Secondary Schizophrenia

Secondary Schizophrenia PDF Author: Perminder S. Sachdev
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139485229
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages :

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Schizophrenia may not be a single disease, but the result of a diverse set of related conditions. Modern neuroscience is beginning to reveal some of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of schizophrenia; however, an approach less well travelled is to examine the medical disorders that produce symptoms resembling schizophrenia. This book is the first major attempt to bring together the diseases that produce what has been termed 'secondary schizophrenia'. International experts from diverse backgrounds ask the questions: does this medical disorder, or drug, or condition cause psychosis? If yes, does it resemble schizophrenia? What mechanisms form the basis of this relationship? What implications does this understanding have for aetiology and treatment? The answers are a feast for clinicians and researchers of psychosis and schizophrenia. They mark the next step in trying to meet the most important challenge to modern neuroscience – understanding and conquering this most mysterious of human diseases.

Secondary Schizophrenia

Secondary Schizophrenia PDF Author: Perminder S. Sachdev
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139485229
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Schizophrenia may not be a single disease, but the result of a diverse set of related conditions. Modern neuroscience is beginning to reveal some of the genetic and environmental underpinnings of schizophrenia; however, an approach less well travelled is to examine the medical disorders that produce symptoms resembling schizophrenia. This book is the first major attempt to bring together the diseases that produce what has been termed 'secondary schizophrenia'. International experts from diverse backgrounds ask the questions: does this medical disorder, or drug, or condition cause psychosis? If yes, does it resemble schizophrenia? What mechanisms form the basis of this relationship? What implications does this understanding have for aetiology and treatment? The answers are a feast for clinicians and researchers of psychosis and schizophrenia. They mark the next step in trying to meet the most important challenge to modern neuroscience – understanding and conquering this most mysterious of human diseases.

Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic Disorders PDF Author: Oliver Freudenreich
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030294501
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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This book provides clear and concise guidance for clinicians when they encounter a patient with psychosis, starting with the medical work-up to arrive at a diagnosis and ending with the comprehensive care for patients with established schizophrenia. It covers the optimal use of medications (emphasizing safe use) but also addresses other treatment approaches (psychological treatments, rehabilitation) and the larger societal context of care, including how to work effectively in complex systems. It uniquely condenses the literature into teaching points without simplifying too much, effectively serving as a learning tool for trainees and professionals. For this second edition, the book was extensively updated and its content expanded, with new figures as well. Each chapter begins with an initial summary and includes Tips and Key Points in text boxes. Each chapter also includes links to external websites and additional readings. The book contains clinical and practical wisdom for clinicians who are treating real patients at the front lines, setting it apart from all other texts. Psychotic Disorders is an excellent resource for medical students, early career professionals such as trainees and fellows, and related clinicians seeking additional training and resources, including those in psychiatry, psychology, neurology, and all others.

Schizo-Obsessive Disorder

Schizo-Obsessive Disorder PDF Author: Michael Poyurovsky
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107000122
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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This is the first book to address the clinical and neurobiological interface between schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There is growing evidence that obsessive-compulsive symptoms in schizophrenia are prevalent, persistent and characterized by a distinct pattern of familial inheritance, neurocognitive deficits and brain activation. This text provides guidelines for differential diagnosis of schizophrenic patients with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and patients with primary OCD alongside poor insight, psychotic features or schizotypal personality. Written by a leading expert in the coexistence of obsessive-compulsive and schizophrenic phenomena, Schizo-Obsessive Disorder uses numerous case studies to present diagnostic guidelines and to describe a recommended treatment algorithm, demystifying this complex disorder and aiding its effective management. The book is essential reading for psychiatrists, neurologists and the wider range of multidisciplinary mental health practitioners.

Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry

Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry PDF Author: David B. Arciniegas
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521875013
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 685

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The merger of behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry into a single medical subspecialty, Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, requires an understanding of brain-behavior relationships and a clinical approach that transcends the traditional perspectives of neurology and psychiatry. Designed as a primer of concepts and principles, and authored by a multidisciplinary group of internationally known clinical neuroscientists, this book divides into three sections: • Structural and Functional Neuroanatomy (Section I) addresses the neuroanatomy and phenomenology of cognition, emotion, and behavior • Clinical Assessment (Section II) describes neuropsychiatric history taking, neurological and mental status examinations, neuropsychological assessment, and neuroimaging, electrophysiologic, and laboratory methods • Treatment (Section III) discusses environmental, behavioral, rehabilitative, psychological, social, pharmacological, and procedural interventions for cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disorders. By emphasizing the principles of Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, this book will improve your understanding of brain-behavior relationships and inform your care of patients and families affected by neurobehavioral disorders.

DSM-5 Classification

DSM-5 Classification PDF Author: American Psychiatric Association
Publisher: American Psychiatric Publishing
ISBN: 9780890425664
Category : Mental illness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This handy DSM-5(R) Classification provides a ready reference to the DSM-5 classification of disorders, as well as the DSM-5 listings of ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes for all DSM-5 diagnoses. To be used in tandem with DSM-5(R) or the Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria From DSM-5(R), the DSM-5(R) Classification makes accessing the proper diagnostic codes quick and convenient. With the advent of ICD-10-CM implementation in the United States on October 1, 2015, this resource provides quick access to the following: - The DSM-5(R) classification of disorders, presented in the same sequence as in DSM-5(R), with both ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes. All subtypes and specifiers for each DSM-5(R) disorder are included.- An alphabetical listing of all DSM-5 diagnoses with their associated ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes.- Separate numerical listings according to the ICD-9-CM codes and the ICD-10-CM codes for each DSM-5(R) diagnosis.- For all listings, any codable subtypes and specifiers are included with their corresponding ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM codes, if applicable. The easy-to-use format will prove indispensable to a diverse audience--for example, clinicians in a variety of fields, including psychiatry, primary care medicine, and psychology; coders working in medical centers and clinics; insurance companies processing benefit claims; individuals conducting utilization or quality assurance reviews of specific cases; and community mental health organizations at the state or county level.

Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children and Young People

Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Children and Young People PDF Author: National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (Great Britain)
Publisher: RCPsych Publications
ISBN: 9781908020604
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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These guidelines from NICE set out clear recommendations, based on the best available evidence, for health care professionals on how to work with and implement physical, psychological and service-level interventions for people with various mental health conditions.The book contains the full guidelines that cannot be obtained in print anywhere else. It brings together all of the evidence that led to the recommendations made, detailed explanations of the methodology behind their preparation, plus an overview of the condition covering detection, diagnosis and assessment, and the full range of treatment and care approaches. There is a worse prognosis for psychosis and schizophrenia when onset is in childhood or adolescence, and this new NICE guideline puts much-needed emphasis on early recognition and assessment of possible psychotic symptoms. For the one-third of children and young people who go on to experience severe impairment as a result of psychosis or schizophrenia the guideline also offers comprehensive advice from assessment and treatment of the first episode through to promoting recovery.This guideline reviews the evidence for recognition and management of psychosis and schizophrenia in children and young people across the care pathway, encompassing access to and delivery of services, experience of care, recognition and management of at-risk mental states, psychological and pharmacological interventions, and improving cognition and enhancing engagement with education and employment.


Schizophrenia PDF Author: Steven R. Hirsch
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1405140100
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 766

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Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and puzzling diseases toaffect mankind. It is the most common of the severe mentalillnesses (psychoses) with an estimated prevalence of 0.5 - 1% inthe general population and accounts for a very large portion of theday to day workload of the average psychiatrist. 50% of long-termpsychiatric patients in mental hospitals are schizophrenic. There is a great deal of controversy about the causes, diagnosisand treatment of schizophrenia with the consequence that a hugeamount of research is carried out in the field by psychiatrists,psychologists, neuroscientists and pharmacologists. For the averagepractising psychiatrist seeing schizophrenics on a regular basis,making sense of the vast body of information on the subject andfiltering out what is of clinical relevance can be very difficult.There is a constant stream of new drugs emerging and the newergeneration of drugs (the so-called atypicals) is very effective,but often expensive. The Editors (one American and one British) are both highlyrespected clinical psychiatrists who are probably the leadingexperts on schizophrenia from their respective countries andjointly have published almost 150 papers on the subject. They have brought together a strong group of contributors from theUSA, UK and Europe to produce what will be an essential referencefor the trainee and practising psychiatrist. The book consists of four sections; descriptive aspects,causative aspects, physical treatments andpsychological/behavioural/social treatments. There will bediscussion of the theoretical controversies over symptomatology,classification and aetiology, the relationship of schizophrenia tothe other psychoses, the significance of positive and negativesymptoms and pre-morbid personality. There will be chapters onorganic models of schiziophrenia, neurodevelopmental, genetic andstructural studies and the role of high-expressed emotion. Thefinal section will cover social and environmental treatment, therole of the families of schizophrenics and the psychoanalyticaltherapies. There is a new chapter on the patient's perspectivewritten by a former patient.

Negative Symptom and Cognitive Deficit Treatment Response in Schizophrenia

Negative Symptom and Cognitive Deficit Treatment Response in Schizophrenia PDF Author: Richard S. E. Keefe
Publisher: American Psychiatric Pub
ISBN: 1585627976
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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For the first time in a single volume, distinguished experts address the complex issues -- issues rarely confronted in empirical studies of patients with schizophrenia -- and controversial research surrounding the assessment of negative symptoms and cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Despite recent advances in our understanding of schizophrenia, still notably absent is consensus in assessing negative symptom treatment response. What is the most effective assessment method -- given the varying methodologies and contradictory results to date? What constitutes an adequate response? Which medication -- none is specifically indicated and licensed for negative symptom treatment -- yields the best results? What are the indications for use of this medication? Which instrument best measures negative symptom treatment response (eight rating scales are analyzed here)? Reaching consensus among clinicians and researchers alike is even more difficult because assessment is often thwarted by extrapyramidal side effects of medications, similarities to depressive symptoms, and secondary effects of psychotic experiences. In addition to clarifying these pressing issues, Negative Symptom and Cognitive Deficit Treatment Response in Schizophrenia also discusses The importance of measuring the experience of emotion versus the more traditional objectively measured symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, and how deficits in emotional experience may resist treatment -- even in treatment-responsive patients. The family as an often overlooked source of information about negative symptom improvement or worsening, and the impact of negative symptoms on patients' relatives. How treatment affects social functioning and subjective experience of "quality of life," and the importance of neurocognitive dysfunction in the social deficits of schizophrenia, which often persist despite significant amelioration of other symptoms. Specific guidelines for assessing neurocognitive treatment response. Cognitive enhancement is a major factor in improving the quality of patients' lives. The latest research on the neurobiology of negative symptoms, including the role of various neurotransmitter systems and brain regions in mediating negative symptom pathology. Also discussed is single vs. multiple pathophysiological processes and single treatment modality vs. distinct treatments for different aspects of negative symptoms. How to distinguish "pure" negative symptoms from deficit symptoms (i.e., those that persist for at least 1 year and are not secondary to factors such as depression, medication side effects, anxiety, delusions, and hallucinations), and which treatment is indicated for each. Highlighted by patient vignettes, this in-depth guide will be welcomed by all clinicians who treat patients with schizophrenia and want to know and document whether their interventions ameliorate negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction, and by all researchers who study schizophrenia, particularly those interested in clinical issues and treatment studies.

Neurodevelopment and Schizophrenia

Neurodevelopment and Schizophrenia PDF Author: Matcheri S. Keshavan
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521823319
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 576

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This book was originally published in 2004 and concerns developmental neurobiology. In the decade preceding publication, developmental neurobiology made important strides towards elucidating the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. Nowhere has this link between basic science and clinical insights become clearer than in the field of schizophrenia research. Each contributor to this volume provides a fresh overview of the relevant research, including directions for further investigation. The book begins with a section on advances in developmental neurobiology. This is followed by sections on etiological and pathophysiological developments, and models that integrate this knowledge. The final section addresses the clinical insights that emerge from the developmental models. This book will be valuable to researchers in psychiatry and neurobiology, students in psychology, and all mental health practitioners.


Schizophrenia PDF Author: Daniel R. Weinberger
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444347748
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1139

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Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and disabling diseases to affect mankind. Relatively little is known about its nature and its origins, and available treatments are inadequate for most patients. As a result, there are inevitable controversies about what causes it, how to diagnose it, and how best to treat it. However, in the past decade, there has been an explosion of new research, with dramatic discoveries involving genetic etiology and epidemiological risk factors. There has also been a catalog of new drugs coming to market, and controversy about the relative advantages and disadvantages of newer compared with older therapies. In addition, developing technologies in genomics, molecular biology and neuroimaging provide streams of new information. This book represents a definitive, essential, and up-to-date reference text on schizophrenia. It extensively and critically digests and clarifies recent advances and places them within a clinical context. The Editors (one American and one British), highly respected clinical psychiatrists and researchers and acknowledged experts on schizophrenia, have again assembled an outstanding group of contributors from the USA, UK, Europe and Australia, It will be of value to practising psychiatrists and to trainees, as well as to clinical and neuroscience researchers interested in keeping up with this field or coming into it. The book consists of four sections: descriptive aspects, biological aspects, physical treatments, and psychological and social aspects. It reviews the theoretical controversies over symptomatology, classification and aetiology (particularly pertinent as DSM-V is being developed), the relationship of schizophrenia to the other psychoses, the significance of positive and negative symptoms and pre-morbid personality. It describes a variety of approaches to integrating the vast research data about schizophrenia, including neurodevelopmental, genetic, pharmacological, brain imaging and psychological findings. The biological treatment section reviews the comparative efficacy of various drugs, the management of drug-resistant patients and both neurological and metabolic complications. The final section looks at psychological therapies, social outcomes, and the economics of schizophrenia. Highly Commended in the Psychiatry section of the 2012 BMA Book Awards.