Reforming International Environmental Governance

Reforming International Environmental Governance PDF Author: W. Bradnee Chambers
Publisher: United Nations University Press
ISBN: 9280811118
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Book Description
The World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 underscored the need to reform the current institutional framework for environmental governance. Chambers and Green, both affiliated with the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies in Japan, gather contributors to take up the question left unanswered at Johannesbur

Reforming International Environmental Governance

Reforming International Environmental Governance PDF Author: W. Bradnee Chambers
Publisher: United Nations University Press
ISBN: 9280811118
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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Book Description
The World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 underscored the need to reform the current institutional framework for environmental governance. Chambers and Green, both affiliated with the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies in Japan, gather contributors to take up the question left unanswered at Johannesbur

Global Environmental Governance

Global Environmental Governance PDF Author: Adil Najam
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development = Institut international du développement durable
ISBN: 9781895536911
Category : Environmental economics
Languages : en
Pages : 114

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International Environmental Governance

International Environmental Governance PDF Author: Niko Urho
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN: 9289360801
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 106

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A plethora of environmental problems are ravaging the planet and its inhabitants. How well do existing structures convene governments to address these challenges? What is the role of science and civil society in this context? And, does international cooperation properly support countries with limited capacities? This report seeks to respond to these questions, based on an analysis of actions taken to renew international environmental governance to fulfill commitments made at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012. This report outlines possibilities to strengthen the UN Environment Programme and to enhance synergies among global environmental conventions to ensure that international environmental governance continues evolving and improving to secure human well-being and planetary health.

Managers of Global Change

Managers of Global Change PDF Author: Lydia Andler
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 026201274X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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This title is an examination of the role and relevance of international bureaucracies in global environmental governance. After a discussion of theoretical context, reaserch design, and empiral methodology, the book presents nine in-depth case studies of bureaucracies.

Change in Global Environmental Politics

Change in Global Environmental Politics PDF Author: Michael W. Manulak
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009207393
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 323

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As wildfires rage, pollution thickens, and species disappear, the world confronts environmental crisis with a set of global institutions in urgent need of reform. Yet, these institutions have proved frustratingly resistant to change. Introducing the concept of Temporal Focal Points, Manulak shows how change occurs in world politics. By re-envisioning the role of timing and temporality in social relations, his analysis presents a new approach to understanding transformative phases in international cooperation. We may now be entering such a phase, he argues, and global actors must be ready to realize the opportunities presented. Charting the often colorful and intensely political history of change in global environmental politics, this book sheds new light on the actors and institutions that shape humanity's response to planetary decline. It will be of interest to scholars and advanced students of international relations, international organization and environmental politics and history.

A World Environment Organization

A World Environment Organization PDF Author: Frank Biermann
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 135196142X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 387

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Book Description
In recent years, the debate on the establishment of a new international agency on environmental protection - a 'World Environment Organization' - has gained substantial momentum. Several countries, including France and Germany, as well as a number of leading experts and senior international civil servants have openly supported the creation of such a new international organization. However, a number of critics have also taken the floor and brought forward important objections. This book presents a balanced selection of articles of the leading participants in this debate, including both major supporters and opponents of creating a World Environment Organization. The volume is especially relevant to students and scholars of international relations, environmental policy and international law, as well as to practitioners of diplomacy, international negotiations, and environmental policy making.

Globalization and Environmental Reform

Globalization and Environmental Reform PDF Author: Arthur P. J. Mol
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262632843
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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A balanced look at globalization and its potential environmental effects, both destructive and beneficial.

Global Ecopolitics Revisited

Global Ecopolitics Revisited PDF Author: Philippe Le Prestre
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1317191285
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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Book Description
Faced with worsening environmental indicators, cooperation hurdles, and the limited effectiveness of current institutions, reforming international environmental governance has proven elusive, despite various diplomatic initiatives at the United Nations level over the last two decades. Overcoming the current dead end, however, may rest less in devising new arrangements than in challenging how the problem has been approached. Presenting a multifaceted exploration of some of the key issues and questions in global ecopolitics, this book brings together recent advances in research on global environmental governance in order to identify new avenues of inquiry and action. Each chapter questions elements of the current wisdom and covers a topic that lies at the heart of global environmental governance, including the reasons for engagement, the evolving relationship between science and policy, the potential and limits of the European Union as a key actor, the role of developing and emergent countries, and the contours of a complex governance of international environmental issues. Laying the foundation for rethinking at a time of great transformation in global ecopolitics, this book will be important reading for students of environmental politics and governance. It will also be of relevance to policy makers with an interest in going beyond the prevailing discourse on this crucial topic.

The Governance of Climate Change

The Governance of Climate Change PDF Author: David Held
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0745637833
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 391

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Climate change poses one of the greatest challenges for human society in the twenty-first century, yet there is a major disconnect between our actions to deal with it and the gravity of the threat it implies. In a world where the fate of countries is increasingly intertwined, how should we think about, and accordingly, how should we manage, the types of risk posed by anthropogenic climate change? The problem is multi-faceted, and involves not only technical and policy specific approaches, but also questions of social justice and sustainability. In this volume the editors have assembled a unique range of contributors who together examine the intersection between the science, politics, economics and ethics of climate change. The book includes perspectives from some of the world's foremost commentators in their fields, ranging from leading scientists to political theorists, to high profile policymakers and practitioners. They offer a critical new approach to thinking about climate change, and help express a common desire for a more equitable society and a more sustainable way of life.

International Environmental Law and the Global South

International Environmental Law and the Global South PDF Author: Shawkat Alam
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107055695
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 657

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Situating the global poverty divide as an outgrowth of European imperialism, this book investigates current global divisions on environmental policy.