Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage PDF Author: Alejandra Balestra
Publisher: Arte Publico Press
ISBN: 1611922682
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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In this fascinating exploration of the development of the Spanish language from a sociohistorical perspective in the territory that has become the United States, linguists and editors Balestra, Martcop. {Uhorn}nez, and Moyna draw attention to the long tradition of multilingualism in the United States in the hope of putting to rest the myth that the U.S. was ever a monolingual nation.

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Linguistic Heritage PDF Author: Alejandra Balestra
Publisher: Arte Publico Press
ISBN: 1611922682
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Book Description
In this fascinating exploration of the development of the Spanish language from a sociohistorical perspective in the territory that has become the United States, linguists and editors Balestra, Martcop. {Uhorn}nez, and Moyna draw attention to the long tradition of multilingualism in the United States in the hope of putting to rest the myth that the U.S. was ever a monolingual nation.

Recovering The U.S Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume VI

Recovering The U.S Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume VI PDF Author: Antonia CastaÐeda
Publisher: Arte Publico Press
ISBN: 9781611922677
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : es
Pages : 236

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Fifteen years of archival and critical work have been conducted under the auspices of the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project at the University of Houston. This ongoing and comprehensive program seeks to locate, identify, preserve, and disseminate the written culture of U.S. Latinos from the Spanish Colonial Period to contemporary times. In the sixth volume of the series, the authors explore key issues and challenges in this project, such as the issues of "place" or region in Hispanic intellectual production, nationalism and transnationalism, race and ethnicity, as well as methodological approaches to recovering the documentary heritage. Included are essays on religious writing, the construction of identity and nation, translation and the movement of books across borders, and women writers and revolutionary struggle.

Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States

Spanish as a Heritage Language in the United States PDF Author: Sara M. Beaudrie
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 1589019393
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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There is growing interest in heritage language learners—individuals who have a personal or familial connection to a nonmajority language. Spanish learners represent the largest segment of this population in the United States. In this comprehensive volume, experts offer an interdisciplinary overview of research on Spanish as a heritage language in the United States. They also address the central role of education within the field. Contributors offer a wealth of resources for teachers while proposing future directions for scholarship.

The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice

The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice PDF Author: Darren E. Lund
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119144388
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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A comprehensive guide to service-learning for social justice written by an international panel of experts The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice offers a review of recent trends in social justice that have been, until recently, marginalized in the field of service-learning. The authors offer a guide for establishing and nurturing social justice in a variety of service-learning programs, and show that incorporating the principles of social justice in service-learning can empower communities to resist and disrupt oppressive power structures, and work for solidarity with host and partner communities. With contributions from an international panel of experts, the Handbook contains a critique of the field’s roots in charity; a review of the problematization of Whitenormativity, paired with the bolstering of diverse voices and perspectives; and information on the embrace of emotional elements including tension, ambiguity, and discomfort. This important resource: Considers the role of the community in service-learning and other community‐engaged models of education and practice Explores the necessity of disruption and dissonance in service-learning Discusses a number of targeted issues that often arise in service-learning contexts Offers a practical guide to establishing and nurturing social justice at the heart of an international service-learning program Written for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, scholars, and educators, The Wiley International Handbook of Service-Learning for Social Justice highlights social justice as a conflict‐ridden struggle against inequality, xenophobia, and oppression, and offers practical suggestions for incorporating service-learning programs in various arenas.

The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics

The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics PDF Author: Manel Lacorte
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134691483
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 1018

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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Hispanic applied linguistics, allowing students to understand the field from a variety of perspectives and offering insight into the ever-growing number of professional opportunies afforded to Spanish language program graduates. The goal of this book is to re-contextualize the notion of applied linguistics as simply the application of theoretical linguistic concepts to practical settings and to consider it as its own field that addresses language-based issues and problems in a real-world context. The book is organized into five parts: 1) perspectives on learning Spanish 2) issues and environments in Spanish teaching 3) Spanish in the professions 4) the discourses of Spanish and 5) social and political contexts for Spanish. The book’s all-inclusive coverage gives students the theoretical and sociocultural context for study in Hispanic applied linguistics while offering practical information on its application in the professional sector.

Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching

Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching PDF Author: Marta Fairclough
Publisher: Georgetown University Press
ISBN: 1626163391
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Heritage language (HL) learning and teaching presents particularly difficult challenges. Melding cutting-edge research with innovations in teaching practice, the contributors in this volume provide practical knowledge and tools that introduce new solutions informed by linguistic, sociolinguistic, and educational research on heritage learners. Scholars address new perspectives and orientations on designing HL programs, assessing progress and proficiency, transferring research knowledge into classroom practice, and the essential question of how to define a heritage learner. Articles offer analysis and answers on multiple languages, and the result is a unique and essential text—the only comprehensive guide for heritage language learning based on the latest theory and research with suggestions for the classroom.

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration

Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration PDF Author: Florentino Paredes García
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039361929
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Migration has become a structural part of the globalized society in which we live and, as such, it is essential to determine the causes and effects it produces in the involved social groups. Sociolinguistics has a very important role to play in this respect, insofar as its object of study focuses precisely on the analysis of the interrelationships between the linguistic and the social dimensions. This volume presents a series of proposals that involve theoretical approaches, models, and applications related to the process of sociolinguistic integration in contact situations arising from migration. The volume includes studies of general interest which present models and theoretical foundations for the analysis of this process of integration, as well as others which focus on other more specific aspects, such as how migration influences the construction of individual identity, emotional and affective factors in the preservation of the heritage language, and the processes of interlingual convergence that take place in situations of migratory contact. This volume also contains the didactic dimension applied to the immigrant population, with proposals for teaching with proven effectiveness.

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume VIII

Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, Volume VIII PDF Author: Clara Lomas
Publisher: Arte Publico Press
ISBN: 1558856048
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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The eighth volume in the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage series, which focuses on the literary heritage of Hispanics in the geographic area that has become the U.S. from the colonial period to 1960.

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language PDF Author: Kim Potowski
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317563069
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 607

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Book Description
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language brings together contributions from leading linguists, educators and Latino Studies scholars involved in teaching and working with Spanish heritage language speakers. This state-of-the-art overview covers a range of topics within five broad areas: Spanish in U.S. public life, Spanish heritage language use and systems, educational contexts, Latino studies perspectives and Spanish outside the U.S. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language addresses for the first time the linguistic, educational and social aspects of heritage Spanish speakers in one volume making it an indispensable reference for anyone working with Spanish as a heritage language.


Herencia PDF Author: Nicolás Kanellos
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0195138244
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 658

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A major anthology of Hispanic writing in the U.S., ranging from the early Spanish explorers to the present day.