Physical Agents in Rehabilitation

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation PDF Author: Michelle H. Cameron
Publisher: Saunders
ISBN: 9781416032571
Category : Alternative medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Provides support for how physical agent modalities are discussed in the classroom and used in clinical rehabilitation practice to improve patient outcomes. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation.

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation PDF Author: Michelle H. Cameron
Publisher: Saunders
ISBN: 9781416032571
Category : Alternative medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Provides support for how physical agent modalities are discussed in the classroom and used in clinical rehabilitation practice to improve patient outcomes. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation.

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation

Physical Agents in Rehabilitation PDF Author: Michelle H. Cameron
Publisher: Saunders
ISBN: 9780323445672
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Book Description
With straightforward, in-depth coverage of the use of physical agents to improve patient outcomes, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 5th Edition reflects how physical agents and modalities are being discussed in the classroom. This new edition brings the ideal balance of evidence and practical instruction to the learning and practice of physical agents in rehabilitation. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Plus, each chapter includes a scientific rationale and step-by-step instructions in the use of the agent(s), as well as up-to-date research support and new Find the Evidence tables. The new edition is supported with electronic ancillaries including review questions for students, PowerPoints�, and links to all references on Medline. Comprehensive coverage of all physical agents includes the mechanisms, clinical effects, and application techniques for thermal agents, ultrasound, electrical currents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, traction, and compression. Find the Evidence tables guide the reader in finding up-to-date, patient-specific evidence using the PICO framework. UNIQUE Step-by-step illustrated application techniques boxesguide you in reproducing effective treatment options. Electronic ancillaries Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound & Laser Light Handbook helps you to understand the material and can be printed out for quick reference to use in the clinical setting. NEW! Chapter on biofeedback complements the coverage of powered devices used in rehabilitation. UNIQUE! New Find the Evidence tables guide the reader in finding up-to-date, patient-specific evidence using the PICO framework.

Integrating Physical Agents in Rehabilitation

Integrating Physical Agents in Rehabilitation PDF Author: Bernadette Hecox
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Book Description
Text for physical therapy students on the use of physical agents such as heat, cold, light, water, ultrasound, electrotherapy, or traction. Blends practical application with scientific rationale in the application of physical agents as a therapeutic modality. Challenges its readers to think critically when mapping out the best treatment options with optimal use of agents such as traction, compression, thermal agents, electromagnetic radiation, hydrotherapy, ultrasound, and electrical currents.

Biophysical Agents

Biophysical Agents PDF Author: Barbara J. Behrens
Publisher: F.A. Davis
ISBN: 1719643008
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1105

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Book Description
Written specifically for PTAs! Develop the clinical decision-making skills you need to be a successful PTA. This easy-to-follow approach helps you learn how to successfully relate thermal, mechanical, and electrical biophysical agents to specific therapeutic goals while understanding all the physiologic ramifications. Drawing from the APTA’s Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, this text will enable you to make the connection between a physical agent and the appropriate treatment interventions as part of a comprehensive, successful physical therapy treatment program.

Evidence-based Guide to Therapeutic Physical Agents

Evidence-based Guide to Therapeutic Physical Agents PDF Author: Alain Bélanger
ISBN: 9780781721080
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 445

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Book Description
This pocket-sized handbook provides essential information on 14 of the most common therapeutic physical agents used in rehabilitation, physical medicine, and sports therapy around the world. The pocket guide includes key steps in planning, executing, and charting a safe, effective, and evidence-based therapeutic application. In a user-friendly format, this reference offers insight into the existing body of human peer-reviewed literature related to the practice of these agents. Chapters contain sections related to each agent: historical perspectives, biophysical characteristics, physiologic and therapeutic effects, considerations for application, indications, contraindications, and more.

Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation - E-Book

Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation - E-Book PDF Author: Mitchell Batavia
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1416065253
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 960

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Book Description
This essential handbook provides clinicians with a summary of contraindications and precautions to review before treating patients seeking physical rehabilitation. This detailed resource discusses all of the contraindications in one convenient source and includes the full range of interventions, ranging from physical agents to supportive devices to therapeutic exercises. Organized by ICD categories and referenced from multiple sources, with strong coverage of adverse events, this handbook helps to ensure safe practice. - Provides crucial, easily accessible information to refresh therapists on contraindications that may not fall within their routine area of treatment. - Covers the full range of interventions in detail, including the purpose of the intervention, mechanism, contraindications and precautions, rationale, and references. - Helps ensure that practitioners do no harm, providing safer client care and addressing clients with pre-existing conditions. - Uses terminology from The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, reinforcing the use of up-to-date language. - Presents quality information from a highly renowned author, with evidence-based information throughout.

Physical Agent Modalities

Physical Agent Modalities PDF Author: Alfred G. Bracciano
Publisher: Slack Incorporated
ISBN: 9781556426490
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Book Description
This book has been updated and revised into a comprehensive Second Edition that logically provides a foundation for understanding the bio-physiological effects of physical agents and their impact on an individual's occupational performance and functioning. This second edition provides the occupational therapist and student with a user-friendly and organized reference on the application of physical agent modalities, commonly used by occupational therapists, as well as emerging technologies and interventions such as lasers and electromyographic biofeedback. It also outlines the application procedures for each modality, indications for their use, and the precautions and contraindications of the modality. New graphics and pictures enhance the reader's understanding of the physical agents, while case studies facilitate clinical reasoning and provide a practical resource to safely and effectively understand and use physical agents.

Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant PDF Author: Linda G Monroe
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323290930
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 609

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Book Description
Prepare for practice with the book tailored specifically for physical therapist assistants! Physical Rehabilitation for the Physical Therapist Assistant provides a clear, easy-to-read, evidence-based guide to the PTA's role in patient management, covering the core concepts related to physical rehabilitation and emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention. A treatment-oriented focus addresses each of the four categories of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Preferred Practice Patterns: musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary. The final section of the book addresses interventions which overlap many practice patterns. Written by rehabilitation experts Michelle Cameron, MD, PT and Linda Monroe, MPT, in consultation with Susan Schmidt, a practicing PTA, and Carla Gleaton, the director of a PTA education program, this text will be a valuable resource both in the classroom and in professional practice. - Comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of rehabilitation includes sections on pathology; examination; evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis; clinical signs, and intervention -- emphasizing the PTA's role in intervention. - Unique! A consistent, organized approach covers physical therapy intervention by disorder, with full discussions of each condition found in a single chapter. - Format follows the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition so you become familiar with the terminology used in therapy practice. - Clinical Pearls highlight key information. - Unique! Full-color illustrations clearly demonstrate pathologies and interventions. - Case studies with discussion questions guide you through specific patient interactions to build your clinical reasoning skills. - Glossaries in each chapter define key terms to build your clinical vocabulary. - Unique! Student resources on the companion Evolve website enhance your learning with vocabulary-building exercises, boards-style practice test questions, examples of commonly used forms, and references from the book linked to Medline.

Physical Therapies in Sport and Exercise

Physical Therapies in Sport and Exercise PDF Author: Gregory Kolt
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0443103518
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 640

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Physical Therapies in Sport and Exercise provides a truly comprehensive source of the latest evidence-based approaches to the assessment, management, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries related to sport and exercise. Written by an international, multidisciplinary team of contributors, all of whom are leaders in their fields, it has been expertly compiled and edited by two experienced and well-respected practitioners from Australia/New Zealand and the USA. Fully referenced and research based International team of experts are contributors Applied/practical approach New chapters on Cartilage, Prevention of Injury, and Rehabilitation of lower limb muscle and tendon injuries Authors are world leading experts in their fields representing 10 countries

Physical Rehabilitation Laboratory Manual

Physical Rehabilitation Laboratory Manual PDF Author: Susan B. O'Sullivan
Publisher: F A Davis Company
ISBN: 9780803602571
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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"... this manual does an excellent job of merging traditional and contemporary principles of neurotherapeutic intervention, all with a practical, functional orientation." -- Physical Therapy Care Reports, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 1999 Here's an integrated physical therapy model applicable to a variety of clinical problems and diagnoses. After exploring the application of treatment techniques, the authors focus on clinical decision-making strategies using clinical problems and progressively comprehensive case studies. "This text offers a wonderful source of ideas for developing laboratory experiences that will be directly applicable to clinical situations that our students will face in their future practice." -- Mark W. Pape, MSPT, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas