Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual

Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Scores of effective, ready-to-use techniques & activities to help quickly identify & correct individual reading difficulties at each grade level.

Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual

Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Scores of effective, ready-to-use techniques & activities to help quickly identify & correct individual reading difficulties at each grade level.

Complete Reading Disabilities Handbook

Complete Reading Disabilities Handbook PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
ISBN: 9780876282755
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This unique handbook gives reading and learning disability teachers one of the most comprehensive and practical resources available today for diagnosing and remediating all types of reading disabilities in elementary and middle school students. Included are easy-to-follow explanations of the various causes of reading disabilities and over 100 reproducible assessment devices, corrective activity sheets, and other aids. And all of this material is printed in a big 8 1/4" x 11" format for easy photocopying of test and activity pages as many times as needed for use with individual students, small groups, or an entire class!

Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems, Second Edition

Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems, Second Edition PDF Author: Darrell Morris
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462512259
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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This widely adopted text and teacher resource provides a comprehensive approach to assessing and remediating reading difficulties in grades K-6. Darrell Morris presents rich case studies of beginning and older readers struggling with different types of reading problems. He shows how to administer a thorough diagnostic battery and provide instruction tailored to each student's needs. In addition to one-to-one tutoring strategies, small-group and whole-class applications are discussed. Reproducible tools, book lists, and other user-friendly materials can be photocopied from the book or downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Detailed explanations of how to adapt the techniques for classroom use. *The latest research findings pertaining to reading diagnosis. *Updated and expanded book lists.*Chapter on historical and theoretical foundations. See also the Morris Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer through Grade 8, a complementary assessment tool that yields systematic data on K-8 students' reading abilities.

Alternative Assessment Techniques for Reading & Writing

Alternative Assessment Techniques for Reading & Writing PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0130425680
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 501

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This practical resource helps elementary classroom, remedial reading, and LD teachers make the best possible informal assessment of a child's specific reading, writing, and spelling strengths and weaknesses and attitudes toward reading. Written in easy-to-follow nontechnical language, it provides a multitude of tested informal assessment strategies and devices, such as "kid watching," retellings, journals, IRIs, writing surveys, portfolios, think alouds and more-- including more than 200 reproducible assessment devices ready for immediate use! You'll find a detailed description of each informal assessment techniques along with step-by-step procedures for its use and, wherever possible, one or more reproducible sample devices. Complete answer keys for each device are included with the directions. Among the unique topics covered are the innovative Individual Reading Inventory, San Diego Quick Assessment List, El Paso Phonics Survey, QAD Chart, Holistic scoring of writing and Reproducible devices for portfolio assessment. In short, Alternative Assessment Techniques for Reading and Writing offers a wealth of tested, ready-to-use informal assessment information and devices that should save the teacher a great deal of time and energy in making a useful assessment of any student's literacy ability!

The Reading Teacher's Survival Kit

The Reading Teacher's Survival Kit PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 580

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The strategies and materials presented here provide the best of whole language and phonics instruction for setting up an appropriate, well-paced reading program that meets the needs of individual students, small groups, or the entire class, grades K-8. For quick and easy access, the Kit is organized into eight sections and includes such practical information as: * Over 80 stimulating hands-on games and activity sheets to build students' skills in letter-name knowledge, sight word recognition, word structure, and more. * Up-to-date information and materials for teaching reading to students with special needs * Comprehensive lists of fiction and nonfiction trade books that reinforce the learning of essential reading skills

The Diagnosis and Correction of Vocal Faults

The Diagnosis and Correction of Vocal Faults PDF Author: James C. McKinney
Publisher: Waveland Press
ISBN: 1478638818
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 213

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Popular for more than two decades among college voice teachers and their students, this outstanding, authoritative vocal pedagogy text is an invaluable manual. It thoroughly examines the vocal problems prospective voice teachers will encounter daily in the teaching studio and choral rehearsal. The author’s approach is a unique one, based in large part on diagnostic procedures similar to those used by doctors. As each vocal fault is presented, its identifying characteristics or symptoms are stated, its possible causes are discussed, and corrective procedures are suggested. An especially valuable feature is the book’s accompanying audio files (available here for download) that contains 14 male and female voice samples of the various vocal faults discussed in the text, enabling students to better identify basic characteristic sounds associated with each fault. Current and prospective choir directors and voice teachers who need help in improving the vocal sounds of choir members or students will find this practical guide-book to be an ever-present help in time of trouble.

Literacy Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers

Literacy Assessment and Intervention for Classroom Teachers PDF Author: Beverly DeVries
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351614088
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1213

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The fourth edition of this comprehensive resource helps future and practicing teachers recognize and assess literacy problems, while providing practical, effective intervention strategies to help every student succeed. The author thoroughly explores the major components of literacy, providing an overview of pertinent research, suggested methods and tools for diagnosis and assessment, intervention strategies and activities, and technology applications to increase students' skills. Discussions throughout focus on the needs of English learners, offering appropriate instructional strategies and tailored teaching ideas to help both teachers and their students. Several valuable appendices include assessment tools, instructions and visuals for creating and implementing the book's more than 150 instructional strategies and activities, and other resources.

Reading Skills Problem Solver

Reading Skills Problem Solver PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Diagnosis and Correction in Reading Instruction

Diagnosis and Correction in Reading Instruction PDF Author: Dorothy Rubin
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 588

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This great introduction to diagnosing and correcting reading problems has been revised and updated based on the latest tests and research. Using numerous examples and scenarios to illustrate concepts and techniques, this book is based on the premise that if diagnosis and correction are practiced as an integral part of daily reading instruction, there will be much less need for remediation. For pre-service and inservice educators, especially at the elementary school level.

The Writers Directory 2008

The Writers Directory 2008 PDF Author: Michelle Kazensky
Publisher: Saint James Press
ISBN: 9781558626003
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 1286

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Features bibliographical, biographical and contact information for living authors worldwide who have at least one English publication. Entries include name, pseudonyms, addresses, citizenship, birth date, specialization, career information and a bibliography.