
Proprioception PDF Author: José A. Vega
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1839680695
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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Proprioception is the sense of body position and movement, with conscious and unconscious components, that determines and conditions the human body’s relationship with the environment. This quality of mechanosensitivity deteriorates in some pathologies and is responsible for some alterations of the locomotor system that appear in elderly persons. In those situations, the failure of proprioception reduces the quality of life of the subjects. The widespread use in developed countries of substitute joint prostheses makes it necessary to rethink the concepts of movement detection and perception. As such, this book examines the basics of proprioception as well as its function in the lower extremities, the head, in children with disabilities, and its connection with virtual reality.


Proprioception PDF Author: José A. Vega
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 1839680695
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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Book Description
Proprioception is the sense of body position and movement, with conscious and unconscious components, that determines and conditions the human body’s relationship with the environment. This quality of mechanosensitivity deteriorates in some pathologies and is responsible for some alterations of the locomotor system that appear in elderly persons. In those situations, the failure of proprioception reduces the quality of life of the subjects. The widespread use in developed countries of substitute joint prostheses makes it necessary to rethink the concepts of movement detection and perception. As such, this book examines the basics of proprioception as well as its function in the lower extremities, the head, in children with disabilities, and its connection with virtual reality.

A Review of Current Research

A Review of Current Research PDF Author: Caroline Joy Co
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781452825687
Category : Alternative medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book reviews the most current research on therapeutic modalities, myofascial release of the upper extremity, nerve mobilization, proprioceptive training and stroke rehabilitation.Why do we publish continuing education modules? Because even though there are a lot out there, a lot claiming that they provide evidence based studies, they don't. Most of the time, the research used aremore than 20 years old."This is why we founded Rehabsurge, Inc. We choose a topic of interest for the rehabilitation professional.We review all the journals that pertain to that topic. We subscribe to major online libraries which contain peer reviewed journals. Then, we read each journal and summarize them into easy to read books. The cost of subscription to these journals are astronomical. Also, the time to read and review each journal takes so much time.This is our goal-- to provide the latest research to clinicians and to save clinicians' time.

Problem-Based Learning and Proprioception

Problem-Based Learning and Proprioception PDF Author: Boris Aberšek
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 152751479X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Contemporary teaching and learning methods based on cognitive neuroscience deal with such questions as “How do we think?” and “How do we learn?” or “How does the human memory work?”. Innovative approaches in this field tackle the subject of human mentality by connecting discoveries from a range of disciplines that shed light on cognitive occurrences and the learning process. Especially over the last decade, one of the key trends in this field has focused on the connection between humans and machines (technologies) and, more concretely, on the link between human and artificial intelligence. Contemporary technologies based on AI will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the society of the future. This book, which is the final part of a trilogy on research in the area of philosophy of education, following Virtual Teacher: Cognitive Approach to e-Learning Material, and Cognitive Education and Transdisciplinary Models for Teaching, embarks on an ambitious journey of providing potential explanations of how to optimally meet the needs and requirements of our future society. Thus, the primary purpose of this book is to shed light on issues related to teaching and learning based on contemporary trends and approaches from the field of information and communication technologies and artificial intelligence. Furthermore, it relates the above to the set-up of modern learning environments, whether they are referred to as intelligent learning materials (e-learning materials), intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), or learning management systems (LMS). With this in mind, a universal meta-model (cognitive machine) for a contemporary transdisciplinary learning strategy is proposed here, based on cybernetic theory and methods of AI. The book may well provoke cognitive dissonance and intellectual unease, as it explores cognitive theories and inspires researchers and teachers to update and invigorate some of the theories that have been embedded in their minds since their own school years. In order for this to happen, it provides readers with many valuable insights and introduces new experiences resulting from alternative teaching practices.

Sensorimotor Control of Movement and Posture

Sensorimotor Control of Movement and Posture PDF Author: Simon C. Gandevia
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461507138
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 504

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This collection of contributions on the subject of the neural mechanisms of sensorimotor control resulted from a conference held in Cairns, Australia, September 3-6, 2001. While the three of us were attending the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) Congress in St Petersburg, Russia, in 1997, we discussed the implications of the next Congress being awarded to New Zealand. We agreed to organise a satellite to this congress in an area of mutual interest -the neuroscience of movement and sensation. Australia has a long-standing and enviable reputation in the field of neural mechanisms of sensorimotor control. Arguably this reached its peak with the award of a Nobel Prize to Sir John Eccles in 1963 for his work on synaptic transmission in the central nervous system. Since that time, the subject of neuroscience has progressed considerably. One advance is the exploitation of knowledge acquired from animal experiments to studies on conscious human subjects. In this development, Australians have achieved international prominence, particularly in the areas of kinaesthesia and movement control. This bias is evident in the choice of subject matter for the conference and, subsequently, this book. It was also decided to assign a whole section to muscle mechanics, a subject that is often left out altogether from conferences on motor control. Cairns is a lovely city and September is a good time to visit it.

Proprioception in Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Proprioception in Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation PDF Author: Defne Kaya
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319666401
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 191

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This book is a comprehensive guide to proprioceptive rehabilitation after orthopaedic and sports surgery. In addition, it equips readers with a thorough understanding of the neurophysiology and assessment of proprioception and clearly explains the relationships between surgical procedures, injuries, and anatomy and proprioception. Proprioception is still an unclear topic for most clinicians and scientists, and this is the first book specifically on proprioception in the context of orthopaedics and sports injuries, surgery, and rehabilitation. After an opening section describing key basic knowledge, individual chapters discuss proprioception after injuries and surgery to different parts of the body and explain the role of proprioceptive training in optimal rehabilitation. Among other topics addressed are proprioception after soft tissue regenerative treatment and the relation between osteoarthritis and proprioception. The book includes numerous descriptions of exercises, photographs, and tables documenting rehabilitation strategies. It will be of value for all students, clinicians, and academicians with an interest in the subject.

The Paradox of Self-consciousness

The Paradox of Self-consciousness PDF Author: José Luis Bermúdez
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262522779
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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In this book, Jos� Luis Berm�dez addesses two fundamental problems in the philosophy and psychology of self-consciousness: (1) Can we provide a noncircular account of fully fledged self-conscious thought and language in terms of more fundamental capacities? (2) Can we explain how fully fledged self-conscious thought and language can arise in the normal course of human development? Berm�dez argues that a paradox (the paradox of self-consciousness) arises from the apparent strict interdependence between self-conscious thought and linguistic self-reference. The paradox renders circular all theories that define self-consciousness in terms of linguistic mastery of the first-person pronoun. It seems to follow from the paradox of self-consciousness that no such account or explanation can be given. Drawing on recent work in empirical psychology and philosophy, the author argues that any explanation of fully fledged self-consciousness that answers these two questions requires attention to primitive forms of self-consciousness that are prelinguistic and preconceptual. Such primitive forms of self-consciousness are to be found in somatic proprioception, the structure of exteroceptive perception, and prelinguistic forms of social interaction. The author uses these primitive forms of self-consciousness to dissolve the paradox of self-consciousness and to show how the two questions can be given an affirmative answer.

Writing the Mind Alive

Writing the Mind Alive PDF Author: Linda Trichter Metcalf, Ph.D.
Publisher: Ballantine Books
ISBN: 030749344X
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Discover the revolutionary writing practice that can transform your life! In 1976, Linda Trichter Metcalf, then a university English professor, sat down with pen and paper and intuitively started a self-guided writing practice that helped to bring herself into focus and clarify her life as never before. She and a colleague, Tobin Simon, introduced this original method into their classrooms. They experienced such solid response from their students that, for the last twenty-five years, they have devoted themselves to teaching what has now become the respected practice of Proprioceptive Writing®–in workshops, secondary and elementary schools, and college psychology and writing classes around the country, among them the New School University. “Proprioception” comes from the Latin proprius, meaning “one’s own,” and this writing method helps synthesize emotion and imagination, generating authentic insight and catharsis. Proprioceptive Writing® is not formal writing, nor is it automatic or stream-of-consciousness writing. Requiring a regular, disciplined practice in a quiet environment, the method uses several aids to deepen attention and free the writer within: Baroque music, a candle, a pad, and a pen. Presenting Proprioceptive Writing® in book form for the first time, Writing the Mind Alive shows how you, too, can use it to • Focus awareness, dissolve inhibitions, and build self-trust • Unburden your mind and resolve emotional conflicts • Connect more deeply with your spiritual self • Write and speak with strength and clarity • Enhance the benefits of psychotherapy • Awaken your senses and emotions • Liberate your creative energies Featuring actual “writes” by students of all ages, Writing the Mind Alive is a catalyst for mental and emotional aliveness that can truly enrich the rest of your life.

Clinical Sports Medicine

Clinical Sports Medicine PDF Author: Walter R. Frontera
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1416024433
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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Accompanying CD-ROM contains ... "convenient electronic access to the text's illustrations, downloadable for use in presentations, as well as diagnosis-specific office handouts that can be given to patients who want to know more about their conditions."--P. [4] of cover.

Somatosensory Feedback for Neuroprosthetics

Somatosensory Feedback for Neuroprosthetics PDF Author: Burak Guclu
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128230002
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 718

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Although somatosensory system works in tandem with the motor system in biology, the majority of the prosthetics research and commercial efforts had focused on accommodating movement deficits. With the development of neuroprostheses in the last 15 years, it has become evident that somatosensory input (mainly as touch and proprioception) is essential for motor control, manipulating objects, and embodiment, in addition to its primary role for sensory perception.Somatosensory Feedback for Neuroprosthetics covers all relevant aspects to facilitate learning and doing research and development in the field.To understand the properties of the body to create viable solutions, this book starts with chapters reviewing the basic anatomy, physiology, and psychophysics of the somatosensory system, sensorimotor control, and instrumentation. Some sections are dedicated to invasive (peripheral and central, mainly cortical) and noninvasive (vibrotactile, electrotactile, etc.) approaches. Final chapters cover future technologies such as novel sensors and electrodes, safety, and clinical testing, and help to make up future prospects for this field with an emphasis on development and end use. With contributions from renowned experts, the contents include their recent findings and technical details necessary to understand those findings. - Provides a concise review of the somatosensory system and latest advances in the use of somatosensory feedback for neuroprosthetics - Analyzes many approaches to somatosensory feedback - Provides the most detailed work on somatosensory neuroprostheses, their development, and applications in real life work

Postsurgical Orthopedic Sports Rehabilitation

Postsurgical Orthopedic Sports Rehabilitation PDF Author: Robert C. Manske
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323027024
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 732

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Written by well-known experts in a reader-friendly style, this is the only book to focus specifically on post-surgical guidelines for successful rehabilitation of the knee and shoulder for sports patients. Content covers basic concepts related to soft tissue healing, as well as core concepts in sports medicine rehabilitation, all of which lay the groundwork for discussions of specific protocols. Detailed descriptions of the latest post-surgical procedures for various knee and shoulder pathologies equip readers with essential knowledge needed to recommend the most effective treatment plans. Includes a separate section on multiple ligament knee injuries. Numerous photos and radiographs of topics discussed in the text serve as excellent visual references in the clinical setting. Detailed descriptions of the most current surgical protocols for various knee and shoulder pathologies help readers recommend the best treatment based on proven rehabilitation plans. The inflammatory response is described, with regard to its role in soft tissue healing following surgical procedures of the knee and shoulder. Protocols based on the most recent research available promotes evidence-based practice. A chapter on rotator cuff injuries includes authoritative, up-to-date information on this topic. A chapter on cartilage replacement focuses on the "nuts and bolts" of rehabilitation for this common injury, offering current, hands-on information about one of the fastest changing treatment protocols. Contributors are expert therapists and physicians - respected leaders in their field. Each chapter highlights post-op guidelines and protocols in a consistent format that's immediately accessible and easy to reference. Comprehensive information on soft tissue healing is presented. A separate section on multiple ligament knee injuries presents hard-to-find information that's rarely covered in other resources or literature.