Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness

Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness PDF Author: Takehisa Onisawa
Publisher: Physica
ISBN: 3790818984
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 372

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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date account on recent applications of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in reliability and safety analysis. Various aspects of system's reliability, quality control, reliability and safety of man-machine systems fault analysis, risk assessment and analysis, structural, seismic, safety, etc. are discussed. The book provides new tools for handling non-probabilistic aspects of uncertainty in these problems. It is the first in this field in the world literature.

Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness

Reliability and Safety Analyses under Fuzziness PDF Author: Takehisa Onisawa
Publisher: Physica
ISBN: 3790818984
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 372

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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date account on recent applications of fuzzy sets and possibility theory in reliability and safety analysis. Various aspects of system's reliability, quality control, reliability and safety of man-machine systems fault analysis, risk assessment and analysis, structural, seismic, safety, etc. are discussed. The book provides new tools for handling non-probabilistic aspects of uncertainty in these problems. It is the first in this field in the world literature.

Introduction to Fuzzy Reliability

Introduction to Fuzzy Reliability PDF Author: Kai-Yuan Cai
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461314038
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Book Description
Introduction to Fuzzy Reliability treats fuzzy methodology in hardware reliability and software reliability in a relatively systematic manner. The contents of this book are organized as follows. Chapter 1 places reliability engineering in the scope of a broader area, i.e. system failure engineering. Readers will find that although this book is confined to hardware and software reliability, it may be useful for other aspects of system failure engineering, like maintenance and quality control. Chapter 2 contains the elementary knowledge of fuzzy sets and possibility spaces which are required reading for the rest of this book. This chapter is included for the overall completeness of the book, but a few points (e.g. definition of conditional possibility and existence theorem of possibility space) may be new. Chapter 3 discusses how to calculate probist system reliability when the component reliabilities are represented by fuzzy numbers, and how to analyze fault trees when probabilities of basic events are fuzzy. Chapter 4 presents the basic theory of profust reliability, whereas Chapter 5 analyzes the profust reliability behavior of a number of engineering systems. Chapters 6 and 7 are devoted to probist reliability theory from two different perspectives. Chapter 8 discusses how to model software reliability behavior by using fuzzy methodology. Chapter 9 includes a number of mathematical problems which are raised by applications of fuzzy methodology in hardware and software reliability, but may be important for fuzzy set and possibility theories.

Fuzzy Sets in Decision Analysis, Operations Research and Statistics

Fuzzy Sets in Decision Analysis, Operations Research and Statistics PDF Author: Roman Slowiński
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461556457
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 467

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Book Description
Fuzzy Sets in Decision Analysis, Operations Research and Statistics includes chapters on fuzzy preference modeling, multiple criteria analysis, ranking and sorting methods, group decision-making and fuzzy game theory. It also presents optimization techniques such as fuzzy linear and non-linear programming, applications to graph problems and fuzzy combinatorial methods such as fuzzy dynamic programming. In addition, the book also accounts for advances in fuzzy data analysis, fuzzy statistics, and applications to reliability analysis. These topics are covered within four parts: Decision Making, Mathematical Programming, Statistics and Data Analysis, and Reliability, Maintenance and Replacement. The scope and content of the book has resulted from multiple interactions between the editor of the volume, the series editors, the series advisory board, and experts in each chapter area. Each chapter was written by a well-known researcher on the topic and reviewed by other experts in the area. These expert reviewers sometimes became co-authors because of the extent of their contribution to the chapter. As a result, twenty-five authors from twelve countries and four continents were involved in the creation of the 13 chapters, which enhances the international character of the project and gives an idea of how carefully the Handbook has been developed.

Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering

Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering PDF Author: Gregory Levitin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540373713
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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This volume includes chapters presenting applications of different metaheuristics in reliability engineering, including ant colony optimization, great deluge algorithm, cross-entropy method and particle swarm optimization. It also presents chapters devoted to cellular automata and support vector machines, and applications of artificial neural networks, a powerful adaptive technique that can be used for learning, prediction and optimization. Several chapters describe aspects of imprecise reliability and applications of fuzzy and vague set theory.

Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory

Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory PDF Author: Kumar, Akshay
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799875660
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Book Description
In recent years, substantial efforts are being made in the development of reliability theory including fuzzy reliability theories and their applications to various real-life problems. Fuzzy set theory is widely used in decision making and multi criteria such as management and engineering, as well as other important domains in order to evaluate the uncertainty of real-life systems. Fuzzy reliability has proven to have effective tools and techniques based on real set theory for proposed models within various engineering fields, and current research focuses on these applications. Advancements in Fuzzy Reliability Theory introduces the concept of reliability fuzzy set theory including various methods, techniques, and algorithms. The chapters present the latest findings and research in fuzzy reliability theory applications in engineering areas. While examining the implementation of fuzzy reliability theory among various industries such as mining, construction, automobile, engineering, and more, this book is ideal for engineers, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in fuzzy reliability theory applications in engineering areas.

Fuzzy Evidence in Identification, Forecasting and Diagnosis

Fuzzy Evidence in Identification, Forecasting and Diagnosis PDF Author: Alexander P. Rotshtein
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642257860
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 323

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The purpose of this book is to present a methodology for designing and tuning fuzzy expert systems in order to identify nonlinear objects; that is, to build input-output models using expert and experimental information. The results of these identifications are used for direct and inverse fuzzy evidence in forecasting and diagnosis problem solving. The book is organised as follows: Chapter 1 presents the basic knowledge about fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms and neural nets necessary for a clear understanding of the rest of this book. Chapter 2 analyzes direct fuzzy inference based on fuzzy if-then rules. Chapter 3 is devoted to the tuning of fuzzy rules for direct inference using genetic algorithms and neural nets. Chapter 4 presents models and algorithms for extracting fuzzy rules from experimental data. Chapter 5 describes a method for solving fuzzy logic equations necessary for the inverse fuzzy inference in diagnostic systems. Chapters 6 and 7 are devoted to inverse fuzzy inference based on fuzzy relations and fuzzy rules. Chapter 8 presents a method for extracting fuzzy relations from data. All the algorithms presented in Chapters 2-8 are validated by computer experiments and illustrated by solving medical and technical forecasting and diagnosis problems. Finally, Chapter 9 includes applications of the proposed methodology in dynamic and inventory control systems, prediction of results of football games, decision making in road accident investigations, project management and reliability analysis.

Linguistic Methods Under Fuzzy Information in System Safety and Reliability Analysis

Linguistic Methods Under Fuzzy Information in System Safety and Reliability Analysis PDF Author: Mohammad Yazdi
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030933520
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
This book reviews and presents a number of approaches to Fuzzy-based system safety and reliability assessment. For each proposed approach, it provides case studies demonstrating their applicability, which will enable readers to implement them into their own risk analysis process. The book begins by giving a review of using linguistic terms in system safety and reliability analysis methods and their extension by fuzzy sets. It then progresses in a logical fashion, dedicating a chapter to each approach, including the 2-tuple fuzzy-based linguistic term set approach, fuzzy bow-tie analysis, optimizing the allocation of risk control measures using fuzzy MCDM approach, fuzzy sets theory and human reliability, and emergency decision making fuzzy-expert aided disaster management system. This book will be of interest to professionals and researchers working in the field of system safety and reliability, as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students studying applications of fuzzy systems.

Statistical Methods for Fuzzy Data

Statistical Methods for Fuzzy Data PDF Author: Reinhard Viertl
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470974567
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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Book Description
Statistical data are not always precise numbers, or vectors, or categories. Real data are frequently what is called fuzzy. Examples where this fuzziness is obvious are quality of life data, environmental, biological, medical, sociological and economics data. Also the results of measurements can be best described by using fuzzy numbers and fuzzy vectors respectively. Statistical analysis methods have to be adapted for the analysis of fuzzy data. In this book, the foundations of the description of fuzzy data are explained, including methods on how to obtain the characterizing function of fuzzy measurement results. Furthermore, statistical methods are then generalized to the analysis of fuzzy data and fuzzy a-priori information. Key Features: Provides basic methods for the mathematical description of fuzzy data, as well as statistical methods that can be used to analyze fuzzy data. Describes methods of increasing importance with applications in areas such as environmental statistics and social science. Complements the theory with exercises and solutions and is illustrated throughout with diagrams and examples. Explores areas such quantitative description of data uncertainty and mathematical description of fuzzy data. This work is aimed at statisticians working with fuzzy logic, engineering statisticians, finance researchers, and environmental statisticians. It is written for readers who are familiar with elementary stochastic models and basic statistical methods.

Fuzzy Database Modeling

Fuzzy Database Modeling PDF Author: Adnan Yazici
Publisher: Physica
ISBN: 3790818801
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Some recent fuzzy database modeling advances for the non-traditional applications are introduced in this book. The focus is on database models for modeling complex information and uncertainty at the conceptual, logical, physical design levels and from integrity constraints defined on the fuzzy relations. The database models addressed here are; the conceptual data models, including the ExIFO and ExIFO2 data models, the logical database models, including the extended NF2 database model, fuzzy object-oriented database model, and the fuzzy deductive object-oriented database model. Integrity constraints are defined on the fuzzy relations are also addressed. A continuing reason for the limited adoption of fuzzy database systems has been performance. There have been few efforts at defining physical structures that accomodate fuzzy information. A new access structure and data organization for fuzzy information is introduced in this book.

Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation

Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation PDF Author: Dimiter Driankov
Publisher: Physica
ISBN: 3790818356
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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Book Description
In the past decade a critical mass of work that uses fuzzy logic for autonomous vehicle navigation has been reported. Unfortunately, reports of this work are scattered among conference, workshop, and journal publications that belong to different research communities (fuzzy logic, robotics, artificial intelligence, intelligent control) and it is therefore not easily accessible either to the new comer or to the specialist. As a result, researchers in this area may end up reinventing things while being unaware of important existing work. We believe that research and applications based on fuzzy logic in the field of autonomous vehicle navigation have now reached a sufficient level of maturity, and that it should be suitably reported to the largest possible group of interested practitioners, researches, and students. On these grounds, we have endeavored to collect some of the most representative pieces of work in one volume to be used as a reference. Our aim was to provide a volume which is more than "yet another random collection of papers," and gives the reader some added value with respect to the individual papers. In order to achieve this goal we have aimed at: • Selecting contributions which are representative of a wide range of prob lems and solutions and which have been validated on real robots; and • Setting the individual contributions in a clear framework, that identifies the main problems of autonomous robotics for which solutions based on fuzzy logic have been proposed.