Rare Earth Metals and Minerals Industries

Rare Earth Metals and Minerals Industries PDF Author: Yellapu V Murty
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031318676
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 500

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This book presents the current status and future prospects of rare earth elements with respect to a multitude of factors, including resource availability, production, and applications. Among the topics covered are the extraction of raw materials, alloying and compound production, applications, resource conservation through recycling, regulatory issues, and potential new resource streams. The chapters are authored by well-known technical experts in their fields, with decades of research, industrial, and governmental policy experience. The book is expected to serve as the first single source reference on rare earth minerals and metals aimed at students, scientists, technologists, government legislators, regulatory agencies, investors, and business leaders. It provides in-depth examination of the importance of rare earth elements to the global economy and their use in technological innovation, including energy, power, transportation, medicine, electronics, and chemical/petroleum industries.

Extractive Metallurgy of Niobium

Extractive Metallurgy of Niobium PDF Author: A.K. Suri
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351448978
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 271

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The growth and development witnessed today in modern science, engineering, and technology owes a heavy debt to the rare, refractory, and reactive metals group, of which niobium is a member. Extractive Metallurgy of Niobium presents a vivid account of the metal through its comprehensive discussions of properties and applications, resources and resource processing, chemical processing and compound preparation, metal extraction, and refining and consolidation. Typical flow sheets adopted in some leading niobium-producing countries for the beneficiation of various niobium sources are presented, and various chemical processes for producing pure forms of niobium intermediates such as chloride, fluoride, and oxide are discussed. The book also explains how to liberate the metal from its intermediates and describes the physico-chemical principles involved. It is an excellent reference for chemical metallurgists, hydrometallurgists, extraction and process metallurgists, and minerals processors. It is also valuable to a wide variety of scientists, engineers, technologists, and students interested in the topic.

Rare Earths

Rare Earths PDF Author: Jacques Lucas
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0444627448
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 407

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High-technology and environmental applications of the rare-earth elements (REE) have grown dramatically in diversity and importance over the past four decades. This book provides a scientific understanding of rare earth properties and uses, present and future. It also points the way to efficient recycle of the rare earths in end-of-use products and efficient use of rare earths in new products. Scientists and students will appreciate the book's approach to the availability, structure and properties of rare earths and how they have led to myriad critical uses, present and future. Experts should buy this book to get an integrated picture of production and use (present and future) of rare earths and the science behind this picture. This book will prove valuable to.non-scientists as well in order to get an integrated picture of production and use of rare earths in the 21st Century, and the science behind this picture. - Defines the chemical, physical and structural properties of rare earths. - Gives the reader a basic understanding of what rare earths can do for us. - Describes uses of each rare earth with chemical, physics, and structural explanations for the properties that underlie those uses. - Allows the reader to understand how rare earths behave and why they are used in present applications and will be used in future applications. - Explains to the reader where and how rare earths are found and produced and how they are best recycled to minimize environmental impact and energy and water consumption.

Critical Mineral Resources of the United States

Critical Mineral Resources of the United States PDF Author: K. J. Schulz
Publisher: Geological Survey
ISBN: 9781411339910
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 868

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As the importance and dependence of specific mineral commodities increase, so does concern about their supply. The United States is currently 100 percent reliant on foreign sources for 20 mineral commodities and imports the majority of its supply of more than 50 mineral commodities. Mineral commodities that have important uses and face potential supply disruption are critical to American economic and national security. However, a mineral commodity's importance and the nature of its supply chain can change with time; a mineral commodity that may not have been considered critical 25 years ago may be critical today, and one considered critical today may not be so in the future. The U.S. Geological Survey has produced this volume to describe a select group of mineral commodities currently critical to our economy and security. For each mineral commodity covered, the authors provide a comprehensive look at (1) the commodity's use; (2) the geology and global distribution of the mineral deposit types that account for the present and possible future supply of the commodity; (3) the current status of production, reserves, and resources in the United States and globally; and (4) environmental considerations related to the commodity's production from different types of mineral deposits. The volume describes U.S. critical mineral resources in a global context, for no country can be self-sufficient for all its mineral commodity needs, and the United States will always rely on global mineral commodity supply chains. This volume provides the scientific understanding of critical mineral resources required for informed decisionmaking by those responsible for ensuring that the United States has a secure and sustainable supply of mineral commodities.

China's Virtual Monopoly of Rare Earth Elements

China's Virtual Monopoly of Rare Earth Elements PDF Author: Roland Howanietz
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351109898
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Rare Earth Elements are a group of 17 metals which have a central role in modern industry, increasingly used in the fields of green technologies, high technological consumer goods, industrial and medical appliances and modern weapons systems. Although deposits of Rare Earths are globally dispersed, over 90% of global demand has been provided by Chinese mines since the late 1990s, leading to a situation where China has a virtual monopoly. This book surveys the Rare Earths mining industry, discusses the extent to which Rare Earths really are scarce elsewhere in the world and assesses the economics of production, considering arguments for the rationing of supply, for higher pricing and for a total export embargo. This actually occurred in 2010, demonstrating the vulnerability of the rest of the world to China’s control of these increasingly vital resources.

Hydrometallurgy of Rare Earths

Hydrometallurgy of Rare Earths PDF Author: Dezhi Qi
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128139218
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 814

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Hydrometallurgy of Rare Earths: Extraction and Separation provides the basic knowledge for rare earth extraction and separation, including flow sheet selection criteria and related technology. The book includes the latest research findings on all rare earth separation processes, methods of controlling operation costs, and strategies that help lower wastewater and waste solid discharge. It discusses many real process parameters and actual situations in rare earth separation plants, also examining the basic principles, technologies, process parameters and advances and achievements in the area of rare earth extraction and separation. In addition, the book covers extraction separation theory as developed by Professor Guanxian Xu and Professor Chunhua Yan and the creative use of a computational simulation program to replace the bench scale and pilot plant tests and directly design rare earth extraction separation processes. - Outlines the theory of solvent extraction and separation of rare earths (REs) - Provides the necessary tools for a REs separation plant design - Includes a unique simulation program for the calculation of all process parameters - Includes Chinese nomenclature that is useful for identifying the various processes, also comparing it to the global literature

Rare Earth Elements

Rare Earth Elements PDF Author: Marc Humphries
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1437937985
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Contents: (1) Intro.; (2) What are Rare Earth Elements (REE)?; (3) Major End Uses and Applications: Demand for REE; The Application of REE in National Defense; (4) Rare Earth Resources and Production Potential; Supply Chain Issues; Role of China; (5) Rare Earth Legislation in the 111th Congress: H.R. 4866, and S. 3521, the Rare Earths Supply-Chain Technology and Resources Transformation Act of 2010; H.R. 5136, the FY 2011 Nat. Defense Authorization Act; P.L. 111-84, the FY 2010 Nat. Defense Authorization Act; (6) Possible Policy Options: Authorize and Appropriate Funding for a USGS Assessment; Support and Encourage Greater Exploration for REE; Challenge China on Its Export Policy; Establish a Stockpile. Illustrations.

The Rare Metals War

The Rare Metals War PDF Author: Guillaume Pitron
ISBN: 9781761380952
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The resources race is on. Powering our digital lives and green technologies are some of the Earth's most precious metals -- but they are running out. And what will happen when they do? The green-tech revolution has been lauded as the silver bullet to a new world. One that is at last free of oil, pollution, shortages, and cross-border tensions. Now updated after several years of research across a dozen countries, this book cuts across conventional green thinking to probe the hidden, dark side of green technology. By breaking free of fossil fuels, we are in fact setting ourselves up for a new dependence -- on rare metals such as cobalt, gold, and palladium. They are essential to electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels, our smartphones, computers, tablets, and other everyday connected objects. China has captured the lion's share of the rare metals industry, but consumers know very little about how they are mined and traded, or their environmental, economic, and geopolitical costs. The Rare Metals Waris a vital exposé of the ticking time-bomb that lies beneath our new technological order. It uncovers the reality of our lavish and ambitious environmental quest that involves risks as formidable as those it seeks to resolve.

Rare Earth Frontiers

Rare Earth Frontiers PDF Author: Julie M. Klinger
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501714619
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 340

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"Rare Earth Frontiers is a timely text. As Klinger notes, rare earths are neither rare nor technically earths, but they are still widely believed to be both. Although her approach focuses on the human, or cultural, geography of rare earths mining, she does not ignore the geological occurrence of these mineral types, both on Earth and on the moon.... This volume is excellently organized, insightfully written, and extensively sourced."―Choice Drawing on ethnographic, archival, and interview data gathered in local languages and offering possible solutions to the problems it documents, this book examines the production of the rare earth frontier as a place, a concept, and a zone of contestation, sacrifice, and transformation. Rare Earth Frontiers is a work of human geography that serves to demystify the powerful elements that make possible the miniaturization of electronics, green energy and medical technologies, and essential telecommunications and defense systems. Julie Michelle Klinger draws attention to the fact that the rare earths we rely on most are as common as copper or lead, and this means the implications of their extraction are global. Klinger excavates the rich historical origins and ongoing ramifications of the quest to mine rare earths in ever more impossible places. Klinger writes about the devastating damage to lives and the environment caused by the exploitation of rare earths. She demonstrates in human terms how scarcity myths have been conscripted into diverse geopolitical campaigns that use rare earth mining as a pretext to capture spaces that have historically fallen beyond the grasp of centralized power. These include legally and logistically forbidding locations in the Amazon, Greenland, and Afghanistan, and on the Moon.

Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States - Report to President Trump

Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States - Report to President Trump PDF Author: U. S. Military
Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 9781726810241
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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This excellent report was released in October 2018. America's manufacturing and defense industrial base ("the industrial base") supports economic prosperity and global competitiveness, and arms the military with capabilities to defend the nation. Currently, the industrial base faces an unprecedented set of challenges: sequestration and uncertainty of government spending; the decline of critical markets and suppliers; unintended consequences of U.S. Government acquisition behavior; aggressive industrial policies of competitor nations; and the loss of vital skills in the domestic workforce. Combined, these challenges - or macro forces - erode the capabilities of the manufacturing and defense industrial base and threaten the Department of Defense's (DoD) ability to be ready for the "fight tonight," and to retool for great power competition. The following report explains the macro forces impacting the industrial base, identifies primary categories of risk, illustrates impacts within sectors, and provides recommendations for mitigation.I. Executive Summary * II. Introduction * III. Methodology * IV. An Overview of America's Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base * V. Five Macro Forces Driving Risk into America's Industrial Base * VI. Ten Risk Archetypes Threatening America's Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base * VII. A Blueprint for Action * Appendix One: Executive Order 13806 * Appendix Two: Sector Summaries * Appendix Three: Contributing U.S. Government Agencies * Appendix Four: U.S. Government Sources * Appendix Five: Industry Listening Sessions * Appendix Six: Agreements with Foreign GovernmentsTo provide for our national security, America's manufacturing and defense industrial base must be secure, robust, resilient, and ready. To ensure taxpayer dollars are frugally and wisely spent, the defense industrial base must be cost-effective, cost-efficient, highly productive, and not unduly subsidized. In the event of contingencies, the industrial base must possess sufficient surge capabilities. Above all, America's manufacturing and defense industrial base must support economic prosperity, be globally competitive, and have the capabilities and capacity to rapidly innovate and arm our military with the lethality and dominance necessary to prevail in any conflict.All facets of the manufacturing and defense industrial base are currently under threat, at a time when strategic competitors and revisionist powers appear to be growing in strength and capability.