Seven Reasons to Keep Focused

Seven Reasons to Keep Focused PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529793
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 59

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Book Description
God’s truth is our shield and armour in the battle (Psalm 91:4). If we take our focus off the truth of God’s Word, we end up believing lies. We can always trust God’s promises in every situation of life. When we feel discouraged and feel like giving up, think about Jesus and all that He went through for us ‒ all that we have because He didn’t give up. Then we won’t become weary and faint hearted. We need to keep focused!

Seven Reasons to Keep Focused

Seven Reasons to Keep Focused PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529793
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 59

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Book Description
God’s truth is our shield and armour in the battle (Psalm 91:4). If we take our focus off the truth of God’s Word, we end up believing lies. We can always trust God’s promises in every situation of life. When we feel discouraged and feel like giving up, think about Jesus and all that He went through for us ‒ all that we have because He didn’t give up. Then we won’t become weary and faint hearted. We need to keep focused!

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950735
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 518

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Book Description
Sixty-three stand-alone short chapters of help in living the Christian life. There are chapters here for everyone – people who are walking towards God, people walking with God, and those walking on with God. The short chapters are arranged approximately in this order, but there is much value in the early chapters for those looking for a deeper faith. This is not a book where you have to start at Chapter 1 and work your way through to the end. The Contents page lists the title of every chapter, so just dive in and read one that inter-ests you. Of course, you can start at Chapter 1 and read the whole book if you prefer, and our prayer is that every reader will be greatly blessed by what they read. The majority of these sixty-three chapters have been released individually as booklets, and every chapter as individual eBooks that are available in all formats from major eBook distributors. The eBook editions are free from most distributors. This whole volume is also available as a paperback from major book distributors.

Seven Reasons to be Born Again

Seven Reasons to be Born Again PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529807
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 58

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Book Description
If we have asked Jesus into our hearts, and said sorry for our sin, then we have Eternal Life! We know we will go to Heaven when we leave this earth. We know we are Born Again. In John’s Gospel chapter 3 we read how Nicodemus came to see Jesus at night. He was a Jewish religious leader who didn’t want anyone to see him. Jesus tells him that unless he is born of the Spirit of God he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. He explains to Nicodemus that we are born naturally of water from our mother’s womb, but we must be born again by God’s Spirit to enter into newness of life.

Seven Reasons to Surrender

Seven Reasons to Surrender PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529785
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 58

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We need to allow the Holy Spirit to have free reign in our lives. We receive freedom as we submit to God. Concentrating on our problems, trying to overcome them in our own strength, never works. If we surrender our will to God, then deliverance can come. It’s not weak to surrender to God, it’s wise. If we are surrendered we will obey God ‒ even if it doesn’t make sense! Surrender brings victory! As we let go of our lives, and allow God to take the central place, and yield to Him, as we obey Him and do what He says, we shall be overcomers.

Seven Reasons to be Baptised in the Holy Spirit

Seven Reasons to be Baptised in the Holy Spirit PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529823
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 57

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Book Description
John baptised crowds of people in water, but he let the people know that Jesus who was coming after him was the One who would baptise in the Holy Spirit and with fire. They were expecting the Messiah to come soon, and thought that John might be the one. But when they asked him this question, he answered very clearly – he was preparing the way for Jesus. Jesus is the One who baptises in the Holy Spirit. God is pouring out His Spirit today, and we are told in the Word of God to be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

Seven Reasons for Living Water

Seven Reasons for Living Water PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950603
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 53

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Book Description
God is always wanting to fill us and overflow us more and more with His Holy Spirit. We need to be hungry for more. God longs to feed our hunger. God always wants to give us more. He is not a stingy God, He is a God of plenty and more than enough. He wants us to be full and overflowing with His Living Water. The more we receive, the more we have to give. As we receive more of this Living Water, more of His Holy Spirit, we are refreshed, blessed, encouraged, and built up ‒ and the more we can minister and bless others out of the overflow in us.

Seven Truths About Encouragement

Seven Truths About Encouragement PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950123
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 63

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Book Description
Encouragement is a gift from God. If it is your gift then use it and encourage others as much as you can. There are always people in need of encouragement. Our encouraging words can lift others up. Discouragement spreads quickly. It can cause us to doubt the power and ability of God’s hand working through us. It can cause us to doubt the Word of God and cause us to lose our sense of purpose. Negative words have a negative effect on people. We need to speak positive words of faith. The words we speak have power to put down or to build someone up– and ourselves as well! Positive words of faith will encourage, support, strengthen and inspire us to believe in what God has placed within us.

Seven Reasons Not to Compromise

Seven Reasons Not to Compromise PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950336
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 52

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When we compromise in any way in our lives, we open ourselves up to the tactics and strongholds of the enemy. We become vulnerable. The enemy has a hold on us. His goal is to keep us weak and ineffective. We need to spend time in God’s Word to become more like Jesus, and we need to stand strong in truth and righteousness. We need to be wearing all the armour of God. The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Don’t miss out on a blessing!

Seven Ways to Know God’s Guidance

Seven Ways to Know God’s Guidance PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 191252967X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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Book Description
God promises us that He will instruct us, guide us and teach us. He will show us His pathway for our lives. John 16:13: When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, and be ready to be obedient to Him. Nothing the Holy Spirit leads us to do is ever contrary to the Word of God.

Seven Truths about the Sovereignty of God

Seven Truths about the Sovereignty of God PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950271
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Book Description
We don’t need to understand everything, if we know that God is guiding and directing our steps. Learning to accept living with mystery is an essential part of growing into maturity in our walk with God. When it comes to understanding things, we have our territory and God has His. Our territory only expands when He chooses to reveal things to us. That is why we have to trust Him with all our hearts (Proverbs 3:5-6). We need to believe the truth of God’s Word. His Word is truth and knowing the truth sets us free (John 8:32)! If we are not convinced that God’s Word is true, then fear and unbelief come in. That is when Satan has a foothold in our lives. We need to walk by faith and not by sight. We need to trust God’s SOVEREIGNTY and the truth of His Word.