Second Metropolis

Second Metropolis PDF Author: Blair A. Ruble
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521801799
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 502

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By exploring and comparing North America's, Russia's, and Japan's 'second cities' - Chicago, Moscow, and Osaka - Second Metropolis discloses the extent to which social fragmentation, frequently viewed as an obstacle to democratic development, actually fostered a 'pragmatic pluralism' that nurtured pluralistic public policies. Such policies are explored through six case studies - the politics of street railways and charter reform in Chicago, adult education and housing in Moscow, and harbor revitalization and poverty alleviation in Osaka - that illustrate how even those with massive political and economic power were stymied by the complexity of their communities. Chicago, Moscow, and Osaka, though the products of very different nations and cultures, nonetheless shared an important experience of inclusive politics during an era of extraordinary growth and social diversity. The success of all three cities, which went well beyond mere survival, rested on a distinctive political resource: pragmatic pluralism.

Second Tier Cities

Second Tier Cities PDF Author: Ann R. Markusen
Publisher: U of Minnesota Press
ISBN: 9780816633746
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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Over the past thirty years, transnational investment, trade, and government policies have encouraged the decentralization of national economies, disrupting traditional patterns of urban and regional growth. Many smaller cities -- such as Seattle, Washington; Campinas, Brazil; Oita, Japan; and Kumi, Korea -- have grown markedly faster than the largest metropolises. Dubbed here "second tier cities, " they are home to specialized industrial complexes that have taken root, provided significant job growth, and attracted mobile capital and labor. The culmination of an ambitious five-year, fourteen-city research project conducted by an international team of economics and geographers, Second Tier Cities examines the potential of these new regions to balance uneven regional development, create good, stable jobs, and moderate hyper-urbanization. Comparing across national borders, the contributors describe four types of second tier cities: Marshallian industrial districts, hub-and-spoke cities, satellite platforms, and government-anchored complexes. They find that both industrial and regional policies have been important contributors to the rise of second tier cities, though the former often trump the latter. Lessons for local, national, and international policymakers are drawn. The authors are critical of devolution and argue that it must be accompanied by strong labor and environmental standards and mechanisms to overcome differential regional resource endowments.

Second Metropolis

Second Metropolis PDF Author: Blair A. Ruble
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521801799
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 502

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By exploring and comparing North America's, Russia's, and Japan's 'second cities' - Chicago, Moscow, and Osaka - Second Metropolis discloses the extent to which social fragmentation, frequently viewed as an obstacle to democratic development, actually fostered a 'pragmatic pluralism' that nurtured pluralistic public policies. Such policies are explored through six case studies - the politics of street railways and charter reform in Chicago, adult education and housing in Moscow, and harbor revitalization and poverty alleviation in Osaka - that illustrate how even those with massive political and economic power were stymied by the complexity of their communities. Chicago, Moscow, and Osaka, though the products of very different nations and cultures, nonetheless shared an important experience of inclusive politics during an era of extraordinary growth and social diversity. The success of all three cities, which went well beyond mere survival, rested on a distinctive political resource: pragmatic pluralism.

Beyond the Metropolis

Beyond the Metropolis PDF Author: Louise Young
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520275209
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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In Beyond the Metropolis, Louise Young looks at the emergence of urbanism in the interwar period, a global moment when the material and ideological structures that constitute “the city” took their characteristic modern shape. In Japan, as elsewhere, cities became the staging ground for wide ranging social, cultural, economic, and political transformations. The rise of social problems, the formation of a consumer marketplace, the proliferation of streetcars and streetcar suburbs, and the cascade of investments in urban development reinvented the city as both socio-spatial form and set of ideas. Young tells this story through the optic of the provincial city, examining four second-tier cities: Sapporo, Kanazawa, Niigata, and Okayama. As prefectural capitals, these cities constituted centers of their respective regions. All four grew at an enormous rate in the interwar decades, much as the metropolitan giants did. In spite of their commonalities, local conditions meant that policies of national development and the vagaries of the business cycle affected individual cities in diverse ways. As their differences reveal, there is no single master narrative of twentieth century modernization. By engaging urban culture beyond the metropolis, this study shows that Japanese modernity was not made in Tokyo and exported to the provinces, but rather co-constituted through the circulation and exchange of people and ideas throughout the country and beyond.

Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West

Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West PDF Author: William Cronon
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 0393072452
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 590

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A Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and Winner of the Bancroft Prize. "No one has written a better book about a city…Nature's Metropolis is elegant testimony to the proposition that economic, urban, environmental, and business history can be as graceful, powerful, and fascinating as a novel." —Kenneth T. Jackson, Boston Globe

Handbook of the Geography and Statistics of the Church

Handbook of the Geography and Statistics of the Church PDF Author: Johann Elieser Theodor Wiltsch
Category : Church history
Languages : en
Pages : 576

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The Metropolis of Tomorrow

The Metropolis of Tomorrow PDF Author: Hugh Ferriss
Publisher: Courier Corporation
ISBN: 0486437272
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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"In 1916, New York City enacted zoning laws that mandated the building of 'set-back' structures so that light and air would be more freely admitted into the streets below. This concept was first proposed by Louis Sullivan in his 1891 article, 'The high-building question' (inspired by William Le Baron Jenney's recently completed Manhattan building in Chicago). Hugh Ferriss (1889-1962), American draftsman and architect, studies architecture at Washington University in St. Louis where the Beaux Arts school was favored. Early in his career he worked as a draftsman in the office of Cass Gilbert until he became a freelance delineator. In 1922, Ferris took part in a series of zoning envelope studies that sought to comply with the earlier city legislation. Such were the key ingredients that gave rise to [this book]. In [this book], 59 stunning illustrations depict towering structures, personal space, wide avenues, and rooftop parks - features that now exist in many innovative, densely populated urban landscapes. Ferriss uses metaphors from nature that lend his text a poetic quality. It is no wonder that the work inspired critics of the time to remark: 'As a creative entity, as a symbol of the American spirit, it is superb' ('Survey'); and as 'magically stirring as a prophecy' (Albert Guerard in 'Books'). With its eloquent commentary and powerful renderings, [this book] is an indispensable resource for students, architects, and anyone else with an interest in American architecture"--Back cover.

Water-supply Paper

Water-supply Paper PDF Author:
Category : Irrigation
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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Music, Modernity and Locality in Prewar Japan: Osaka and Beyond

Music, Modernity and Locality in Prewar Japan: Osaka and Beyond PDF Author: Alison Tokita
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317091639
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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This anthology addresses the modern musical culture of interwar Osaka and its surrounding Hanshin region. Modernity as experienced in this locale, with its particular historical, geographic and demographic character, and its established traditions of music and performance, gave rise to configurations of the new, the traditional and the hybrid that were distinct from their Tokyo counterparts. The Taisho and early Showa periods, from 1912 to the early 1940s, saw profound changes in Japanese musical life. Consumption of both traditional Japanese and Western music was transformed as public concert performances, music journalism, and music marketing permeated daily life. The new bourgeoisie saw Western music, particularly the piano and its repertoire, as the symbol of a desirable and increasingly affordable modernity. Orchestras and opera troupes were established, which in turn created a need for professional conductors, and both jazz and a range of hybrid popular music styles became viable bases for musical livelihood. Recording technology proliferated; by the early 1930s, record players and SP discs were no longer luxury commodities, radio broadcasts reached all levels of society, and ’talkies’ with music soundtracks were avidly consumed. With the perceived need for music that suited 'modern life', the seeds for the pre-eminent position of Euro-American music in post-Second-World war Japan were sown. At the same time many indigenous musical genres continued to thrive, but were hardly immune to the effects of modernization; in exploring new musical media and techniques drawn from Western music, performer-composers initiated profound changes in composition and performance practice within traditional genres. This volume is the first to draw together research on the interwar musical culture of the Osaka region and addresses comprehensively both Western and non-Western musical practices and genres, questions the common perception of their being wholly separate domains

The Catholic Encyclopedia: Diocese-Fathers

The Catholic Encyclopedia: Diocese-Fathers PDF Author:
Category : Encyclopedias and dictionaries
Languages : en
Pages : 880

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Urban Spaces After Socialism

Urban Spaces After Socialism PDF Author: Tsypylma Darieva
Publisher: Campus Verlag
ISBN: 3593393840
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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The two decades following the collapse of the Soviet Union brought great changes to the new nations on its periphery. This text offers a detailed ethnographic look at one area of change - the use and understanding of public space in the region's cities.