Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262041041
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1116
Book Description
Solar Collectors, Energy Storage, and Materials covers the materials and basic components needed for solar thermal energy systems. Using thermal performance and durability as the major criteria, the twenty six chapters emphasize the modeling and assessment of devices rather than their application or cost. Each part begins with an overview and concludes with an assessment of current issues and opportunities. The contributors have been careful to document failures as well as successes in materials research. This is the fifth volume in a series that distills the results of the intensive research on and development of solar thermal energy conversion technologies from 1975 to 1986. Francis de Winter is President of the Altas Corporation, Santa Cruz, California and a member of the Santa Cruz Energy Advisory Committee. Contents: Solar Collectors. Collector Concepts and Designs. Optical Theory and Modeling of Solar Collectors. Thermal Theory and Modeling of Solar Collectors. Testing and Evaluation of Stationary Collectors. Testing and Evaluation of Tracking Collectors. Optical Research and Development. Collector Thermal Research and Development. Collector Engineering Research and Development. Solar Pond Research and Development. Reliability and Durability of Solar Collectors. Environmental Degradation of Low-Cost Solar Collectors. Energy Storage for Solar Systems. Storage Concepts and Design. Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Thermal Conversion Systems. Testing and Evaluation of Thermal Energy Storage Systems. Storage Research and Development. Materials for Solar Technologies. Materials for Solar Collector Concepts and Designs. Theory and Modeling of Solar Materials. Testing and Evaluation of Solar Materials. Exposure Testing and Evaluation of Performance Degradation. Solar Materials Research and Development.