Quantum Magnetism

Quantum Magnetism PDF Author: Ulrich Schollwöck
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540400664
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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Book Description
Closing a gap in the literature, this volume is intended both as an introductory text at postgraduate level and as a modern, comprehensive reference for researchers in the field. Provides a full working description of the main fundamental tools in the theorists toolbox which have proven themselves on the field of quantum magnetism in recent years. Concludes by focusing on the most important cuurent materials form an experimental viewpoint, thus linking back to the initial theoretical concepts.

Quantum Magnetism

Quantum Magnetism PDF Author: Ulrich Schollwöck
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540400664
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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Book Description
Closing a gap in the literature, this volume is intended both as an introductory text at postgraduate level and as a modern, comprehensive reference for researchers in the field. Provides a full working description of the main fundamental tools in the theorists toolbox which have proven themselves on the field of quantum magnetism in recent years. Concludes by focusing on the most important cuurent materials form an experimental viewpoint, thus linking back to the initial theoretical concepts.

Quantum Theory of Magnetism

Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Wolfgang Nolting
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540854169
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 752

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Magnetism is one of the oldest and most fundamental problems of Solid State Physics although not being fully understood up to now. On the other hand it is one of the hottest topics of current research. Practically all branches of modern technological developments are based on ferromagnetism, especially what concerns information technology. The book, written in a tutorial style, starts from the fundamental features of atomic magnetism, discusses the essentially single-particle problems of dia- and paramagnetism, in order to provide the basis for the exclusively interesting collective magnetism (ferro, ferri, antiferro). Several types of exchange interactions, which take care under certain preconditions for a collective ordering of localized or itinerant permanent magnetic moments, are worked out. Under which conditions these exchange interactions are able to provoke a collective moment ordering for finite temperatures is investigated within a series of theoretical models, each of them considered for a very special class of magnetic materials. The book is written in a tutorial style appropriate for those who want to learn magnetism and eventually to do research work in this field. Numerous exercises with full solutions for testing own attempts will help to a deep understanding of the main aspects of collective ferromagnetism.

Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism

Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism PDF Author: Assa Auerbach
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461208696
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
In the excitement and rapid pace of developments, writing pedagogical texts has low priority for most researchers. However, in transforming my lecture l notes into this book, I found a personal benefit: the organization of what I understand in a (hopefully simple) logical sequence. Very little in this text is my original contribution. Most of the knowledge was collected from the research literature. Some was acquired by conversations with colleagues; a kind of physics oral tradition passed between disciples of a similar faith. For many years, diagramatic perturbation theory has been the major theoretical tool for treating interactions in metals, semiconductors, itiner ant magnets, and superconductors. It is in essence a weak coupling expan sion about free quasiparticles. Many experimental discoveries during the last decade, including heavy fermions, fractional quantum Hall effect, high temperature superconductivity, and quantum spin chains, are not readily accessible from the weak coupling point of view. Therefore, recent years have seen vigorous development of alternative, nonperturbative tools for handling strong electron-electron interactions. I concentrate on two basic paradigms of strongly interacting (or con strained) quantum systems: the Hubbard model and the Heisenberg model. These models are vehicles for fundamental concepts, such as effective Ha miltonians, variational ground states, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and quantum disorder. In addition, they are used as test grounds for various nonperturbative approximation schemes that have found applications in diverse areas of theoretical physics.

Environmental Health Perspectives

Environmental Health Perspectives PDF Author:
Category : Electronic journals
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Quantum Theory of Magnetism

Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Robert M. White
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540690255
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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"Quantum Theory of Magnetism" is the only book that deals with the phenomenon of magnetism from the point of view of "linear response". That is, how does a magnetic material respond when excited by a magnetic field? That field may be uniform, or spatially varying, static or time dependent. Previous editions have dealt primarily with the magnetic response. This edition incorporates the resistive response of magnetic materials as well. It also includes problems to test the reader's (or student's) comprehension. The rationale for a book on magnetism is as valid today as it was when the first two editions of Quantum Theory of Magnetism were published. Magnetic phenomena continue to be discovered with deep scientific implications and novel applications. Since the Second Edition, for example, Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) was discovered and the new field of "spintronics" is currently expanding. Not only do these phenomena rely on the concepts presented in this book, but magnetic properties are often an important clue to our understanding of new materials (e.g., high-temperature superconductors). Their magnetic properties, studied by susceptibility measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron scattering, etc. have provided insight to the superconductivity state.This updated edition offers revised emphasis on some material as a result of recent developments and includes new material, such as an entire chapter on thin film magnetic multilayers. Researchers and students once again have access to an up-to-date classic reference on magnetism, the key characteristic of many modern materials.

The Quantum Theory of Magnetism

The Quantum Theory of Magnetism PDF Author: Norberto Majlis
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9812567925
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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This advanced level textbook is devoted to the description of systems which show ordered magnetic phases. A wide selection of topics is covered, including a detailed treatment of the mean-field approximation as the main paradigm for the phenomenological description of phase transitions. The book discusses the properties of low-dimensional systems and uses Green's functions extensively after a useful mathematical introduction. A thorough presentation of the RKKY and related models of indirect exchange is also featured, and a chapter on surface magnetism, rarely found in other textbooks, adds to the uniqueness of this book.For the second edition, three new chapters have been added, namely on magnetic anisotropy, on coherent magnon states and on local moments. Additionally, the chapter on itinerant magnetism has been enlarged by including a section on paramagnons.

Magnetism in Condensed Matter

Magnetism in Condensed Matter PDF Author: Stephen Blundell
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191586641
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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An understanding of the quantum mechanical nature of magnetism has led to the development of new magnetic materials which are used as permanent magnets, sensors, and information storage. Behind these practical applications lie a range of fundamental ideas, including symmetry breaking, order parameters, excitations, frustration, and reduced dimensionality. This superb new textbook presents a logical account of these ideas, staring from basic concepts in electromagnetsim and quantum mechanics. It outlines the origin of magnetic moments in atoms and how these moments can be affected by their local environment inside a crystal. The different types of interactions which can be present between magnetic moments are described. The final chapters of the book are devoted to the magnetic properties of metals, and to the complex behaviour which can occur when competing magnetic interactions are present and/or the system has a reduced dimensionality. Throughout the text, the theorectical principles are applied to real systems. There is substantial discussion of experimental techniques and current reserach topics. The book is copiously illustrated and contains detailed appendices which cover the fundamental principles.

Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism

Introduction to Frustrated Magnetism PDF Author: Claudine Lacroix
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642105890
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 682

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The field of highly frustrated magnetism has developed considerably and expanded over the last 15 years. Issuing from canonical geometric frustration of interactions, it now extends over other aspects with many degrees of freedom such as magneto-elastic couplings, orbital degrees of freedom, dilution effects, and electron doping. Its is thus shown here that the concept of frustration impacts on many other fields in physics than magnetism. This book represents a state-of-the-art review aimed at a broad audience with tutorial chapters and more topical ones, encompassing solid-state chemistry, experimental and theoretical physics.

Fundamentals of Magnetism

Fundamentals of Magnetism PDF Author: Mario Reis
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0124058590
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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Book Description
The Fundamentals of Magnetism is a truly unique reference text, that explores the study of magnetism and magnetic behavior with a depth that no other book can provide. It covers the most detailed descriptions of the fundamentals of magnetism providing an emphasis on statistical mechanics which is absolutely critical for understanding magnetic behavior. The books covers the classical areas of basic magnetism, including Landau Theory and magnetic interactions, but features a more concise and easy-to-read style. Perfect for upper-level graduate students and industry researchers, The Fundamentals of Magnetism provides a solid background of fundamentals with clear and in-depth explanations, in comparison to a brief overview before moving into more advanced topics. Many applications directly for the purpose of a deep understanding of magnetism and other non-cooperative phenomena help readers make the transition from theory to application and experimentation effortless. This book is the true 'study' of the fundamentals of magnetism, enabling readers to move into far more advance aspects of magnetism more easily. - Offers accessible, self-contained content without needing to seek other sources on topics like Fermion fas; angular moment algebra, etc - Includes over 60 pages devoted to an in-depth discussion of diamagnetism and paramagnetism, topics usually described in only few pages in other books - Incorporates numerous applications including Molecular Magnets and other non-cooperative phenomena

Magnetism and the Electronic Structure of Crystals

Magnetism and the Electronic Structure of Crystals PDF Author: Vladimir A. Gubanov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642844111
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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The quantum theory of magnetism is a well-developed part of contemporary solid-state physics. The basic concepts of this theory can be used to describe such important effects as ferromagnetic ordering oflocalized magnetic moments in crystals and ferromagnetism of metals produced by essentially delocalized electrons, as well as various types of mutual orientation of atomic magnetic moments in solids possessing different crystal lattices and compositions. In recent years,the spin-fluctuational approach has been developed, which can overcome some contradictions between "localized" and "itinerant" models in the quantum mechanics of magnetic crystals. These are only some of the principal achievements of quantum magnetic theory. Almost all of the known magnetic properties of solids can be qualitat ively explained on the basis of its concepts. Further developments should open up the possibility of reliable quantitative description of magnetic properties of solids. Unfortunately, such calculations based on model concepts appear to be very complicated and, quite often, not definite enough. The rather small number of parameters of qualitative models are usually not able to take into account the very different types of magnetic interactions that appear in crystals. Further development of magnetic theory requires quantitative information on electronic wave function in the crystal considered. This can be proved by electronic band structure and cluster calculations. In many cases the latter can be a starting point for quantitative calculations of parameters used in magnetic theory.