Monster Scales and Modes

Monster Scales and Modes PDF Author: Dave Celentano
Publisher: Centerstream Publications
ISBN: 9780931759598
Category : Guitar
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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(Instructional). This book is a complete compilation of scales, modes, exotic scales, and theory. It covers the most common and exotic scales, theory on how they're constructed and practical applications. No prior music theory is necessary since every section is broken down and explained very clearly.

Monster Scales and Modes

Monster Scales and Modes PDF Author: Dave Celentano
Publisher: Centerstream Publications
ISBN: 9780931759598
Category : Guitar
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
(Instructional). This book is a complete compilation of scales, modes, exotic scales, and theory. It covers the most common and exotic scales, theory on how they're constructed and practical applications. No prior music theory is necessary since every section is broken down and explained very clearly.

Scale Patterns

Scale Patterns PDF Author: Don Latarski
Publisher: Alfred Music
ISBN: 9781457463143
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 80

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This book illustrates, in each of five different positions, all the modes of the major, harmonic minor, melodic minor, pentatonic, blues, diminished and whole tone scales. Don also shows the primary uses for each scale, with an example of each.

Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns

Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns PDF Author: Nicolas Slonimsky
ISBN: 9781773238142
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Since its publication in 1947, great musicians and composers of all genres, from Arnold Schoenberg and Virgil Thomson to John Coltrane and Freddie Hubbard, have sworn by this legendary volume and its comprehensive vocabulary of melodic patterns for composition and improvisation. Think about this book as a melodic reference manual or plot wheel. Looking for new material to add to your playing instruction, improvisations, or composition? This book has more than you'll ever be able to use. Many serious musicians have a copy of this lying around somewhere.

Patterns for Jazz

Patterns for Jazz PDF Author: Jerry Coker
Publisher: Alfred Music Publishing
ISBN: 9780769230177
Category : Improvisation (Music)
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Guitar Hacks

Guitar Hacks PDF Author: Graham Tippett
Publisher: Graham Tippett
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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3NPS (three-note-per-string) scales, as used by legions of guitarists but popularized mainly by Joe Satriani, are one of the most efficient ways to navigate the fretboard and get your scales down IF you follow the guidelines in this book. As the name suggests, a 3NPS scale is any scale that contains three notes on each string, and as you'll see in this eBook, this makes for a very consistent way to map out scales on the guitar fretboard. What we’ve done here is revamped the 3NPS scale system and turned it into an incredibly effective means to learn a wide variety of scales all over the fretboard by streamlining the number of patterns, as well as the picking system. This is not a scale theory book, and contains no pentatonic scales. This is a quick and dirty (and very effective) method for learning 3NPS scales all over the fretboard; something to work on in the woodshed. It will improve your picking technique and speed. It does not require a great amount of thinking as you only need to learn two picking patterns, which is really one in two directions, and only three scale patterns instead of the usual seven per scale.

Guitar Lesson World: The Book

Guitar Lesson World: The Book PDF Author:
Publisher: Guitar Lesson World
ISBN: 0978887700
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns

Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns PDF Author: Yusef Lateef
Category : Melodic analysis
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Guitar Theory For Dummies

Guitar Theory For Dummies PDF Author: Desi Serna
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118646770
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 54

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Book Description
Serious about jamming, understanding, and creating guitar-driven music? Easy. With an approachable and engaging style, Guitar Theory For Dummies goes beyond guitar basics, presenting the guidance intermediate to advanced players need to improve their improvisational and compositional skills. Plus, with access to audio tracks and video instruction online you can master the concepts and techniques covered in the book. Key content coverage includes: pentatonic and major scale patterns; the CAGED chord system, chord progressions, and playing by numbers; roots, keys, and applying scales, plus modes and modal scales; intervals and chord extensions; popular song references and theory applications that help you understand how to play popular music and contemporary guitar styles, and create music of your own. This title also features companion audio tracks and video content hosted online at The expert instruction and easy-to-digest information provides comprehensive guidance on how to apply music theory concepts to fretted instruments If you already have a handle on the basics and want to know more about the building blocks and theory behind guitar music, Guitar Theory For Dummies has you covered.

Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns for Guitar

Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns for Guitar PDF Author: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation
Publisher: Music Sales Amer
ISBN: 9781780389332
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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Book Description
(Music Sales America). This book is a condensed, made-for-guitar version of Nicolas Slonimsky's publication Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns the book that musicians as diverse as John Coltrane and Frank Zappa used for ideas and inspiration. Musicians familiar with the original Thesaurus know that it contains a daunting amount of information crammed in its over 230 pages. But there is a definite symmetry and logic in these Slonimsky examples. What appear to be random patterns are actually mathematical combinations of some or all of the twelve notes in music. As the musician/student plays through the examples, the patterns will unfold and become more obvious.

Fretboard Theory

Fretboard Theory PDF Author: Desi Serna
Publisher: Desi Serna
ISBN: 0615226221
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Book Description
Do you love sitting at home playing guitar, but find yourself playing the same old things over and over without making much progress? When other musicians invite you to jam, do you worry that you won’t be able to keep up? Are you a veteran guitarist who has played for years, but you’re embarrassed to admit you have no idea what you’re doing? If you want to take your guitar playing to the next level, compose songs like you hear on the radio, and improvise your own music, then you need Fretboard Theory. Fretboard Theory by Desi Serna teaches music theory for guitar including scales, chords, progressions, modes and more. The hands-on approach to theory shows you how music "works" on the guitar fretboard by visualizing shapes and patterns and how they connect to make music. Content includes: * Learn pentatonic and major scale patterns as used to play melodies, riffs, solos, and bass lines * Move beyond basic chords and common barre chords by playing the types of chord inversions and chord voicings used by music's most famous players * Chart guitar chord progressions and play by numbers like the pros * Identify correct scales to play over chords and progressions so you can improvise at will * Create new sounds with music modes and get to know Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and Locrian * Add variety to your playing by using intervals such as thirds, fourths, and sixths * Increase your chord vocabulary by using added chord tones and extensions to play chord types such as major 7, minor 7, sus2, sus4, add9, and more * Learn how all the different aspects of music fit together to make a great song * See how theory relates to popular styles of music and familiar songs Fretboard Theory will have you mastering music like a pro easier and faster than you ever thought possible. Plus, it's the ONLY GUITAR THEORY RESOURCE in the world that includes important details to hundreds of popular songs. You learn how to play in the style of pop, rock, acoustic, blues, and more! This guitar instruction is perfect whether you want to jam, compose or just understand the music you play better. The material is suitable for both acoustic and electric guitar, plus it features many references to bass. Level: Recommended for intermediate level players on up. Video Fretboard Theory is also available as a 21-hour video series that is sold separately on the author's website. Visit the website and sign up for email lessons to sample the footage. Fretboard Theory Volume II When you're ready to take your playing to the next level, get the second book in the series, Fretboard Theory Volume II, which is also available as a 12-hour video series.