Six Hours One Friday

Six Hours One Friday PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780849947445
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Does life feel futile? Doesn't have to. Do your failures seem fatal? They aren't. Does the grave seem to be the final stop? According to Christ, your death is just the start of the something great. Max Lucado delves into Jesus' last hours on the cross and shows how your life has purpose and meaning through his death and resurrection.

And the Angels Were Silent

And the Angels Were Silent PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1418514438
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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You can tell a lot about a person by the way he dies. In the last week of his life, Jesus deliberately sets his face toward Jerusalem—and certain death. This is no ordinary week. Even the angels are silent as they ponder the final days of Jesus Christ. This is no ordinary walk. Jesus doesn't chatter. He doesn't pause. He is on his final journey. He walks determinedly to the holy city, angrily into the temple, wearily into Gethsemane, painfully up the Via Dolorosa. And powerfully out of the vacated tomb. Master storyteller and best-selling author Max Lucado invites you: "Let's follow Jesus on his final journey. For by observing his, we may learn how to make ours. And discover what matters to God."

Next Door Savior

Next Door Savior PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1418516945
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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We applaud men for doing good things. We enshrine God for doing great things. But what about a man who does God things? One thing is certain. We can't ignore him. If these moments are factual, if the claim of Christ is actual, then he was, at once, man and God. The single most significant person who ever lived. Forget MVP. He is the entire league. The head of the parade? Hardly. No one else shares the street. Who comes close? Humanity's best and brightest fade like dime-store rubies next to him. Dismiss him? We can't. Resist him? Equally difficult. Why would we want to? Don't we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus? Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.

In the Grip of Grace -

In the Grip of Grace - PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1418515906
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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Book Description
Exchange the pressure of accomplishment for the peace of God’s grace When the world demands: achieve, succeed, earn, God says: lean on me, trust me, believe me. That is grace. And that is what God offers: unconditional acceptance of a believing heart. Your heavenly Father loves you enough to hold you in his grace. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will help you release a false sense of self-sufficiency. rest in God’s unbending and unending gift of grace. remember that God is for you and will carry you through every circumstance. Today, leap from the cliff of self-sufficiency and land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you—every time—in the grip of his grace.

He Chose the Nails

He Chose the Nails PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 084994712X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Book Description
The wood. The thorns. The nails. Christ's sacrifice has defined the very essence of mankind's faith for the past 2000 years. And now, Max Lucado invites you to examine the cross, contemplate its purpose, and celebrate its significance with He Chose the Nails. With his warm, caring style, Max examines the symbols surrounding Christ's crucifixion, revealing the claims of the cross and asserting that if they are true, then Christianity itself is true. The supporting evidence either makes the cross the single biggest hoax of all time, or the hope of all humanity

The Gift for All People

The Gift for All People PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Multnomah
ISBN: 0307801101
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 143

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Book Description
The Gift for All People is a celebration of God's gift of salvation wrapped in a collection of inspirational stories. These stories will help Christians comprehend and treasure the assurance of their salvation and will help non-Christians realize and embrace the gift of abundant, eternal life in Jesus Christ. The concluding story, written especially for this book, urges readers to give their lives to Jesus Christ and shows them how to do so. This book will provide Christians with a unique, warm, and attractive presentation of the gospel to give to non-Christian family or friends. More than anything, God wants you to be with Him. The God who designed your world, the God who placed you on the planet, simply wants you home with Him. And to bring you home, He offers you a gift...the gift of eternal salvation. My prayer is that through the pages of this book you'll see his gift like you've never seen it. If you've already accepted it, you'll thank Him again. And if you've never accepted it, I pray that you will. For it's the gift of a lifetime. A gift for all people.

God Came Near

God Came Near PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 9780849944543
Category : Incarnation
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
He came not as a flash of light or as an unapproachable conqueror, but as One whose first cries were heard by a peasant girl and a sleepy carpenter. The hands that held him were not manicured, but callused and dirty. Travel back in time and relive Christ the Son of God becoming man. Come with Max as he brings to life the most important event in history ... when God came near. And as you catch a vision of this incredible moment, let it mark the beginning of a new life for yourself. God came near. If he is who he says he is, there is no truth more worthy of your time. Book jacket.

Tell Me the Secrets

Tell Me the Secrets PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Crossway Bibles
ISBN: 9781581345223
Category : Christian life
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Features a collection of stories that help families teach core Christian values. Addresses the values of love, forgiveness, peace, greatness, growth, life, and death. Each story is meant to be a starting point for a family discussion to share the "secrets" of a successful life.

The Life of Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ PDF Author: Russell Shaw
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
ISBN: 1681924269
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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Book Description
How often have you heard the Gospel at Sunday Mass and wondered, "What happens next?" Often, our only experience of the Gospels is of those isolated segments taken out of context, like unassembled pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, rather than the story of our Savior's life. The Life of Jesus Christ: Understanding the Story of the Gospels aims to change that experience. Author Russell Shaw weaves together the events of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John's narratives in chronological order to capture a true and rounded picture of Jesus’ life. The Life of Jesus Christ is the scriptural companion you've been searching for. Together, the four Gospels reveal Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, as a man of complexity and depth — compassionate but stern, who knew how to laugh and how to cry, a charismatic leader uninterested in worldly power, a subtle thinker who drew sublime messages from ordinary life. With Shaw guiding you, you'll truly get to know the Son of God in a new way. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Russell Shaw is an author and journalist who has written more than twenty books. For eighteen years, he was secretary for public affairs for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/United States Catholic Conference. He later oversaw media relations for the Knights of Columbus for ten years.

On Calvary's Hill

On Calvary's Hill PDF Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 0849964229
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Book Description
In his last week on Earth, Jesus knew the end was near. He knew the finality of Friday, but did he also know the victory of Sunday? Join bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado invites you to walk with Jesus in the week leading up to the crucifixion: feeling his passion, sensing his authority, and hearing his promise that death has no power. On Calvary's Hill paints a picture of Jesus in his final week: Jesus was commonly dressed but uncommonly focused. Leaving Jericho and walking toward Jerusalem, he doesn't chatter or pause. He's on his final journey. Even the angels are silent. They know this is no ordinary walk or week--hinged on this week is the door of eternity. With excerpts from Max's bestsellers, including 3:16, He Chose the Nails, and Just Like Jesus, On Calvary's Hill will take you into Jesus' last week, from the road to Jerusalem to the resurrection. Each reading includes a timeless verse, an in-depth reading, and a thoughtful prayer designed to help you draw near to the Savior and prepare to celebrate the resurrection--the greatest miracle ever conceived. As we observe Jesus' last week, Max challenges us to face difficult questions, including: When betrayal comes, what can we do? Why is the cross a symbol of Christianity? What would it feel like to witness this scene firsthand? Let's follow Jesus on his final journey. By observing his, we may learn how to make ours.