Philosophy Through Its Past

Philosophy Through Its Past PDF Author: Ted Honderich
ISBN: 9780140136944
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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Philosophy Through Its Past

Philosophy Through Its Past PDF Author: Ted Honderich
ISBN: 9780140136944
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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Philosophy and Its History

Philosophy and Its History PDF Author: Mogens Lærke
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199857164
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 373

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Many chapters articulate new, detailed methods of doing history of philosophy. These present conflicting visions of the history of philosophy as an autonomous sub-discipline of professional philosophy.

Essays in Philosophy and Its History

Essays in Philosophy and Its History PDF Author: Wilfrid Sellars
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401022917
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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In pulling these essays together for inclusion in one volume I do not believe that I have done them violence. Since they originally appeared at different times and places they constitute a scattered object. Never theless, to the author's eye they have unities of theme and development which, if they fail to give them the true identity of the book, may (to adapt a metaphor from Hume) generate those smooth and easy transi tions of the imagination which arouse dispositions appropriate to sur veying such identical objects. For the juxtaposition of historical and systematic studies I make no apology. It has been suggested, with a friendly touch of malice, that if Science and Metaphysics consists, as its subtitle proclaims, of Variations on Kantian Themes, it would be no less accurate to sub-title my historical essays 'variations on Sellars ian themes'. But this is as it should be. Phi losophy is a continuing dialogue with one's contemporaries, living and dead, and if one fails to see oneself in one's respondent and one's re spondent in oneself, there is confrontation but no dialogue. The historian, as Collingwood points out, becomes Caesar's contemporary by learning to think Caesar's thoughts. And it is because Plato thought so many of our thoughts that he is our contemporary and companion.

The History of Philosophy

The History of Philosophy PDF Author: A. C. Grayling
Publisher: Penguin UK
ISBN: 0241980860
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 559

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AUTHORITATIVE AND ACCESSIBLE, THIS LANDMARK WORK IS THE FIRST SINGLE-VOLUME HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY SHARED FOR DECADES 'A cerebrally enjoyable survey, written with great clarity and touches of wit' Sunday Times The story of philosophy is an epic tale: an exploration of the ideas, views and teachings of some of the most creative minds known to humanity. But there has been no comprehensive history of this great intellectual journey since 1945. Intelligible for students and eye-opening for philosophy readers, A. C. Grayling covers with characteristic clarity and elegance subjects like epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, logic, and the philosophy of mind, as well as the history of debates in these areas, through the ideas of celebrated philosophers as well as less well-known influential thinkers. The History of Philosophy takes the reader on a journey from the age of the Buddha, Confucius and Socrates. Through Christianity's dominance of the European mind to the Renaissance and Enlightenment. On to Mill, Nietzsche, Sartre, then the philosophical traditions of India, China and the Persian-Arabic world. And finally, into philosophy today.

Philosophy in History

Philosophy in History PDF Author: Richard Rorty
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521273305
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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Lectures delivered as a series at Johns Hopkins University during 1982-83.

The Story of Philosophy

The Story of Philosophy PDF Author: Will Durant
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 640

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How History Matters to Philosophy

How History Matters to Philosophy PDF Author: Robert C. Scharff
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134626738
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 346

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In recent decades, widespread rejection of positivism’s notorious hostility toward the philosophical tradition has led to renewed debate about the real relationship of philosophy to its history. How History Matters to Philosophy takes a fresh look at this debate. Current discussion usually starts with the question of whether philosophy’s past should matter, but Scharff argues that the very existence of the debate itself demonstrates that it already does matter. After an introductory review of the recent literature, he develops his case in two parts. In Part One, he shows how history actually matters for even Plato’s Socrates, Descartes, and Comte, in spite of their apparent promotion of conspicuously ahistorical Platonic, Cartesian, and Positivistic ideals. In Part Two, Scharff argues that the real issue is not whether history matters; rather it is that we already have a history, a very distinctive and unavoidable inheritance, which paradoxically teaches us that history’s mattering is merely optional. Through interpretations of Dilthey, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, he describes what thinking in a historically determinate way actually involves, and he considers how to avoid the denial of this condition that our own philosophical inheritance still seems to expect of us. In a brief conclusion, Scharff explains how this book should be read as part of his own effort to acknowledge this condition rather than deny it.

The History of Philosophy

The History of Philosophy PDF Author: Donald Phillip Verene
Publisher: Northwestern University Press
ISBN: 0810151979
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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With the aim of guiding readers along, in Hegel’s words, “the long process of education towards genuine philosophy,” this introduction emphasizes the importance of striking up a conversation with the past. Only by looking to past masters and their works, it holds, can old memories and prior thought be brought fully to bear on the present. This living past invigorates contemporary practice, enriching today’s study and discoveries. In this book, groundbreaking philosopher and author Donald Verene addresses two themes: why should one study the historically “great” texts and, if such a study is necessary, how can one undertake it? Acting out against the rejection of the idea that there is a philosophical canon, he centers his argument on the “tetralogy” of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel. From his opening look at the rhetorical tradition, he brings those core ideals forward to classical Roman and medieval philosophers and then on into Renaissance and modern philosophy, including contemporary thinkers such as Derrida and Foucault. This vital chronological outline is supplemented by Verene’s contextualizing commentary. In ensuing sections, he offers guidance on reading philosophical works with “intellectual empathy,” suggests 100 essential works to establish a canon, illustrates the role of philosophers in history and society, and examines the nature of history itself. Ultimately, Verene concludes that history may be essential to philosophy, but philosophy is more than just its history.

Classical Philosophy

Classical Philosophy PDF Author: Peter Adamson
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199674531
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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Readership: Anyone interested in philosophy, the history of ideas, or the ancient Greek world

A Short History of Philosophy

A Short History of Philosophy PDF Author: Robert C. Solomon
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780195101966
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 329

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Provides a brief history of Western philosophy and philosophers, and provides information on Eastern philosophy and philosophers in such areas as Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Jainism.