Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism

Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism PDF Author: L. Harrington
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9781349733064
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The twentieth-century discovered the concept of sacred place largely through the work of Martin Heidegger and Mircea Eliade. Their writings on sacred place respond to the modern manipulation of nature and secularization of space, and so may seem distinctively post-modern, but their work has an important and unacknowledged precedent in the Neoplatonism of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism traces the appearance and development of sacred place in the writings of Neoplatonists from the third to ninth centuries, and sets them in the context of present-day debates over place and the sacred.

Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism

Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism PDF Author: L. Harrington
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9781349733064
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
The twentieth-century discovered the concept of sacred place largely through the work of Martin Heidegger and Mircea Eliade. Their writings on sacred place respond to the modern manipulation of nature and secularization of space, and so may seem distinctively post-modern, but their work has an important and unacknowledged precedent in the Neoplatonism of Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Sacred Place in Early Medieval Neoplatonism traces the appearance and development of sacred place in the writings of Neoplatonists from the third to ninth centuries, and sets them in the context of present-day debates over place and the sacred.

Paradigms and Methods in Early Medieval Studies

Paradigms and Methods in Early Medieval Studies PDF Author: C. Chazelle
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137123052
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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Book Description
The articles in this volume, by scholars all pursuing careers in the United States, concern the theoretical approaches and methods of early medieval studies. Most of the issues examined span the period from roughly 400 to 1000 CE and regions stretching from westernmost Eurasia to the Black Sea and the Baltic. This is the first volume of essays explicitly to reassess the heuristic structures and methodologies of research on "early medieval Europe." Because of its geographic, chronological, thematic, and methodological diversity and scope, the collection also showcases the breadth of early medieval studies currently practiced in the United States.

Consolation in Medieval Narrative

Consolation in Medieval Narrative PDF Author: C. Schrock
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137447818
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Medieval writers such as Chaucer, Abelard, and Langland often overlaid personal story and sacred history to produce a distinct narrative form. The first of its kind, this study traces this widely used narrative tradition to Augustine's two great histories: Confessions and City of God .

Allegory and Sexual Ethics in the High Middle Ages

Allegory and Sexual Ethics in the High Middle Ages PDF Author: N. Guynn
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230603661
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 229

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Book Description
Guynn offers an innovative new approach to the ethical, cultural, and ideological analysis of medieval allegory. Working between poststructuralism and historical materialism, he considers both the playfulness of allegory and its disciplinary force.

Visual Culture and the German Middle Ages

Visual Culture and the German Middle Ages PDF Author: K. Starkey
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 113705655X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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Book Description
This multi-disciplinary collection of essays draws on various theoretical approaches to explore the highly visual nature of the Middle Ages and expose new facets of old texts and artefacts. The term 'visual culture' has been used in recent years to refer to modern media theory, film, modern art and other contemporary representational forms and functions. But this emphasis on visuality is not only a modern phenomenon. Discourses on visual processes pervade the works of medieval secular poets, theologians, and scholastics alike. The Middle Ages was a highly visual society in which images, objects, and performance played a dominant communicative and representational role in both secular and religious areas of society. The essays in this volume, which present various perspectives on medieval visual culture, provide a critical historical basis for the study of visuality and visual processes.

Performing Piety

Performing Piety PDF Author: A. Yardley
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137057335
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 339

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Book Description
Addressing questions about the musical life in English nunneries in the later Middle Ages, Yardley pieces together a mosaic of nunnery musical life, where even the smallest convents sang the monastic offices on a daily basis and many of the larger houses celebrated the late medieval liturgy in all of its complexity.

On the Purification of Women

On the Purification of Women PDF Author: P. Rieder
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137050144
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
This book is a social history of the ritual and custom of churching, a liturgical rite of purification after childbirth performed on a woman's first visit to church after giving birth. The book describes the development of the rite from its original meaning as a response to blood pollution to its redefinition as a rite that honoured marriage.

Logic, Theology and Poetry in Boethius, Anselm, Abelard, and Alan of Lille

Logic, Theology and Poetry in Boethius, Anselm, Abelard, and Alan of Lille PDF Author: E. Sweeney
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137063734
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Book Description
This interdisciplinary study offers an interpretation of the major logical, philosophical/theological and poetic writings of Boethius, Abelard and Alan of Lille. The author examines their theories of language and the ways in which they explore how words illuminate things, how the mind comprehends God and how the individual reaches beatitude.

England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century

England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century PDF Author: M. Bullòn-Fernandez
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230603106
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Book Description
This groundbreaking interdisciplinary collection of essays by American, British, and Iberian scholars examines the literary, historical, and artistic exchanges between England and Iberia from the Twelfth to Fifteenth century.

Writers of the Reign of Henry II

Writers of the Reign of Henry II PDF Author: R. Kennedy
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137088559
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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Book Description
This collection of work studies the often neglected writers of the second half of the twelfth century in England. At this time three languages competed for recognition and prestige and carved out their own spaces, while an English-speaking populace was ruled by a French-speaking aristocracy and administered by a Latin-speaking and writing clergy.