Seven Reasons to Celebrate Christmas

Seven Reasons to Celebrate Christmas PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950085
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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Book Description
The story is told of a mother putting away the Nativity set after Christmas, when she noticed that baby Jesus was missing. She asked her four-year-old if he knew where Jesus was. He replied, “Yes, but He doesn’t want me to tell anybody.” “Why not?” she asked. “Because He doesn’t want you to put Him away with the decorations,” the boy said. God speaks through a child! As we embrace Christmas, we need to embrace all that was wrapped up in that tiny baby on that first Christmas. We need to embrace the love and forgiveness He offers us now through His great sacrifice on the Cross. We need to embrace His gift of eternal life in Heaven, and peace of mind and heart, and abundant life here on earth.

Seven Reasons to Celebrate Christmas

Seven Reasons to Celebrate Christmas PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950085
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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Book Description
The story is told of a mother putting away the Nativity set after Christmas, when she noticed that baby Jesus was missing. She asked her four-year-old if he knew where Jesus was. He replied, “Yes, but He doesn’t want me to tell anybody.” “Why not?” she asked. “Because He doesn’t want you to put Him away with the decorations,” the boy said. God speaks through a child! As we embrace Christmas, we need to embrace all that was wrapped up in that tiny baby on that first Christmas. We need to embrace the love and forgiveness He offers us now through His great sacrifice on the Cross. We need to embrace His gift of eternal life in Heaven, and peace of mind and heart, and abundant life here on earth.

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons

Seven Ways, Truths and Reasons PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950735
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 518

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Sixty-three stand-alone short chapters of help in living the Christian life. There are chapters here for everyone – people who are walking towards God, people walking with God, and those walking on with God. The short chapters are arranged approximately in this order, but there is much value in the early chapters for those looking for a deeper faith. This is not a book where you have to start at Chapter 1 and work your way through to the end. The Contents page lists the title of every chapter, so just dive in and read one that inter-ests you. Of course, you can start at Chapter 1 and read the whole book if you prefer, and our prayer is that every reader will be greatly blessed by what they read. The majority of these sixty-three chapters have been released individually as booklets, and every chapter as individual eBooks that are available in all formats from major eBook distributors. The eBook editions are free from most distributors. This whole volume is also available as a paperback from major book distributors.

I Believe in Christmas (Pack Of 25)

I Believe in Christmas (Pack Of 25) PDF Author: Zig Ziglar
ISBN: 9781682161319
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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I Believe in Christmas It's the first Christmas I can remember. It arrived just seven weeks after the deaths of my father and baby sister. To make matters worse, it was in the heart of the Great Depression. Things were tough. All of us children who were older made what income contributions we could, but the truth was my mother had eight of her eleven remaining children still living at home, and six were too young to work. Understandably, the Ziglar kids were concerned about what kind of Christmas it would be! The good news is that though our grief was fresh, we still celebrated Christmas. We received no toys that year, but much to my delight in my gift box I found three English walnuts and something I had never tasted before--raisins! They were absolutely delicious. Mama prepared her wonderful molasses candy, and we had a small cedar tree. And my mother read the Christmas story, like she always did. My sixth Christmas will always have great meaning to me. We celebrated the birth of Christ even in hard times because we believed in Christmas. A Change in Celebrating the Season Unfortunately, over the years things have changed. The cheerful "Merry Christmas" of yesteryear has been replaced by the politically correct "Happy Holidays!" In the minds of many people, we celebrate "holidays." Not only is Christ not at the center of the celebration, he isn't even considered to be a reason for the season! If I seem upset about the changes that I see taking place in regard to Christmas, it is because I am! It's not because an old tradition is being changed. No, I'm upset that the event that made it possible for me to have a life I could never have imagined is being hidden from view with decorations, wrapping paper, parties, and political correctness! Christmas! A Reason to Celebrate You see, I believe it's worth celebrating that Jesus came to earth--his birth signaled hope for all mankind. I believe that as he lived a perfect life before God and mankind, he showed that he truly was God's Son. And I believe that by giving his life up on a cross, he completely paid the penalty that my sins--and yours--deserve before a holy God. And it was made possible because of that first Christmas. How could I not believe in Christmas? Because Christ was born as a baby in a manger, that's more than enough reason to celebrate Christmas for what it is--a joyful occasion. I've experienced forgiveness of my sins, and have the assurance of eternity in heaven! If you don't know Jesus Christ, let me say that he tells us in John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." How do you do that? First, understand that I'm talking about a relationship, not a religion. All the world's major religions emphasize that you qualify for heaven by your good works--the things that you do. Such "religion" is spelled "d-o." Christianity is spelled "d-o-n-e." Christ already paid for our sins when he died on the cross. "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). And he rose from the grave proving that the punishment for our sins was fully paid. Nothing we could ever "do" could qualify us for God's forgiveness and reserve our place in heaven. That's why Christ himself said, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent" (John 6:29). Celebrate Like Never Before! God forgives us, saves us from our sins, and gives us eternal life based on our belief in what Jesus did for us. Why? Because God is gracious beyond measure! The Bible says that it is "by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works" (Ephesians 2:8-9). Though "the wages of sin is death" (eternal separation from God), the greatest Christmas gift we could ever have is "the free gift of God ... eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). With gift-giving like that from God, I don't want to lose the significance of Christmas. I believe in Christmas! I urge you to accept the greatest "Christmas gift" you'll ever receive: If you're convinced that God's way is the only way to meaningful life now and eternal life in heaven, you can tell him in words like these: Dear God, I do believe Jesus died for me and took the punishment my sins deserved. I want to receive your free gift of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for making this possible! Then join me this year in celebrating Christmas like you've never celebrated it before! Merry Christmas! Zig

Seven Truths about Pride

Seven Truths about Pride PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950301
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 50

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Where is the room or place for pride? In the great hymn, “When I survey the wondrous cross,” we read these words: “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the cross of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.” If we ever feel the need to boast or brag about what we have done, or take any glory for ourselves, then we need to run to the cross in repentance, and cry out to God who will always be ready to cleanse us and forgive us. His mercy endures forever!

Seven Truths About Power And Authority

Seven Truths About Power And Authority PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950476
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 54

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God gives us authority in the name of Jesus the moment we are born again. Authority is ours when we become a child of God. Every believer has God-given authority. It is by the grace of God. It is not something we earn. God’s power works through our God-given authority. Authority and power go together. Authority is the channel for the power to flow through. The power of the Holy Spirit works in us and through us, as believers. God is the all-powerful One. His power is the greatest power of all! The Holy Spirit lives in us as born again believers. We have the greatest power living in us! (1 John 4:4)

Seven Ways to Guard Your Tongue

Seven Ways to Guard Your Tongue PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1913950611
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 54

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If we want good fruit for the Kingdom in our lives, then it must be our choice that we speak only blessing and life. When we make the right choice, God comes to help us by His Holy Spirit at work within us. Our words have power. Power for evil and power for good. Power for life and power for death. Our circumstances are not under our control. But the way we respond to them, and talk about them, is our choice. We can speak positively with faith into our circumstances, or negatively with doubt and unbelief.

Seven Ways to Know God’s Voice

Seven Ways to Know God’s Voice PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529521
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 64

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Book Description
Look out for the unexpected! Moses was doing his daily task tending the sheep, when an angel appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush! Moses was alert and ready to turn aside and investigate the unexpected. It was then that God called out to him, by name, and told him to take off his sandals for he was standing on holy ground. If Moses hadn’t been alert he could have missed that bush! In our everyday lives, it’s good to be alert, on our toes, ready for the unexpected voice of God ‒ in unexpected places.

Seven Ways to Walk by Faith

Seven Ways to Walk by Faith PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 1912529882
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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Book Description
Read, meditate and listen to the Word of God. Hearing the Word of God causes faith to come, to grow, and increase richly. Reading and meditating on God’s Word causes our minds to be renewed. As we hide God’s Word in our hearts, it will keep us on the right path and direct us away from sin. God’s Word is a light on our pathway, a lamp to our footsteps. The Word of God does us good in every way. It is God’s voice speaking to us. It is His guidance for our lives. It is our comfort in all our problems and troubles. It is full of promises. God promises to keep us in the hardest times of our lives.

Seven Ways to Know God’s Guidance

Seven Ways to Know God’s Guidance PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 191252967X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 60

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God promises us that He will instruct us, guide us and teach us. He will show us His pathway for our lives. John 16:13: When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading, and be ready to be obedient to Him. Nothing the Holy Spirit leads us to do is ever contrary to the Word of God.

Seven Ways to Press in for Healing

Seven Ways to Press in for Healing PDF Author: Lin Wills
Publisher: White Tree Publishing
ISBN: 191252984X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 58

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In Luke 8:43-44 we read of a woman with an issue of blood who pressed through the crowd to Jesus and touch the hem of His garment. She was healed immediately! She took her illness to Jesus, touched Him by faith, and was made completely whole. She was determined to overcome any obstacles in the way. So let us be determined to push past all the obstacles in prayer, and activate our faith in our everyday lives. The woman knew that if she touched Jesus, she would be made whole. Her faith made her whole!