Renaissance Realm

Renaissance Realm PDF Author: Michael Fishel
ISBN: 9780764360824
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Russianpainter Olga Suvorova is internationally known for her brilliantreinterpretations of English Pre-Rafaelite art, described by criticViktoriya Syslova as "amazingly modern in their exquisitetheatricality." Both exuberant and philosophical in mood, her richlydetailed worlds depict people who are somehow familiar to us, even intheir extravagant costumes.In this first-person account, accompanied by over 150 images of hercolorful paintings, Suvorova describes her background, earlyinfluences, and career spanning from the 1970s to today. Mysteriouscats, faithful dogs, ravishing birds, and beautiful flowers playsupporting roles in her paintings. Arevel of life, light, and energy, Suvorova's regal, Renaissance-styleart is universally loved because it offers a fresh take on a genre thatstill has wide popular appeal.

Renaissance Realm

Renaissance Realm PDF Author: Michael Fishel
ISBN: 9780764360824
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Book Description
Russianpainter Olga Suvorova is internationally known for her brilliantreinterpretations of English Pre-Rafaelite art, described by criticViktoriya Syslova as "amazingly modern in their exquisitetheatricality." Both exuberant and philosophical in mood, her richlydetailed worlds depict people who are somehow familiar to us, even intheir extravagant costumes.In this first-person account, accompanied by over 150 images of hercolorful paintings, Suvorova describes her background, earlyinfluences, and career spanning from the 1970s to today. Mysteriouscats, faithful dogs, ravishing birds, and beautiful flowers playsupporting roles in her paintings. Arevel of life, light, and energy, Suvorova's regal, Renaissance-styleart is universally loved because it offers a fresh take on a genre thatstill has wide popular appeal.

The Realm of Rights

The Realm of Rights PDF Author: Judith Jarvis Thomson
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674749498
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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Thomson provides a systematic theory of human and social rights, elucidating what in general makes an attribution of a right true. This is a major effort to provide a stable foundation for the deeply held belief that we are not mere cogs in a communal machine, but are instead individuals whose private interests are entitled to respect.

Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe

Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe PDF Author: Sandra Sider
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0195330846
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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The word renaissance means "rebirth," and the most obvious example of this phenomenon was the regeneration of Europe's classical Roman roots. The Renaissance began in northern Italy in the late 14th century and culminated in England in the early 17th century. Emphasis on the dignity of man (though not of woman) and on human potential distinguished the Renaissance from the previous Middle Ages. In poetry and literature, individual thought and action were prevalent, while depictions of the human form became a touchstone of Renaissance art. In science and medicine the macrocosm and microcosm of the human condition inspired remarkable strides in research and discovery, and the Earth itself was explored, situating Europeans within a wider realm of possibilities. Organized thematically, the Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe covers all aspects of life in Renaissance Europe: History; religion; art and visual culture; architecture; literature and language; music; warfare; commerce; exploration and travel; science and medicine; education; daily life.

Metaphysical Song

Metaphysical Song PDF Author: Gary Tomlinson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 1400866707
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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In this bold recasting of operatic history, Gary Tomlinson connects opera to shifting visions of metaphysics and selfhood across the last four hundred years. The operatic voice, he maintains, has always acted to open invisible, supersensible realms to the perceptions of its listeners. In doing so, it has articulated changing relations between the self and metaphysics. Tomlinson examines these relations as they have been described by philosophers from Ficino through Descartes, Kant, and Nietzsche, to Adorno, all of whom worked to define the subject's place in both material and metaphysical realms. The author then shows how opera, in its own cultural arena, distinct from philosophy, has repeatedly brought to the stage these changing relations of the subject to the particular metaphysics it presumes. Covering composers from Jacopo Peri to Wagner, from Lully to Verdi, and from Mozart to Britten, Metaphysical Song details interactions of song, words, drama, and sounds used by creators of opera to fill in the outlines of the subjectivities they envisioned. The book offers deep-seated explanations for opera's enduring fascination in European elite culture and suggests some of the profound difficulties that have unsettled this fascination since the time of Wagner.

Who Moved My Mouse?

Who Moved My Mouse? PDF Author: OPEOLU BANWO
Publisher: Dr Ope Banwo
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 81

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"WHO MOVED MY MOUSE? An Amazing Story of How To Adapt And Thrive In The Ever Changing Maze Of The Digital World" In "WHO MOVED MY MOUSE? Join Alex, Bella, Chris, and Dana as they voyage from the early days of the internet into the uncharted realms of Web 3.0. This gripping narrative unveils the evolution of the web, where blockchain, tokens, and smart contracts reshape our digital existence. Witness their journey through the enigmatic world of decentralized finance, digital ownership, and token economies. Beyond technological marvels, they grapple with ethical conundrums, environmental stewardship, and the delicate balance of innovation and responsibility. This tale is more than a tech adventure; it's a reflection of the human spirit in the face of digital transformation. It challenges readers to consider their role in the ever-evolving internet narrative. "WHO MOVED MY MOUSE?" is essential reading for anyone intrigued by the future of technology, digital culture, and our place within it. Embark on this journey to discover not just who moved the mouse, but how we all shape its path in the expansive world of Web3.

Architecture and Abstraction

Architecture and Abstraction PDF Author: Pier Vittorio Aureli
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262545233
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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A landmark study of abstraction in architectural history, theory, and practice that challenges our assumptions about the meaning of abstract forms. In this theoretical study of abstraction in architecture—the first of its kind—Pier Vittorio Aureli argues for a reconsideration of abstraction, its meanings, and its sources. Although architects have typically interpreted abstraction in formal terms—the purposeful reduction of the complexities of design to its essentials—Aureli shows that abstraction instead arises from the material conditions of building production. In a lively study informed by Walter Benjamin, Karl Marx, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, and other social theorists, this book presents abstraction in architecture not as an aesthetic tendency but as a movement that arises from modern divisions of labor and consequent social asymmetries. These divisions were anticipated by the architecture of antiquity, which established a distinction between manual and intellectual labor, and placed the former in service to the latter. Further abstractions arose as geometry, used for measuring territories, became the intermediary between land and money and eventually produced the logic of the grid. In our own time, architectural abstraction serves the logic of capitalism and embraces the premise that all things can be exchanged—even experience itself is a commodity. To resist this turn, Aureli seeks a critique of architecture that begins not by scaling philosophical heights, but by standing at the ground level of material practice.

Our Progress-idea and the War

Our Progress-idea and the War PDF Author: George Roy Elliott
Category : Literature, Modern
Languages : en
Pages : 56

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Feeling Backward

Feeling Backward PDF Author: Heather Love
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 0674736419
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 207

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Feeling Backward weighs the costs of the contemporary move to the mainstream in lesbian and gay culture. While the widening tolerance for same-sex marriage and for gay-themed media brings clear benefits, gay assimilation entails other losses--losses that have been hard to identify or mourn, since many aspects of historical gay culture are so closely associated with the pain and shame of the closet. Feeling Backward makes an effort to value aspects of historical gay experience that now threaten to disappear, branded as embarrassing evidence of the bad old days before Stonewall. It looks at early-twentieth-century queer novels often dismissed as "too depressing" and asks how we might value and reclaim the dark feelings that they represent. Heather Love argues that instead of moving on, we need to look backward and consider how this history continues to affect us in the present. Through elegant readings of Walter Pater, Willa Cather, Radclyffe Hall, and Sylvia Townsend Warner, and through stimulating engagement with a range of critical sources, Feeling Backward argues for a form of politics attentive to social exclusion and its effects.

Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer

Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer PDF Author: Moira Anderson Allen
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1581157770
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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If you've always dreamed of making a living as a writer, this book will take you where you want to go. Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer, Second Edition, demystifies the process of becoming a writer and gives aspiring writers all the tools they need to become successful freelance writers, get their names in print, and start earning a healthy income from writing. Completely revised and updated, the second edition includes an entirely new section on the "online writer," discussing how to set up your own website, whether you need a blog, how to effectively participate in social networking sites, and information on electronic publishing, POD and more. New chapters provide guidance on writing for international markets and other writing opportunities such as ghostwriting, speech-writing, technical writing, copyediting, teaching, etc. This indispensable resource walks writers through the process of developing marketable ideas and then finding appropriate markets for those ideas. It includes effective tips on how to set writing goals; make time for writing; hone research and interview techniques; create outlines and first drafts, approach editors (online and offline), and prepare and submit material. Writers will also discover the vital business issues of freelancing such as rights and contracts, plus how to manage income, expenses, and taxes. Author Moira Allen has more than 30 years experience both as a freelance writer and as an editor; her tips come from a keen understanding of what works from both sides of the desk. Whether readers are looking to support themselves as full-time freelancers or supplement an existing career, no one wanting to make money as a writer can afford to be without this book. Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, publishes a broad range of books on the visual and performing arts, with emphasis on the business of art. Our titles cover subjects such as graphic design, theater, branding, fine art, photography, interior design, writing, acting, film, how to start careers, business and legal forms, business practices, and more. While we don't aspire to publish a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are deeply committed to quality books that help creative professionals succeed and thrive. We often publish in areas overlooked by other publishers and welcome the author whose expertise can help our audience of readers.


Self-Examination PDF Author: T. Hoogsteen
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 166679421X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 139

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Christianity, or what is called Christianity, conforms largely to Western humanism. Together and individually, believers draw the whole of the West into themselves, accommodating its dreams, loves, greeds, and hurts, as well as its indulgences, contradictions, perversions, and stupidities. All who identify corporately and personally as Christian commit themselves to this world conformity. The fMRI-like files in the first part of Self-Examination may please you, even polish your self-esteem. This whole system of pictures may displease you. But each analysis of the West scrutinizes all church people, the whole gazing, staring intensely back into you. This Self-Examination therefore is about dispassionate self-examination--you peering sharply and persistently into your Westernizing soul, daringly exposing its innermost workings. You thus see in yourselves all the errors of imperialism and racism, including injuries to minority people; these you will own, plus sharing in the responsibilities for mammonism. You thus will see your stewardship, or lack thereof, of the environment. Westerners please the powers of the age; to make yourselves look good, you justify yourselves in the presence of the Western gods and goddesses. By living the standards of the West, you are good for a purpose; you live and work to make your self-esteem glow, and thereby you please the current deities, and in this paradox you still identify as Christian.