Relationship of Vehicle Weight to Fatality and Injury Risk in Model Year 1985-1993 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks

Relationship of Vehicle Weight to Fatality and Injury Risk in Model Year 1985-1993 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 32

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Vehicle Weight, Fatality Risk and Crash Compatibility of Model Year 1991-99 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks

Vehicle Weight, Fatality Risk and Crash Compatibility of Model Year 1991-99 Passenger Cars and Light Trucks PDF Author: Charles Jesse Kahane
Category : Automobiles
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Regulating to Disaster

Regulating to Disaster PDF Author: Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Publisher: Encounter Books
ISBN: 1594036179
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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What is a “green job” anyway? Few can adequately define one. Even the government isn’t sure, you will learn in these pages. Still, President Obama and environmentalist coalitions such as the BlueGreen Alliance claim the creation of green jobs can save America’s economy, and are worth taxpayers’ investment. But in Regulating to Disaster, Diana Furchtgott-Roth debunks that myth. Instead, energy prices rise dramatically and America’s economic growth and employment rate suffer — in some states much more than others — when government invests in nonviable ventures such as the bankrupted Solyndra, which the Obama Administration propped up far too long. Electric cars, solar energy, wind farms, biofuels: President Obama’s insistence on these dubious pursuits ultimately hamstrings American businesses not deemed green enough, and squeezes struggling households with regulations. Adding insult to injury: the technology subsidies Americans pay for solar panels, wind turbines, and electric batteries really help create manufacturing jobs in China and South Korea. Green jobs are the most recent reappearance of a perennial bad idea — government regulation of certain industries, designed to anoint winners and losers in the marketplace. Regulating to Disaster reveals the powerful nexus of union leaders, environmentalists, and lobbyists who dreamed up these hoaxes, and benefit politically and financially from green jobs policies. Unfortunately, there are more Solyndras on the horizon, and our economy is in no shape to absorb them.

Federal Register

Federal Register PDF Author:
Category : Administrative law
Languages : en
Pages : 1028

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Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective

Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective PDF Author: Rob White
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461436400
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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Few would dispute the power of climate change to lead to profoundly destructive weather events. At the same time, the possibility of climate change as a consequence—or even a cause—of criminal events is far less recognized. As the earth grows warmer, issues regarding land use, water rights, bio-security, and food production and distribution will continue to have far-reaching impact, and produce more opportunity for offenses by individuals and groups as well as political and corporate entities. In Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective, a panel of pioneering green criminologists investigates an increasingly complex chain of ecological causes and effects. Illegal acts are analyzed as they contribute to environmental decline (e.g., wildlife poaching) or result from ecological distress (e.g., survival-related theft). Regulatory and other interventions are critiqued, concepts of environmental harm refined, and new research methodologies called for. And while individual events described are mainly local, the contributors keep the global picture, and substantial questions about human rights and social relationships, firmly in mind. Topics featured include: Global warming as corporate crime. Climate change and the courts: U.S. and global views. Climate change, natural disasters, and gender inequality. The roles and responsibilities of environmental enforcement networks. A sociocultural perspective on climate change denial. PLUS: instructive in-depth chapters on criminological aspects of Hurricane Katrina and the Japanese nuclear disaster. A volume of considerable timeliness and vision, Climate Change from a Criminological Perspective will be read and discussed, and will inspire action, by researchers in criminology, criminal justice, environmental studies, and related disciplines, as well as policymakers.

Fatality Risks in Collisions Between Cars and Light Trucks

Fatality Risks in Collisions Between Cars and Light Trucks PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 64

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Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities and Fatality Rates in Illinois

Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities and Fatality Rates in Illinois PDF Author: Jamshid Mohammadi
Category : Traffic accidents
Languages : en
Pages : 148

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In this study, four groups of factors were identified as those that influence fatalities in Illinois. These were divided into driver-related, vehicle-related, highway/environment, and demographics factors. Based on a descriptive analysis of fatality data, alcohol involvement, speeding, age, rural versus urban highways, divided versus undivided highways, snowy and icy days, location of crashes in relation to the intersection, and railroad crossing were identified as factors that affect fatalities. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted at the local level to identify regional differences in fatality data. Among factors related to the driver, crashes involving alcohol was perhaps the only factor that indicated a significant regional difference and some degree of correlation with higher fatalities. The correlation and regression analyses were also conducted at the State level to investigate the dependence of fatalities on the four factor groups from year to year. The results indicated that the proportion of drivers in the 16-19 year age involved in crashes contributes significantly to the fatality rate. Also, crashes involving drivers with any blood alcohol concentration level in their systems in general contribute significantly to traffic fatalities. The significance of weekday/weekend, night/day, urban/rural driving and snowy/rainy day conditions was also investigated through the correlation and regression analyses. The analyses revealed comparable results for weekday versus weekend driving. On vehicle-related factors, crashes involving passenger cars showed a strong correlation with the fatality rate. Finally, the results of a time series analysis indicated that motor vehicle fatalities are on the decline in Illinois.

Hearing Under the Congressional Review Act on OSHA's Methylene Chloride Rule

Hearing Under the Congressional Review Act on OSHA's Methylene Chloride Rule PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and the Workforce. Subcommittee on Workforce Protections
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Energy Policy

Energy Policy PDF Author:
Category : Energy policy
Languages : en
Pages : 660

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Effectiveness and Impact of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards

Effectiveness and Impact of Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309170567
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Since CAFE standards were established 25 years ago, there have been significant changes in motor vehicle technology, globalization of the industry, the mix and characteristics of vehicle sales, production capacity, and other factors. This volume evaluates the implications of these changes as well as changes anticipated in the next few years, on the need for CAFE, as well as the stringency and/or structure of the CAFE program in future years.