Physical-Chemical Properties of Foods

Physical-Chemical Properties of Foods PDF Author: Aïchatou Musavu Ndob
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0081008066
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 108

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Book Description
The physical and chemical properties of food products have central roles in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical and food industries. Understanding these properties is essential for engineers and scientists to tackle the numerous issues in food processing, including preservation, storage, distribution and consumption.This book discusses models to predict some of the physical-chemical properties (pH, aw and ionic strength) for biological media containing various solutes. In recent years, food production has involved less processing and fewer additives or preservatives. If health benefits for consumers are obvious, it is not only necessary to adapt current processing and preservation processes but also to verify that appropriate technological and health properties are preserved.The authors present established models, but also introduce new tools for prediction with modeling methods that are part of a more general approach to understand the behavior of fluid mixtures and design new products or processes through numerical simulation. - Describes the construction of a tool to allow you to predict the physical-chemical properties of foods and bacterial broths - Shows you how to apply this tool with complex medias to predict water activity and pH levels and how to integrate this tool with a process simulator - Full with theoretical equations and examples to help you apply the content to your data

Physical-Chemical Properties of Foods

Physical-Chemical Properties of Foods PDF Author: Aïchatou Musavu Ndob
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0081008066
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 108

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Book Description
The physical and chemical properties of food products have central roles in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical and food industries. Understanding these properties is essential for engineers and scientists to tackle the numerous issues in food processing, including preservation, storage, distribution and consumption.This book discusses models to predict some of the physical-chemical properties (pH, aw and ionic strength) for biological media containing various solutes. In recent years, food production has involved less processing and fewer additives or preservatives. If health benefits for consumers are obvious, it is not only necessary to adapt current processing and preservation processes but also to verify that appropriate technological and health properties are preserved.The authors present established models, but also introduce new tools for prediction with modeling methods that are part of a more general approach to understand the behavior of fluid mixtures and design new products or processes through numerical simulation. - Describes the construction of a tool to allow you to predict the physical-chemical properties of foods and bacterial broths - Shows you how to apply this tool with complex medias to predict water activity and pH levels and how to integrate this tool with a process simulator - Full with theoretical equations and examples to help you apply the content to your data

Physical Properties of Foods

Physical Properties of Foods PDF Author: Serpil Sahin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387308083
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 267

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Book Description
This book provides a fundamental understanding of physical properties of foods. It is the first textbook in this area and combines engineering concepts and physical chemistry. Basic definitions and principles of physical properties are discussed as well as the importance of physical properties in the food industry and measurement methods. In addition, recent studies in physical properties are summarized. The material presented is helpful for students to understand the relationship between physical and functional properties of raw, semi-finished, and processed food in order to obtain products with desired shelf-life and quality.

Physical Chemistry of Foods

Physical Chemistry of Foods PDF Author: Pieter Walstra
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780203910436
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 834

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Book Description
Exploring the structure and physical and chemical properties of solutions, dispersions, soft solids, fats, and cellular systems, Physical Chemistry of Foods describes the physiochemical principles of the reactions and conversions that occur during the manufacture, handling, and storage of foods. Coverage progresses from aspects of thermodynamics, bonds and interaction forces, and reaction kinetics, to transport phenomena, polymers, colloidal interactions, nucleation, glass transitions and freezing, and soft solids. This comprehensive volume effectively clarifies the physicochemical processes encountered in food product development.

Introduction to the Chemistry of Food

Introduction to the Chemistry of Food PDF Author: Michael Zeece
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128117265
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Book Description
Introduction to the Chemistry of Food describes the molecular composition of food and the chemistry of its components. It provides students with an understanding of chemical and biochemical reactions that impact food quality and contribute to wellness. This innovative approach enables students in food science, nutrition and culinology to better understand the role of chemistry in food. Specifically, the text provides background in food composition, demonstrates how chemistry impacts quality, and highlights its role in creating novel foods. Each chapter contains a review section with suggested learning activities. Text and supplemental materials can be used in traditional face-to-face, distance, or blended learning formats. - Describes the major and minor components of food - Explains the functional properties contributed by proteins, carbohydrates and lipids in food - Explores the chemical and enzymatic reactions affecting food attributes (color, flavor and nutritional quality) - Describes the gut microbiome and influence of food components on its microbial population - Reviews major food systems and novel sources of food protein

Encapsulated and Powdered Foods

Encapsulated and Powdered Foods PDF Author: Charles Onwulata
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420028308
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Book Description
Encapsulated and Powdered Foods is a practical guide to the characterization and applications of the powdered form of foods. It details the uses of food powder as well as the physical, chemical, and functional properties of particular food powders, such as milk, cocoa, salts, and sugars. The author describes the powder manufacturing processe

Carotenoid Esters in Foods

Carotenoid Esters in Foods PDF Author: Adriana Z Mercadante
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1788012429
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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Book Description
As the first book to address the occurrence of carotenoid esters in foods and methods of measurement, this book provides one source to researchers in food science, nutrition and the food industry.

In Defense of Processed Food

In Defense of Processed Food PDF Author: Robert L. Shewfelt
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319453947
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 279

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Book Description
It has become popular to blame the American obesity epidemic and many other health-related problems on processed food. Many of these criticisms are valid for some processed-food items, but many statements are overgeneralizations that unfairly target a wide range products that contribute to our health and well-being. In addition, many of the proposed dangers allegedly posed by eating processed food are exaggerations based on highly selective views of experimental studies. We crave simple answers to our questions about food, but the science behind the proclamations of food pundits is not nearly as clear as they would have you believe. This book presents a more nuanced view of the benefits and limitations of food processing and exposes some of the tricks both Big Food and its critics use to manipulate us to adopt their point of view. Food is a source of enjoyment, a part of our cultural heritage, a vital ingredient in maintaining health, and an expression of personal choice. We need to make those choices based on credible information and not be beguiled by the sophisticated marketing tools of Big Food nor the ideological appeals and gut feelings of self-appointed food gurus who have little or no background in nutrition.

Handbook of Food Chemistry

Handbook of Food Chemistry PDF Author: Peter Chi Keung Cheung
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783642366048
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
This handbook is intended to be a comprehensive reference for the various chemical aspects of foods and food products. Apart from the traditional knowledge, this book covers the most recent research and development of food chemistry in the areas of functional foods and nutraceuticals, organic and genetically modified foods, nonthermal food processing as well as nanotechnology. This handbook contains both the basic and advanced chemistry both for food research and its practical applications in various food related industries and businesses. This book is appropriate for undergraduates and postgraduates in the academics and professionals from the various disciplines and industries who are interested in applying knowledge of food chemistry in their respective fields.

Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Lipids

Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Lipids PDF Author: Zdzislaw Z. E. Sikorski
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781420031997
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 406

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Book Description
Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Lipids provides a concise, straightforward treatment of the present state of knowledge of the nomenclature, content, composition, occurrence, distribution, chemical and biological reactivity, functional properties, and biological role of lipids in food systems. Written by a team of international researchers and based on the available world literature, this book examines the nature, technological properties, reactivity, and health-related concerns and benefits of food lipids. It covers the effects of storage and processing conditions on all aspects of quality of lipid-containing foods and reviews the current state of techniques for lipid analysis. The volume also discusses the importance of lipids in the human diet and includes a comparison of dietary recommendations for lipid intake. This is a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in food chemistry and nutrition.

Toxins in Food

Toxins in Food PDF Author: Waldemar M. Dabrowski
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1135495610
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 267

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While systems such as GMP and HACCP assure a high standard of food quality, foodborne poisonings still pose a serious hazard to the consumer's health. The lack of knowledge among some producers and consumers regarding the risks and benefits related to food makes it imperative to provide updated information in order to improve food safety. To