Sentient Conceptualisations

Sentient Conceptualisations PDF Author: Cristian Simonetti
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131722065X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Sentient Conceptualisations is about how scientists studying the past understand time in relation to space. Simonetti argues that the feelings for depths and surfaces, arising from the bodily movements and gestures of scientific practice, strongly influence conceptualisations of space and time. With an anthropological eye, Simonetti explores the ways archaeologists and those from related disciplines develop expert knowledge in varied environments. The book draws on ethnographic work carried out with Chilean and Scottish archaeologists, working both on land and underwater, to analyse in depth the visual language of science and what it reveals about the relation between thinking and feeling.

Sentient Conceptualisations

Sentient Conceptualisations PDF Author: Cristian Simonetti
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131722065X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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Book Description
Sentient Conceptualisations is about how scientists studying the past understand time in relation to space. Simonetti argues that the feelings for depths and surfaces, arising from the bodily movements and gestures of scientific practice, strongly influence conceptualisations of space and time. With an anthropological eye, Simonetti explores the ways archaeologists and those from related disciplines develop expert knowledge in varied environments. The book draws on ethnographic work carried out with Chilean and Scottish archaeologists, working both on land and underwater, to analyse in depth the visual language of science and what it reveals about the relation between thinking and feeling.

Sex, Sensibility and the Gendered Body

Sex, Sensibility and the Gendered Body PDF Author: Lisa Adkins
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1349245364
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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The study of sexuality is moving from margin to centre stage in sociology, as the 1994 British Sociological Association annual conference on 'Sexualities in Social Context' demonstrated. Drawn from that conference, the papers in this volume contribute to the debates which have developed on the relationship between the sexual and the social, and between gender and sexuality. The focus is on women, and from different perspectives the authors explore the themes of gendered identity, the construction of sexuality, embodiment and control. The social contexts in which these themes are elaborated include the family, the law, the education system, medical practice and discourse, and cultural representations and texts.

Archaeological Practice as Politics and Ethics

Archaeological Practice as Politics and Ethics PDF Author: John Carman
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031698282
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 205

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Multiculturalism: Critical and Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives

Multiculturalism: Critical and Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives PDF Author: Kerry Gallagher
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 1848880634
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 318

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This ebook collates a volume of scholarly work highlighting crucial debates in the area of multiculturalism. Based within a multiple of contexts each chapter delivers a concise focus on challenges faced by immigrants as they attempt to construct an identity, have cultural recognition and achieve a sense of belonging.


Surfaces PDF Author: Mike Anusas
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317296524
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 211

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In attending to surfaces, as they wrap, layer and grow within sentient bodies, material formations and cosmological states, this volume presents a series of ten anthropological studies stretching across five continents and in observation of earthly practices of making, knowing, living and dying. Through theoretically reflecting on time spent with Aymara and Mapuche Andean cultures; the Malagasy people of Madagascar; craftspeople and designers across Europe and Oceania; amongst the architectures of Australia and South Korea and within the folds of books, screens, landscape and the sea, the anthropologists in this volume communicate diverse ways of considering, working with and knowing surfaces. Together, these writings advance a knowledge of the world which resists any definitive settlement of existential categories and rather seeks to know the world in its emergence and transformation, as entities grow, cohere, shift, dissolve, decay and are reborn through the contact and exchange of surfaces, persisting with varying time, power and effect. The book principally invites readers from anthropology, the creative arts and environmental studies, but also across the wider humanities and social sciences as well as those in neighbouring scientific fields of archaeology, biology, geography, geoscience, material science, neurology and psychology interested in the intersections of mind, body, materials and world.

Who Owns Jung?

Who Owns Jung? PDF Author: Ann Casement
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429923988
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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This book has a similar, though not identical, format to Who Owns Psychoanalysis? in being divided into sections as follows: academic, clinical, history, philosophy, science. Who Owns Jung aims to be a celebration of the diversity and interdisciplinary thinking that is a feature of the international Jungian community. Many of the contributors are practising analysts and members of the International Association for Analytical Psychology; others are scolars of Jung whose work has been influential in disseminating his ideas in the academy, though it is worth noting that a number of the analysts also work in academe.Contributors:James Asto; Astrid Berg; Joe Cambray; Ann Casement; Andrea Cone-Farran; Roberto Gambin; Wolfgang Giegerich; Joseph Henderson; George B. Hogenson; Mario Jacoby; Hayao Kawai; Toshio Kawai; Thomas B. Kirsch; Jean Knox; Roderick Main; Denise Gimenez Ramos; Sonu Shamdasani; Michael Sinason; Hester McFarland Solomon; David Tacey; and Margaret Wilkinson.

Making Time

Making Time PDF Author: Gavin Lucas
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000373568
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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Making Time grapples with a range of issues that have crystallized in the wake of 15 years of discussion on time in archaeology, since the author's seminal volume The Archaeology of Time, synthesizing them for a new generation of scholars. The general understanding of time held by both archaeologists and non-archaeologists is often very simple: a linear notion where time flows along a single path from the past into the future. This book sets out to complicate this image, to draw out the key problems and issues with time that impact archaeological interpretation. Using concrete examples drawn from different periods and places, the book challenges the reader to think again. Ultimately, the book will suggest that if we want to understand what archaeological time is, then we need to accept that things do not exist in time, they make time. The crucial question then becomes: what kinds of time do archaeological materialities produce? Written for upper level undergraduates and researchers in archaeology, the book is also accessible to non-academics with an interest in the topic. The book is relevant for cognate disciplines, especially history, heritage studies and philosophy.

Writing the Past

Writing the Past PDF Author: Gavin Lucas
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429815212
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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How do archaeologists make knowledge? Debates in the latter half of the twentieth century revolved around broad, abstract philosophies and theories such as positivism and hermeneutics which have all but vanished today. By contrast, in recent years there has been a great deal of attention given to more concrete, practice-based study, such as fieldwork. But where one was too abstract, the other has become too descriptive and commonly evades issues of epistemic judgement. Writing the Past attempts to reintroduce a normative dimension to knowledge practices in archaeology, especially in relation to archaeological practice further down the ‘assembly line’ in the production of published texts, where archaeological knowledge becomes most stabilized and is widely disseminated. By exploring the composition of texts in archaeology and the relation between their structural, performative characteristics and key epistemic virtues, this book aims to move debate in both knowledge and writing practices in a new direction. Although this book will be of particular interest to archaeologists, the argument offered has relevance for all academic disciplines concerned with how knowledge production and textual composition intertwine.

Time and History in Prehistory

Time and History in Prehistory PDF Author: Stella Souvatzi
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1315531836
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Time and History in Prehistory explores the many processes through which time and history are conceptualized and constructed, challenging the perception of prehistoric societies as ahistorical. Drawing equally on contemporary theory and illustrative case studies, and firmly rooted in material evidence, this book rearticulates concepts of time and history, questions the kind of narratives to be written about the past and underlines the fundamentally historical nature of prehistory. From a range of multi-disciplinary perspectives, the authors of this volume address the scales at which archaeological evidence and narrative are interwoven, from a single day to deep history and from a solitary pot to a complete city. In doing so, they argue the need for a multi-scalar approach to prehistoric data that allows for the interplay between short and long term, and for analytical units that encourage us to move continuously between scales. The growing interest in time and history in archaeology and across a wide range of disciplines concerned with human action and the human past highlights that these are exceptionally active fields. By juxtaposing varied viewpoints, this volume bridges gaps in narrative, finds a place for inclusive histories and makes clear the benefit of integrative and interdisciplinary approaches, including different disciplines and types of data.

At Home on the Waves

At Home on the Waves PDF Author: Tanya J. King
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 1789201438
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Contemporary public discourses about the ocean are routinely characterized by scientific and environmentalist narratives that imagine and idealize marine spaces in which humans are absent. In contrast, this collection explores the variety of ways in which people have long made themselves at home at sea, and continue to live intimately with it. In doing so, it brings together both ethnographic and archaeological research – much of it with an explicit Ingoldian approach – on a wide range of geographical areas and historical periods.