,500 black-and-white photos.

The Death and Resurrection of a Coherent Literature Curriculum

The Death and Resurrection of a Coherent Literature Curriculum PDF Author: Sandra Stotsky
Publisher: R&L Education
ISBN: 1610485599
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Unless experienced and well-read English teachers can develop coherent and increasingly demanding literature curricula in their schools, average high school students will remain at about the fifth or sixth grade reading level--where they now are to judge from several independent sources. This book seeks to challenge education policy makers, test developers, and educators who discourage the assignment of appropriately difficult works to high school students and make construction of a coherent literature curriculum impossible.