Saints and Postmodernism

Saints and Postmodernism PDF Author: Edith Wyschogrod
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226920437
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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"In this exciting and important work, Wyschogrod attempts to read contemporary ethical theory against the vast unwieldy tapestry that is postmodernism. . . . [A] provocative and timely study."—Michael Gareffa, Theological Studies "A 'must' for readers interested in the borderlands between philosophy, hagiography, and ethics."—Mark I. Wallace, Religious Studies Review

Saintly Influence

Saintly Influence PDF Author: Edith Wyschogrod
Publisher: Fordham Univ Press
ISBN: 0823230872
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Since the publication of her first book, the first about Levinas published in English, Edith Wyschogrod has been at the forefront of continental philosophy and philosophy of religion.In this volume, twelve scholars examine and display the influence of Wyschogrod's work in essays that take up the thematics of influence in a variety of contexts: Christian theology, the saintly behavior of the villagers of Le Chambon sur Lignon, the texts of the medieval Jewish mystic Abraham Abulafia, the philosophies of Levinas, Derrida, and Benjamin, the practice of intellectual history, the cultural memory of the New Testament, and pedagogy.

Saintly Influence

Saintly Influence PDF Author: Eric Boynton
Publisher: Fordham Univ Press
ISBN: 0823230899
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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Since the publication of her first book, Emmanuel Levinas: The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics, in 1974-the first book about Levinas published in English-Edith Wyschogrod has been at the forefront of the fields of Continental philosophy and philosophy of religion. Her work has crossed many disciplinary boundaries, making peregrinations from phenomenology and moral philosophy to historiography, the history of religions (both Western and non-Western), aesthetics, and the philosophy of biology. In all of these discourses, she has sought to cultivate an awareness of how the self is situated and influenced, as well as the ways in which a self can influence others. In this volume, twelve scholars examine and display the influence of Wyschogrod's work in essays that take up the thematics of influence in a variety of contexts: Christian theology, the saintly behavior of the villagers of Le Chambon sur Lignon, the texts of the medieval Jewish mystic Abraham Abulafia, the philosophies of Levinas, Derrida, and Benjamin, the practice of intellectual history, the cultural memory of the New Testament, and pedagogy. In response, Wyschogrod shows how her interlocutors have brought to light her multiple authorial personae and have thus marked the ambiguity of selfhood, its position at the nexus of being influenced by and influencing others.

The Saintly Defense

The Saintly Defense PDF Author: Brian Starr
ISBN: 1794827382
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Lessons in Leadership from the Saints

Lessons in Leadership from the Saints PDF Author: BJ Gonzalvo Ph.D.
Publisher: WestBow Press
ISBN: 1512788341
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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The call to lead and the call to holiness are profoundly intertwined. But in our world today, what does it even mean to be a leader? What does it even mean to be holy? Using the timeless and transcendent wisdom of the saints and the latest findings in business and social science, this book takes an insightful examination of the leadership principles demonstrated in the lives of the saints and their applicability to our modern everyday lives. Faced with challenges where their faith and even their lives hung in the balance, the saints responses exemplify what are authentic, effective, and inspirational models of leadership that we can use to guide us to our eternal destination. Echoing the words of Saint Francis of Assisi, Come along, Ill show you how. Let us call on Francis, Dominic, Ignatius, Francis Xavier, Therese of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, Maximilian Kolbe, Padre Pio, Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II, and countless others who have gone before us to be our companions and guides, illuminating the path for us as we step up to lead and move forward to journey towards Christ.

Saints and Postmodernism

Saints and Postmodernism PDF Author: Edith Wyschogrod
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226920437
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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"In this exciting and important work, Wyschogrod attempts to read contemporary ethical theory against the vast unwieldy tapestry that is postmodernism. . . . [A] provocative and timely study."—Michael Gareffa, Theological Studies "A 'must' for readers interested in the borderlands between philosophy, hagiography, and ethics."—Mark I. Wallace, Religious Studies Review

Indian Sufism since the Seventeenth Century

Indian Sufism since the Seventeenth Century PDF Author: Nile Green
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134168241
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 277

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Sufism is often regarded as standing mystically aloof from its wider cultural settings. By turning this perspective on its head, Indian Sufism since the Seventeenth Century reveals the politics and poetry of Indian Sufism through the study of Islamic sainthood in the midst of a cosmopolitan Indian society comprising migrants, soldiers, litterateurs and princes. Placing the mystical traditions of Indian Islam within their cultural contexts, this interesting study focuses on the shrines of four Sufi saints in the neglected Deccan region and their changing roles under the rule of the Mughals, the Nizams of Haydarabad and, after 1948, the Indian nation. In particular Green studies the city of Awrangabad, examining the vibrant intellectual and cultural history of this city as part of the independent state of Haydarabad. He employs a combination of historical texts and anthropological fieldwork, which provide a fresh perspective on developments of devotional Islam in South Asia over the past three centuries, giving a fuller understanding of Sufism and Muslim saints in South Asia.

Heroes, Saints, and Ordinary Morality

Heroes, Saints, and Ordinary Morality PDF Author: Andrew Michael Flescher
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 9781589013414
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Most of us are content to see ourselves as ordinary people—unique in ways, talented in others, but still among the ranks of ordinary mortals. Andrew Flescher probes our contented state by asking important questions: How should "ordinary" people respond when others need our help, whether the situation is a crisis, or something less? Do we have a responsibility, an obligation, to go that extra mile, to act above and beyond the call of duty? Or should we leave the braver responses to those who are somehow different than we are: better somehow, "heroes," or "saints?" Traditional approaches to ethics have suggested there is a sharp distinction between ordinary people and those called heroes and saints; between duties and acts of supererogation (going beyond the expected). Flescher seeks to undo these standard dichotomies by looking at the lives and actions of certain historical figures—Holocaust rescuers, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, among others—who appear to be extraordinary but were, in fact, ordinary people. Heroes, Saints, and Ordinary Morality shifts the way we regard ourselves in relationship to those we admire from afar—it asks us not only to admire, but to emulate as well—further, it challenges us to actively seek the acquisition of virtue as seen in the lives of heroes and saints, to learn from them, a dynamic aspect of ethical behavior that goes beyond the mere avoidance of wrongdoing. Andrew Flescher sets a stage where we need to think and act, calling us to lead lives of self-examination—even if that should sometimes provoke discomfort. He asks that we strive to emulate those we admire and therefore allow ourselves to grow morally, and spiritually. It is then that the individual develops a deeper altruistic sense of self—a state that allows us to respond as the heroes of our own lives, and therefore in the lives of others, when times and circumstance demand that of us.

The Life and Labours of Saint Thomas of Aquin

The Life and Labours of Saint Thomas of Aquin PDF Author: Roger Bede Vaughan
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1016

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The matter of miracles

The matter of miracles PDF Author: Helen Hills
Publisher: Manchester University Press
ISBN: 1526100398
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 742

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This book investigates baroque architecture through the lens of San Gennaro’s miraculously liquefying blood in Naples. This vantage point allows a bracing and thoroughly original rethink of the power of baroque relics and reliquaries. It shows how a focus on miracles produces original interpretations of architecture, sanctity and place which will engage architectural historians everywhere. The matter of the baroque miracle extends into a rigorous engagement with natural history, telluric philosophy, new materialism, theory and philosophy. The study will transform our understanding of baroque art and architecture, sanctity and Naples. Bristling with new archival materials and historical insights, this study lifts the baroque from its previous marginalisation to engage fiercely with materiality and potentiality and thus unleash baroque art and architecture as productive and transformational.

Mary Lyon and the Mount Holyoke Missionaries

Mary Lyon and the Mount Holyoke Missionaries PDF Author: Amanda Porterfield
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195354508
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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American women played in important part in Protestant foreign missionary work from its early days at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This work allowed them to disseminate the Prostestant religious principles in which they believed, and by enabling them to acquire professional competence as teachers, to break into public life and create new opportunities for themselves and other women. No institution was more closely associated with women missionaries than Mount Holyoke College. In this book, Amanda Porterfield examines Mount Holyoke founder Mary Lyon and the missionary women she trained. Her students assembled in a number of particular mission fields, most importantly Persia, India, Ceylon, Hawaii, and Africa. Porterfield focuses on three sites where documentation about their activities is especially rich-- northwest Persia, Maharashtra in western India, and Natal in southeast Africa. All three of these sites figured importantly in antebellum missionary strategy; missionaries envisioned their converts launching the conquest of Islam from Persia, overturning "Satan's seat" in India, and drawing the African descendants of Ham into the fold of Christendom. Porterfield shows that although their primary goal of converting large numbers of women to Protestant Christianity remained elusive, antebellum missionary women promoted female literacy everywhere they went, along with belief in the superiority and scientific validity of Protestant orthodoxy, the necessity of monogamy and the importance of marital affection, and concern for the well-being of children and women. In this way, the missionary women contributed to cultural change in many parts of the world, and to the development of new cultures that combined missionary concepts with traditional ideals.