Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing

Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing PDF Author: H. Allan Bremner
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780849315404
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Edited by a leading authority on quality issues, and with a distinguished international team of contributors, this major new book summarizes important new research on improving quality in fish processing.

Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing

Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing PDF Author: H. Allan Bremner
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780849315404
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Book Description
Edited by a leading authority on quality issues, and with a distinguished international team of contributors, this major new book summarizes important new research on improving quality in fish processing.

Safety And Quality Issues In Fish Processing (hb)

Safety And Quality Issues In Fish Processing (hb) PDF Author: H. Allan Bremner
ISBN: 9781855725522
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 507

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Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing

Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing PDF Author: H A Bremner
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1855736780
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Book Description
The processing and supply of fish products is a huge global business. Like other sectors of the food industry it depends on providing products which are both safe and which meet consumers' increasingly demanding requirements for quality. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Safety and quality issues in fish processing addresses these two central questions.Part one looks at ways of ensuring safe products. There are 3 chapters on the key issue of applying HACCP systems in an increasingly international supply chain. These are complemented by chapters on identifying and controlling key hazards from pathogens and allergens to heavy metals, parasites and toxins. Part two contains a range of contributions analysing various aspects of fish quality. Two introductory chapters consider how concepts such as quality, freshness and shelf-life may be defined. This chapter provides a context for chapters on modelling and predicting shelf-life, key enzymatic influences on postmortem fish colour, flavour and texture, and the impact of lipid oxidation on shelf-life. Part three of the book looks at ways of improving quality through the supply chain. An initial chapter sets the scene by looking at ways of creating an integrated quality chain. There are then a series of chapters on key processing and preservation technologies ranging from traditional fish drying to high pressure processing. These are followed by a discussion of methods of storage, particularly in maintaining the quality of frozen fish. Two final chapters complete the book by looking at fish byproducts and the issue of species identification in processed seafood.As authoritative as it is comprehensive, Safety and quality issues in fish processing is a standard work on defining, measuring and improving the safety and quality of fish products. - Addresses how to provide fish products which are safe and also meet consumers' increasingly demanding requirements for quality - Examines ways of ensuring safe products, from the application of HACCP systems in an international supply chain to the identification and control of hazards from pathogens, allergens, heavy metals, parasites and toxins - Outlines how to identify and control hazards, from pathogens and allergens to heavy metals, parasites and toxins

Oxidative Stability and Shelf Life of Foods Containing Oils and Fats

Oxidative Stability and Shelf Life of Foods Containing Oils and Fats PDF Author: Min Hu
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 163067057X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 582

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Oxidative Stability and Shelf Life of Foods Containing Oils and Fats focuses on food stability and shelf life, both important factors in the improvement and development of food products. This book, relevant for professionals in the food and pet food industries, presents an evaluation of methods for studies on the oxidative stability and shelf life of bulk oils/fats, fried oils and foods, food emulsions, dried foods, meat and meat products, and seafood in food and pet food. - Focuses on the application of various evaluation methods to studies of oxidative stability and shelf life in oils and fats and oils and fats-containing foods in the food and pet food industries - Discusses oxidative stability and shelf life of low-moisture (dry) food, including dry pet food - Discusses lipid co-oxidation with protein because a number of food products contain both lipids and proteins - Directed mainly toward readers working in the food and pet food industries

Processing Effects on Safety and Quality of Foods

Processing Effects on Safety and Quality of Foods PDF Author: Enrique Ortega-Rivas
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420061151
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 596

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Covers a Host of Groundbreaking TechniquesThermal processing is known to effectively control microbial populations in food, but the procedure also has a downsideit can break down the biochemical composition of foods, resulting in a marked loss of sensory and nutritional quality. Processing Effects on Safety and Quality of Foods delineates three dec

Handbook of Seafood Quality, Safety and Health Applications

Handbook of Seafood Quality, Safety and Health Applications PDF Author: Cesarettin Alasalvar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444347764
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 632

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Book Description
The global market for seafood products continues to increase year by year. Food safety considerations are as crucial as ever in this sector, and higher standards of quality are demanded even as products are shipped greater distances around the world. The current global focus on the connection between diet and health drives growth in the industry and offers commercial opportunities on a number of fronts. There is great interest in the beneficial effects of marine functional compounds such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seafoods are well-known as low calorie foods, and research continues into the nutritional effects on, for example, obesity and heart disease. In addition, by-products of marine food processing can be used in nutraceutical applications. This book is a resource for those interested in the latest advances in the science and technology of seafood quality and safety as well as new developments in the nutritional effects and applications of marine foods. It includes chapters on the practical evaluation of seafood quality; novel approaches in preservation techniques; flavour chemistry and analysis; textural quality and measurement; packaging; the control of food-borne pathogens and seafood toxins. New research on the health-related aspects of marine food intake are covered, as well as the use of seafoods as sources of bioactives and nutraceuticals. The book is directed at scientists and technologists in academia, government laboratories and the seafood industries, including quality managers, processors and sensory scientists.

Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering - 4 Volume Set

Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering - 4 Volume Set PDF Author: Y. H. Hui
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 146650787X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3539

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Advances in food science, technology, and engineering are occurring at such a rapid rate that obtaining current, detailed information is challenging at best. While almost everyone engaged in these disciplines has accumulated a vast variety of data over time, an organized, comprehensive resource containing this data would be invaluable to have. The

Trends in Fish Processing Technologies

Trends in Fish Processing Technologies PDF Author: Daniela Borda
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1498729185
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 356

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The high market demand based on consumers’ trust in fish as a healthy and nutritious food resource made fish processing a very dynamic industry, spurring many innovations in processing and packaging methods. Trends in Fish Processing Technologies not only reflects what is currently new in fish processing but also points out where things are heading in this area. This book provides an overview of the modern technologies employed by the industry. It details the advances in fish processing, including high pressure processing (HPP), pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment and minimally heat processing combined with microwave (MW) and radio-frequency (RF). It provides references to food safety management systems and food safety & quality indicators for processed fish in order to achieve an adequate level of protection. Quality aspects and molecular methods for the assessment of fish and fish products integrity are introduced. Fish products reformulation trends based on sustainability principles that tackles the reduction of salt content and the use of natural antimicrobials are presented. Innovative packaging solutions for fish products are explored, detailing intelligent packaging with freshness and time-temperature indicators, applications of modified packaging atmosphere, antimicrobial bio-nanocomposite packaging materials and biodegradable edible films used as primary fish packaging. In addition to covering the current advancements in fish processing the book discusses fraud, adulteration, fair trade practices, traceability and the need for added value, clean and sustainable processing in the fish chain.

HACCP and ISO 22000

HACCP and ISO 22000 PDF Author: Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781444320930
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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Food Safety is an increasingly important issue. Numerous foodcrises have occurred internationally in recent years (the use ofthe dye Sudan Red I; the presence of acrylamide in various friedand baked foods; mislabelled or unlabelled genetically modifiedfoods; and the outbreak of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)originating in both primary agricultural production and in the foodmanufacturing industries. Public concern at these and other eventshas led government agencies to implement a variety of legislativeactions covering many aspects of the food chain. This book presents and compares the HACCP and ISO 22000:2005food safety management systems. These systems were introduced toimprove and build upon existing systems in an attempt to addressthe kinds of failures which can lead to food crises. Numerouspractical examples illustrating the application of ISO 22000 to themanufacture of food products of animal origin are presented in thisextensively-referenced volume. After an opening chapter whichintroduces ISO 22000 and compares it with the well-establishedHACCP food safety management system, a summary of internationallegislation relating to safety in foods of animal origin ispresented. The main part of the book is divided into chapters whichare devoted to the principle groups of animal-derived foodproducts: dairy, meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. Chapters are alsoincluded on catering and likely future directions. The book is aimed at food industry managers and consultants;government officials responsible for food safety monitoring;researchers and advanced students interested in food safety.

Mediterranean Foods

Mediterranean Foods PDF Author: Rui M. S. da Cruz
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1315352249
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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The Mediterranean region is well known around the world for its rich culinary history. While most books tend to only focus on the nutritional, culinary, and/or health aspects of Mediterranean cuisine, this book presents a more scientific approach and discusses the composition of specific foods from the Mediterranean basin as well as specific processing methodologies applied to produce food in this area of the world.