Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State

Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State PDF Author: Donatella della Porta
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521473969
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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This book presents empirical research on the nature and structure of political violence. While most studies of social movements focus on single-nation studies, Donatella della Porta uses a comparative research design to analyze movements in two countries--Italy and Germany--from the 1960s to the 1990s. Through extensive use of official documents and in-depth interviews, della Porta is able to explain the actors' construction of external political reality, and to build a theory on political violence that synthesizes the various interactions among political actors.

Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State

Social Movements, Political Violence, and the State PDF Author: Donatella della Porta
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521473969
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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This book presents empirical research on the nature and structure of political violence. While most studies of social movements focus on single-nation studies, Donatella della Porta uses a comparative research design to analyze movements in two countries--Italy and Germany--from the 1960s to the 1990s. Through extensive use of official documents and in-depth interviews, della Porta is able to explain the actors' construction of external political reality, and to build a theory on political violence that synthesizes the various interactions among political actors.

The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements

The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements PDF Author: Donatella Della Porta
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199678405
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 865

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The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements is an innovative volume that presents a comprehensive exploration of social movement studies, mapping the field and expanding it to examine the recent developments in cognate areas of studies, within and beyond sociology and political science. This volume brings together the most distinguished social and political scientists working in this field, each writing thought-provoking essays in their area of expertise, and facilitates conversations between classic social movement agenda and lines of research. The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements discusses core theoretical perspectives, recent contributions from the field, and how patterns of macro social change may affect social movements, as well as suggesting what contributions social movement studies can give to other research areas in various disciplines.

Social Movements and Civil War

Social Movements and Civil War PDF Author: Donatella della Porta
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1315403080
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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This book investigates the origins of civil wars which emerge from failed attempts at democratization. The main aim of this volume is to develop a theoretical explanation of the conditions under which and the mechanisms through which social movements’ struggles for democracy end up in civil war. While the empirical evidence suggests that this is not a rare phenomenon, the literatures on social movements, democratization and civil wars have grown apart from each other. At the theoretical level, Social Movements and Civil War bridges insights in the three fields, looking in particular at explanations of the radicalization of social movements, the failure of democratization processes and the onset of civil war. In doing this, it builds upon the relational approach developed in contentious politics with the aim of singling out robust causal mechanisms. At the empirical level, the research provides in-depth descriptions of four cases of trajectory from social movements for democratization into civil wars: in Syria, Libya, Yemen and the former Yugoslavia. Conditions such as the double weakness of civil society and the state, the presence of entrepreneurs of violence as well as normative and material resources for violence, ethnic and tribal divisions, domestic and international military interventions are considered as influencing the chains of actors’ choices rather than as structural determinants. This book will be of great interest to students of civil wars, political violence, social movements, democratization, and IR in general.

Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes PDF Author: Valerie Jenness
Publisher: Transaction Publishers
ISBN: 0202366375
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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In addressing a timely set of questions about the politics and dynamics of inter-group violence manifest as discrimination, this volume explores such issues as why injuries against some groups of people (Jews, people of color, gays and lesbians, and, sometimes, women, and those with disabilities) capture notice, while similar acts of bias-motivated violence against others continue to go unnoticed. Throughout, the authors develop a compelling argument about the social processes through which new social problems emerge, social policy is developed and diffused, and new cultural forms are institutionalized.

International Handbook of Violence Research

International Handbook of Violence Research PDF Author: Wilhelm Heitmeyer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9781402039805
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 782

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An international manual is like a world cruise: a once-in-a-lifetime experience. All the more reason to consider carefully whether it is necessary. This can hardly be the case if previous research in the selected field has already been the subject of an earlier review-or even several competing surveys. On the other hand, more thorough study is necessary if the intensity and scope of research are increasing without comprehensive assessments. That was the situation in Western societies when work began on this project in the summer of 1998. It was then, too, that the challenges emerged: any manual, espe cially an international one, is a very special type of text, which is anything but routine. It calls for a special effort: the "state of the art" has to be documented for selected subject areas, and its presentation made as compelling as possible. The editors were delighted, therefore, by the cooperation and commitment shown by the eighty-one contributors from ten countries who were recruited to write on the sixty-two different topics, by the con structive way in which any requests for changes were dealt with, and by the patient re sponse to our many queries. This volume is the result of a long process. It began with the first drafts outlining the structure of the work, which were submitted to various distinguished colleagues. Friedheim Neidhardt of Berlin, Gertrud Nunner-Winkler of Munich, and Roland Eckert of Trier, to name only a few, supplied valuable comments at this stage.

Social Movements and Protest

Social Movements and Protest PDF Author: Gemma Edwards
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521196361
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 301

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This lively textbook integrates theory and methodology and includes contemporary examples, case studies and debates to encourage critical engagement.

Political Movements and Violence in Central America

Political Movements and Violence in Central America PDF Author: Charles D. Brockett
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521600552
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 412

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This book offers an indepth analysis of the confrontation between popular movements and repressive regimes in Central America for the three decades beginning in 1960, particularly in El Salvador and Guatemala. It examines both urban and rural groups as well as both nonviolent social movements and revolutionary movements. It studies the impact of state violence on contentious political movements as well as defends the political process model for studying such movements.

Social Movements

Social Movements PDF Author: Paul Almeida
Publisher: University of California Press
ISBN: 0520290917
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Social Movements cleverly translates the art of collective action and mobilization by excluded groups to facilitate understanding social change from below. Students learn the core components of social movements, the theory and methods used to study them, and the conditions under which they can lead to political and social transformation. This fully class-tested book is the first to be organized along the lines of the major subfields of social movement scholarship—framing, movement emergence, recruitment, and outcomes—to provide comprehensive coverage in a single core text. Features include: use of real data collected in the U.S. and around the world the emphasis on student learning outcomes case studies that bring social movements to life examples of cultural repertoires used by movements (flyers, pamphlets, event data on activist websites, illustrations by activist musicians) to mobilize a group topics such as immigrant rights, transnational movement for climate justice, Women's Marches, Fight for $15, Occupy Wall Street, Gun Violence, Black Lives Matter, and the mobilization of popular movements in the global South on issues of authoritarian rule and neoliberalism With this book, students deepen their understanding of movement dynamics, methods of investigation, and dominant theoretical perspectives, all while being challenged to consider their own place in relation to social movements.

Religion and Social Protest Movements

Religion and Social Protest Movements PDF Author: Tobin Miller Shearer
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351592378
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 149

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What role has religion played in social protest movements? This important book examines how activists have used religious resources such as liturgy, prayer, song and vestments with a focus on the following global case studies: The mid-twentieth century US civil rights movement. The late twentieth century antiabortion movement in the United States of America. The early twenty-first century water protectors’ movement at Standing Rock, North Dakota. Indian independence led by Mohandas Gandhi in the early 1930s. The Polish Solidarity movement of the 1980s. The South African anti-apartheid movement of the 1980s and 1990s. Prayer as a sacred act is usually associated with piety and pacifism; however, it can be argued that those who pray in public while protesting are more likely to encounter violence. Drawing on journalistic accounts, participant reflections, and secondary literature, Religion and Social Protest Movements offers both historical and theoretical perspectives on the persistent correlation of the use of public prayer with an increase in conflict and violence. This book is an important read for students and researchers in history and religious studies, and those in related fields such as sociology, African-American studies, and Native American studies.

Doing Democracy

Doing Democracy PDF Author: Bill Moyer
Publisher: New Society Publishers
ISBN: 9780865714182
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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An empowering guide to understanding the strategies behind successful social movements.