Persulfate-based Oxidation Processes in Environmental Remediation

Persulfate-based Oxidation Processes in Environmental Remediation PDF Author: Mingshan Zhu
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1839166347
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 365

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Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) use chemical treatment to remove contaminants from water by oxidation with hydroxyl radicals. These hydroxyl radicals can be produced using UV light, ozone or hydrogen peroxide, but recently reactions have been developed that use persulfates as the radical source. Persulfates are strong oxidants with flexible in situ activation characteristics, including activation with heat, alkali conditions, electricity, ultrasonic treatment, transition metals, carbon and even organics. Persulfate activation can generate sulfate radicals as well as other reactive species. These reactive species, especially the sulfate radical, can degrade most organic pollutants making them valuable in the fields of water purification, soil remediation, disinfection, sludge dewatering, and other important applications in environmental systems. Describing recent developments in persulfate-based AOPs, this book aims to provide a summary of environmental applications for persulfate-based AOPs and to guide the reader, in a comprehensive way, through various advanced oxidation processes in environmental applications. Topics include new activation methods, activation mechanisms, and advanced materials for use in activating persulfate-based AOPs for different environmental applications.

Persulfate-based Oxidation Processes in Environmental Remediation

Persulfate-based Oxidation Processes in Environmental Remediation PDF Author: Mingshan Zhu
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1839166347
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 365

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Book Description
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) use chemical treatment to remove contaminants from water by oxidation with hydroxyl radicals. These hydroxyl radicals can be produced using UV light, ozone or hydrogen peroxide, but recently reactions have been developed that use persulfates as the radical source. Persulfates are strong oxidants with flexible in situ activation characteristics, including activation with heat, alkali conditions, electricity, ultrasonic treatment, transition metals, carbon and even organics. Persulfate activation can generate sulfate radicals as well as other reactive species. These reactive species, especially the sulfate radical, can degrade most organic pollutants making them valuable in the fields of water purification, soil remediation, disinfection, sludge dewatering, and other important applications in environmental systems. Describing recent developments in persulfate-based AOPs, this book aims to provide a summary of environmental applications for persulfate-based AOPs and to guide the reader, in a comprehensive way, through various advanced oxidation processes in environmental applications. Topics include new activation methods, activation mechanisms, and advanced materials for use in activating persulfate-based AOPs for different environmental applications.

In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation

In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation PDF Author: Robert L. Siegrist
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441978267
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 715

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This volume provides comprehensive up-to-date descriptions of the principles and practices of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) for groundwater remediation based on a decade of intensive research, development, and demonstrations, and lessons learned from commercial field applications.

Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability

Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability PDF Author: Alexandra B. Ribeiro
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111967011X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 732

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Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability Explore this comprehensive reference on the remediation of contaminated substrates, filled with cutting-edge research and practical case studies Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability delivers a thorough review of electrokinetic remediation (EKR) for the treatment of inorganic and organic contaminants in contaminated substrates. The book highlights recent progress and developments in EKR in the areas of resource recovery, the removal of pollutants, and environmental remediation. It also discusses the use of EKR in conjunction with nanotechnology and phytoremediation. Throughout the book, case studies are presented that involve the field implementation of EKR technologies. The book also includes discussions of enhanced electrokinetic remediation of dredged co-contaminated sediments, solar-powered bioelectrokinetics for the mitigation of contaminated agricultural soil, advanced electro-fenton for remediation of organics, electrokinetic remediation for PPCPs in contaminated substrates, and the electrokinetic remediation of agrochemicals such as organochlorine compounds. Other topics include: A thorough introduction to the modelling of electrokinetic remediation An exploration of the electrokinetic recovery of tungsten and removal of arsenic from mining secondary resources An analysis of pharmaceutically active compounds in wastewater treatment plants with a discussion of electrochemical advanced oxidation as an on-site treatment A review of rare earth elements, including general concepts and recovery techniques, like electrodialytic extraction A treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil in cold climate conditions Perfect for environmental engineers and scientists, geologists, chemical engineers, biochemical engineers, and scientists working with green technology, Electrokinetic Remediation for Environmental Security and Sustainability will also earn a place in the libraries of academic and industry researchers, engineers, regulators, and policy makers with an interest in the remediation of contaminated natural resources.

Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment

Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment PDF Author: Mihaela I. Stefan
Publisher: IWA Publishing
ISBN: 1780407181
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 712

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Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) rely on the efficient generation of reactive radical species and are increasingly attractive options for water remediation from a wide variety of organic micropollutants of human health and/or environmental concern. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment covers the key advanced oxidation processes developed for chemical contaminant destruction in polluted water sources, some of which have been implemented successfully at water treatment plants around the world. The book is structured in two sections; the first part is dedicated to the most relevant AOPs, whereas the topics covered in the second section include the photochemistry of chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment, advanced water treatment for water reuse, implementation of advanced treatment processes for drinking water production at a state-of-the art water treatment plant in Europe, advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater, and green technologies for water remediation. The advanced oxidation processes discussed in the book cover the following aspects: - Process principles including the most recent scientific findings and interpretation. - Classes of compounds suitable to AOP treatment and examples of reaction mechanisms. - Chemical and photochemical degradation kinetics and modelling. - Water quality impact on process performance and practical considerations on process parameter selection criteria. - Process limitations and byproduct formation and strategies to mitigate any potential adverse effects on the treated water quality. - AOP equipment design and economics considerations. - Research studies and outcomes. - Case studies relevant to process implementation to water treatment. - Commercial applications. - Future research needs. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment presents the most recent scientific and technological achievements in process understanding and implementation, and addresses to anyone interested in water remediation, including water industry professionals, consulting engineers, regulators, academics, students. Editor: Mihaela I. Stefan - Trojan Technologies - Canada

Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation

Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation PDF Author: Dimitrios A Giannakoudakis
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323904866
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 652

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Advanced Materials for Sustainable Environmental Remediation: Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments presents detailed, comprehensive coverage of novel and advanced materials that can be applied to address the growing global concern of the pollution of natural resources in waters, the air and soil. It provides fundamental knowledge on available materials and treatment processes, as well as applications, including adsorptive remediation and catalytic remediation. Organized clearly by type of material, this book presents a consistent structure for each chapter, including characteristics of the materials, basic and important physicochemical features for environmental remediation applications, routes of synthesis, recent advances as remediation medias, and future perspectives. This book offers an interdisciplinary and practical examination of available materials and processes for environmental remediation that will be valuable to environmental scientists, materials scientists, environmental chemists, and environmental engineers alike. - Highlights a wide range of synthetic methodologies, physicochemical and engineered features of novel materials and composites/hybrids for environmental purposes - Provides comprehensive, consolidated coverage of advanced materials for environmental remediation applications for researchers in environmental science, materials science, and industry to identify in-depth solutions to pollution - Presents up-to-date details of advanced materials, including descriptions and characteristics that impact their applications in environmental remediation processes

Microbial Bioremediation and Multiomics Technologies for Sustainable Development

Microbial Bioremediation and Multiomics Technologies for Sustainable Development PDF Author: Fuad Ameen
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1837672717
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 571

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This book brings together the recent advances in the area of microbial bioremediation with a particular focus on the exciting new field of multiomics technologies.

Photo- and Electrochemical Water Treatment

Photo- and Electrochemical Water Treatment PDF Author: Professor Halan Prakash
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1839165014
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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Globally, 2.1 billion people live without access to safe water, and about 159 million people collect their drinking water directly from surface water sources. This issue is particularly prominent in water-stressed areas, such as India, which has a rural population of around 700 million, 63 million of whom do not have access to clean water. Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs), of both a chemical and biological nature, are increasingly being detected in wastewater effluents around the world. Chemical CECs include pollutants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides, hormones, and endocrine disruptors, and biological CECs include antibiotic resistant bacteria, pathogenic protozoans, and viruses. New technologies to remove the contaminants from water are urgently needed and photochemical approaches offer an exciting array of possibilities. Covering chemical analysis, molecular biology methods and computational approaches important for the elucidation of mechanisms and evaluation of photochemical processes, this book presents advanced photochemical processes for the removal of CECs from water. Readers will find chapters on advanced photochemical treatment prototypes and pilot plants, and discussions on translation from lab to field-scale implementation. Examples include highly transparent materials, integrated membranes, adsorbents, and photocatalysts for enhancing the photochemical processes by direct sunlight induced reactions, photo-Fenton, and photo-electrochemical reactions. Discussing both the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, this book is a great resource both for academics researching photocatalytic processes and for water treatment professionals.

Novel Materials and Water Purification

Novel Materials and Water Purification PDF Author: Grigorios L. Kyriakopoulos
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1837670498
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 375

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Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment

Emerging Nanotechnologies for Water Treatment PDF Author: Yanbiao Liu
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 1839165103
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 441

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Rapid population growth, urbanisation and industrialisation have caused serious problems in terms of water pollution and the supply of safe water. Solutions for monitoring pollutants in water and for removing them are urgently needed and they must be both efficient and sustainable. Recent advances in emerging environmental nanotechnologies provide promising solutions for these issues. The physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials can be tailored by controlling attributes such as their size, shape, composition, and surface, so that they can be both highly specific and highly efficient. This makes them perfect platforms for a variety of environmental applications including sensing, treatment and remediation. Providing an array of cutting-edge nanotechnology research in water applications, including sensing, treatment, and remediation, as well as a discussion of progress in the rational design and engineering of nanomaterials for environmental applications, this book is a valuable reference for researchers working in applications for nanotechnology, environmental chemistry and environmental engineering as well as those working in the water treatment industry.

Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment PDF Author: Simon Parsons
Publisher: IWA Publishing
ISBN: 1843390175
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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The suitability of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for pollutant degradation was recognised in the early 1970s and much research and development work has been undertaken to commercialise some of these processes. AOPs have shown great potential in treating pollutants at both low and high concentrations and have found applications as diverse as ground water treatment, municipal wastewater sludge destruction and VOCs control. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment is an overview of the advanced oxidation processes currently used or proposed for the remediation of water, wastewater, odours and sludge. The book contains two opening chapters which present introductions to advanced oxidation processes and a background to UV photolysis, seven chapters focusing on individual advanced oxidation processes and, finally, three chapters concentrating on selected applications of advanced oxidation processes. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment will be invaluable to readers interested in water and wastewater treatment processes, including professionals and suppliers, as well as students and academics studying in this area. Dr Simon Parsons is a Senior Lecturer in Water Sciences at Cranfield University with ten years' experience of industrial and academic research and development.