
Kosmoautikon PDF Author: Mark Chandos
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1493154508
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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Why should you read the KOSMOAUTIKON Epic Cycle? 1) KOSMOAUTIKON has information of the long count of the Human Condition. No other work of American literature observes the ancient origins of the human genome. No other poem projects the force of the strong poet into a Space faring civilization. 2) KOSMOAUTIKON does not repeat any modernist clichés. Modernism can only detect modernism. Modern literature can only regurgitate modernist linguistic codices – a fascination with disease, medical mythos, and the omnipotence of laboratory science. KOSMOAUTIKON accuses the madness of this modernist experiment. Instead, KOSMOAUTIKON detects the astral position of the human mind. A story is told that places man in a position of power in relation to the universe. Modernism makes treats men and parasites. In story Theory man is the center of all things, since only the human has a terra- forming mind. 3) KOSMOAUTIKON creates a new linguistic codex to project a new advance in the human Genome. A new linguistic structure must always prepare the way for any human advance. “I had to remove your planet – and then your bones.” 4) KOSMOAUTIKON tells the story of Rogue males. Who are our rogue males? Alexander, Christ, Cesar, Dante, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Henry VIII, Edward De Vere (Shake-speare), Beethoven, Francis bacon, Oscar Wilde (etc.). Western civilization has been made by rogue males. No other modern text would even dare to discuss the power of the rogue male. Modernism seeks to inoculate, medicate, or incarcerate the rogue male – early. Yet there will be rogues makes again – and they will change the human genome. This is the story of KOSMOAUTIKON Five. 5) There is no other document that contains future speech. No Western person can be educated without first reading KOSMOAUTIKON. Most googled favorite lines from KOSMOAUTIKON: 1) We had to remove your planet – then your bones. 2) Observe my second sweat condense the juice loving bark, my song recovered stitch all numbered kiss close fit . . . 3) . . . then fix my sleep at that beam all-speeding from glow emitting north, my eye abreast a lover's shard of light. 4) The caldron planet still beaconed red 5)...You will not miss the globular element of your fire-burned ancestors. 6) When you could not yourself believe. I made you diamond tablets of belief. When you yourself could not detect the sky, I wrote the sun for you each day new. When you by yourself were congealed as frost, I dipped your brittle mouth still blue and flaked. When you could not lift your hands yourself to count, I raised your arm to rage against the beats of breath.


Kosmoautikon PDF Author: Mark Chandos
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1493154508
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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Book Description
Why should you read the KOSMOAUTIKON Epic Cycle? 1) KOSMOAUTIKON has information of the long count of the Human Condition. No other work of American literature observes the ancient origins of the human genome. No other poem projects the force of the strong poet into a Space faring civilization. 2) KOSMOAUTIKON does not repeat any modernist clichés. Modernism can only detect modernism. Modern literature can only regurgitate modernist linguistic codices – a fascination with disease, medical mythos, and the omnipotence of laboratory science. KOSMOAUTIKON accuses the madness of this modernist experiment. Instead, KOSMOAUTIKON detects the astral position of the human mind. A story is told that places man in a position of power in relation to the universe. Modernism makes treats men and parasites. In story Theory man is the center of all things, since only the human has a terra- forming mind. 3) KOSMOAUTIKON creates a new linguistic codex to project a new advance in the human Genome. A new linguistic structure must always prepare the way for any human advance. “I had to remove your planet – and then your bones.” 4) KOSMOAUTIKON tells the story of Rogue males. Who are our rogue males? Alexander, Christ, Cesar, Dante, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Caravaggio, Henry VIII, Edward De Vere (Shake-speare), Beethoven, Francis bacon, Oscar Wilde (etc.). Western civilization has been made by rogue males. No other modern text would even dare to discuss the power of the rogue male. Modernism seeks to inoculate, medicate, or incarcerate the rogue male – early. Yet there will be rogues makes again – and they will change the human genome. This is the story of KOSMOAUTIKON Five. 5) There is no other document that contains future speech. No Western person can be educated without first reading KOSMOAUTIKON. Most googled favorite lines from KOSMOAUTIKON: 1) We had to remove your planet – then your bones. 2) Observe my second sweat condense the juice loving bark, my song recovered stitch all numbered kiss close fit . . . 3) . . . then fix my sleep at that beam all-speeding from glow emitting north, my eye abreast a lover's shard of light. 4) The caldron planet still beaconed red 5)...You will not miss the globular element of your fire-burned ancestors. 6) When you could not yourself believe. I made you diamond tablets of belief. When you yourself could not detect the sky, I wrote the sun for you each day new. When you by yourself were congealed as frost, I dipped your brittle mouth still blue and flaked. When you could not lift your hands yourself to count, I raised your arm to rage against the beats of breath.


Publisher: South Vision Books
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Dr. Bhupinder Singh IAS [Retd.] has devoted himself to social justice in the cause of tribals and marginalised sections of India, passionately evolving concepts and driving policies etc. during his entire career in the Indian Administrative Service and post-retirement, a total of nearly six decades. He brought energy, empathy, passion and scholarship to what he regarded not a job but life’s dedicated goal. He is widely recognised as a thought leader and authored three committees’ seminal reports. The first one on Jharkhand led to the formation of the new state. The Bodo Councils were born out of the report on Plains tribes of Assam. The tribal-customized Panchayat system in Scheduled Areas of nine States burgeoned based on the recommendations in the third report for the proposed law on extension of the provisions of the Constitution [73rd amendment] Act, 1992 to Scheduled Areas. Federal India was historically reconfigured. As a member of the second Commission on Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes set up by the Government of India under Article 339(1), he played a key role in its activities and particularly in writing in major part its 2004 report. Post-retirement, he continues to tirelessly champion the cause in many ways. The Author felt the need to turn to fiction since any number of Central and State reports have produced disproportionately lower outcomes. He hopes that a work of sociological-fiction might spread interest among members of civil society, and create waves among millions of tribal friends all over the country through the messages of goddess Sene delivered, hopefully, in their own languages, to demand and secure their rights and entitlements democratically.

Competition Science Vision

Competition Science Vision PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Competition Science Vision (monthly magazine) is published by Pratiyogita Darpan Group in India and is one of the best Science monthly magazines available for medical entrance examination students in India. Well-qualified professionals of Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany make contributions to this magazine and craft it with focus on providing complete and to-the-point study material for aspiring candidates. The magazine covers General Knowledge, Science and Technology news, Interviews of toppers of examinations, study material of Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany with model papers, reasoning test questions, facts, quiz contest, general awareness and mental ability test in every monthly issue.

Earth Dynamics

Earth Dynamics PDF Author: D. E. Smylie
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107310628
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 559

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The Earth is a dynamic system. Internal processes, together with external gravitational forces of the Sun, Moon and planets, displace the Earth's mass, impacting on its shape, rotation and gravitational field. D. E. Smylie provides a rigorous overview of the dynamical behaviour of the solid Earth, explaining the theory and presenting methods for numerical implementation. Topics include advanced digital analysis, earthquake displacement fields, Free Core Nutations observed by the Very Long Baseline Interferometric technique, translational modes of the solid inner core observed by the superconducting gravimeters, and dynamics of the outer fluid core. This book is supported by freeware computer code, available online for students to implement the theory. Online materials also include a suite of graphics generated from the numerical analysis, combined with 100 graphic examples in the book to make this an ideal tool for researchers and graduate students in the fields of geodesy, seismology and solid Earth geophysics. The book covers broadly applicable subjects such as the analysis of unequally spaced time series by Singular Value Decomposition, as well as specific topics on Earth dynamics.

Political Ties

Political Ties PDF Author: John Quicke
Publisher: Troubador Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1783064587
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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These poems explore current concerns about the quality of human relationships in a digital age, the subtle influence of neo-liberal ideology, the psychology of the impact of terrorism and modern warfare, and the fragility of identity in the postmodern era. Some derive from the author’s experience as a psychologist working with a variety of emotional and behavioural difficulties. They reflect doubts and ambiguities about the validity of the expert’s knowledge and the reliability of judgements on the causes and moral status of so-called 'deviant' behaviour. The poems are full of both light and dark humour, irony, contradictory 'voices', surreal elements and apt but often provocative metaphors, reflecting the dilemmas and uncertainties of the politically committed poet who is nevertheless open to experience and for whom life is not a closed book. A variety of verse forms – haiku, sonnet, sestina, villanelle, blank verse, terza rima, dramatic monologue – and verbal styles are used, and the poems are couched in accessible, lively, contemporary language. The reader is introduced to various personae, including a person addicted to life online, someone with illusions about a personal trainer, a steward who used to be a football hooligan, rubberneckers on a motorway, a female worker about to be sacked, a person with highland cow phobia, an arsonist’s daughter, a self denigrating prison visitor, a worried well-heeled news reader, a stressed out drone pilot, a group of old ramblers with military fantasies, works' cricketers.


Borderland PDF Author: Rhiannon Lassiter
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780192752376
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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A new triology, about a group of teenagers who travel into a parallel world. In this new world, each finds a new role: Morgan's black clothes mark her out as a magic-maker, while Alex puts his interest in war games to use, with potentially deadly effect. Zoe, new to the group, has to findher feet, and try to stop the others causing havoc. The stories combine exciting plots with strong characterization and insights into the real concerns of this age group.* Rhiannon Lassiter's first book, Hex, received widespread acclaim on publication

Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements

Star Trek: Picard: Rogue Elements PDF Author: John Jackson Miller
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1982175214
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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The thrilling adventure based on the acclaimed Star Trek: Picard TV series! Starfleet was everything for Cristóbal Rios…until one horrible, inexplicable day when it all went wrong. Aimless and adrift, he grasps at a chance for a future as an independent freighter captain in an area betrayed by the Federation, the border region with the former Romulan Empire. His greatest desire: to be left alone. But solitude isn’t in the cards for the captain of La Sirena, who falls into debt to a roving gang of hoodlums from a planet whose society is based on Prohibition-era Earth. Teamed against his will with Ledger, his conniving overseer, Rios begins an odyssey that brings him into conflict with outlaws and fortune seekers, with power brokers and relic hunters across the stars. Exotic loves and locales await—as well as dangers galore—and Rios learns the hard way that good crewmembers are hard to find, even when you can create your own. And while his meeting with Jean-Luc Picard is years away, Rios finds himself drawing on the Starfleet legend’s experiences when he discovers a mystery that began on one of the galaxy’s most important days…. ​™, ®, & © 2021 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cortez Hills Expansion Project

Cortez Hills Expansion Project PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 758

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Literature and Union

Literature and Union PDF Author: Gerard Carruthers
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0191055816
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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Literature and Union opens up a new front in interdisciplinary literary studies. There has been a great deal of academic work—both in the Scottish context and more broadly—on the relationship between literature and nationhood, yet almost none on the relationship between literature and unions. This volume introduces the insights of the new British history into mainstream Scottish literary scholarship. The contributors, who are from all shades of the political spectrum, will interrogate from various angles the assumption of a binary opposition between organic Scottish values and those supposedly imposed by an overbearing imperial England. Viewing Scottish literature as a clash between Scottish and English identities loses sight of the internal Scottish political and religious divisions, which, far more than issues of nationhood and union, were the primary sources of conflict in Scottish culture for most of the period of Union, until at least the early twentieth century. The aim of the volume is to reconstruct the story of Scottish literature along lines which are more historically persuasive than those of the prevailing grand narratives in the field. The chapters fall into three groups: (1) those which highlight canonical moments in Scottish literary Unionism—John Bull, 'Rule, Britannia', Humphry Clinker, Ivanhoe and England, their England; (2) those which investigate key themes and problems, including the Unions of 1603 and 1707, Scottish Augustanism, the Burns Cult, Whig-Presbyterian and sentimental Jacobite literatures; and (3) comparative pieces on European and Anglo-Irish phenomena.

The Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald

The Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald PDF Author: Scott P. Johnson
Publisher: Lexington Books
ISBN: 0739186825
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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The Kennedy assassination has produced a number of conspiracy theories based largely upon intriguing questions, speculation, and inference. Thousands of books and articles have been written about the assassination with a large majority of the published material arguing for a conspiracy of one kind or another. However, a relatively small volume of literature has been written from a scholarly and academic perspective. The Faces of Lee Harvey Oswald provides the first comprehensive scholarly analysis of Lee Harvey's Oswald's role in the JFK assassination. Scott P. Johnson objectively examines the various narratives of Lee Harvey Oswald created by researchers and authors over the last fifty years. He finds that at first glance any theory related to Oswald’s role appears as convincing as the next, particularly when researchers carefully select information that only advances their preferred theory. In reality, however, Oswald’s role in the assassination offers little certainty when one looks at the mystery surrounding Oswald’s life and death as well as the complexity and ambiguity surrounding the murder of President Kennedy. Rather than putting forth a single theory, Johnson lays out the known facts against each theory and allows the readers to make their own decision.