Perspectives on Argument

Perspectives on Argument PDF Author: Nancy V. Wood
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0134424220
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in English. Learn the skill of rational argument. Perspectives on Argument teaches you strategies for critical thinking, critical reading, research, and writing that will help you participate in all types of argument. The 9th Edition extends beyond reading, visual and multimodal argument into the timely topic of online argument. Students will encounter argument at home, school and on the job. This book arms you with the tools you need to identify controversial topics, form opinions and reactions to text and pictures, and write persuasive papers that express their viewpoints. The book also follows the premise that not all arguments involve right and wrong. Students will learn skills like finding common ground, consensus, withholding opinions, negotiating, and even changing beliefs when they can no longer make a case for them. Perspectives on Argument, 9th Edition is also available via Revel™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.

Perspectives on Argument

Perspectives on Argument PDF Author: Nancy V. Wood
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0134424220
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 552

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Book Description
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in English. Learn the skill of rational argument. Perspectives on Argument teaches you strategies for critical thinking, critical reading, research, and writing that will help you participate in all types of argument. The 9th Edition extends beyond reading, visual and multimodal argument into the timely topic of online argument. Students will encounter argument at home, school and on the job. This book arms you with the tools you need to identify controversial topics, form opinions and reactions to text and pictures, and write persuasive papers that express their viewpoints. The book also follows the premise that not all arguments involve right and wrong. Students will learn skills like finding common ground, consensus, withholding opinions, negotiating, and even changing beliefs when they can no longer make a case for them. Perspectives on Argument, 9th Edition is also available via Revel™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.

Perspectives on Argument

Perspectives on Argument PDF Author: Nancy V. Wood
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9780321964267
Category : College readers
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition, you may need a CourseID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products. Packages Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase. Used or rental books If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code. Access codes Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase. --

Perspectives on Argumentation

Perspectives on Argumentation PDF Author: Robert Trapp
Publisher: IDEA
ISBN: 9781932716191
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Wayne Brockriede's contribution to studies of argumentation continues to influence contemporary research. Perspectives on Argumentation identifies the pertinent theories and contemporary applications on which students can build their own skills of reasoning and can understand the argument practices of others. Book jacket.

Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure

Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure PDF Author: Melissa Bowerman
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 0805841946
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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This book offers a unique interdisciplinary perspective on argument structure and its role in language acquisition. The volume is the outcome of an integrated research project and comprises chapters by both specialists in first language acquisition and field linguists working on a variety of lesser-known languages. Drawing on a broad range of crosslinguistic data, Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Argument Structure integrates important contemporary issues in linguistics and language acquisition.

Perspectives on Argument

Perspectives on Argument PDF Author: Nancy V. Wood
Publisher: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 9780131729995
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 780

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This combination rhetoric/reader helps readers develop strategies for critical reading, critical thinking, research, and writing that will help them argue clearly and convincingly. It teaches them to identify and develop arguments, to read and form reactions and opinions of their own, to analyze an audience, to seek common ground, and to use a wide, realistic range of techniques to write argument papers that express their individual views and original perspectives on modern issues. The "Rhetoric" portion includes clear explanations and examples of argument theory and reading and writing processes, research and documentation skills, and offers engaging, class-tested writing assignments and activities. The "Reader" portion includes 75 reading selections covering seven broad issue areas and 18 more focused areas, all of contemporary concern. Unique chapters discuss argument styles, Rogerian argument, and argument and literature. Material covered includes engaging with argument for reading and writing, understanding the nature of argument for reading and writing, writing a research paper that presents an argument and visual and oral argument. Readings cover a range of issues including those concerning families and relationships, education, crime and the treatment of criminals, race, culture and identity, freedom, war and issues concerning the future. For anyone interested in a clear presentation of argument theory applied to written, visual and oral forms.

Perspectives on Argument

Perspectives on Argument PDF Author: Nancy V. Wood
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 700

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This college text teaches students strategies for reading, thinking, and writing that they can use in all types of argument, both inside and outside the classroom. The author notes that modern arguments often encompass a variety of perspectives, rather than a right or wrong position, and do not alwa

Argument Selectors

Argument Selectors PDF Author: Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
ISBN: 9027263027
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 544

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Capitalizing on the by now widely accepted idea of the construction-specific and language-specific nature of grammatical relations, the editors of the volume developed a modern framework for systematically capturing all sorts of variations in grammatical relations. The central concepts of this framework are the notions of argument role and its referential properties, argument selector, as well as various conditions on argument selections. The contributors of the volume applied this framework in their descriptions of grammatical relations in individual languages and discussed its limitations and advantages. This resulted in a coherent description of grammatical relations in thirteen genealogically and geographically diverse languages based on original and extensive fieldwork on under-described languages. The volume presents a far more detailed picture of the diversity of argument selectors and effects of predicates, referential properties of arguments, as well as of various clausal conditions on grammatical relations than previously published grammatical descriptions.

Above the Well

Above the Well PDF Author: Asao B. Inoue
Publisher: University Press of Colorado
ISBN: 1646422376
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Above the Well explores race, language and literacy education through a combination of scholarship, personal history, and even a bit of fiction. Inoue comes to terms with his own languaging practices in his upbring and schooling, while also arguing that there are racist aspects to English language standards promoted in schools and civic life. His discussion includes the ways students and everyone in society are judged by and through tacit racialized languaging, which he labels White language supremacy and contributes to racialized violence in the world today. Inoue’s exploration ranges a wide array of topics: His experiences as a child playing Dungeons and Dragons with his twin brother; considerations of Taoist and Western dialectic logics; the economics of race and place; tacit language race wars waged in classrooms with style guides like Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style; and the damaging Horatio Alger narratives for people of color.

Networking Argument

Networking Argument PDF Author: Carol Winkler
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000672824
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 605

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This edited volume presents selected works from the 20th Biennial Alta Argumentation Conference, sponsored by the National Communication Association and the American Forensics Association and held in 2017. The conference brought together scholars from Europe, Asia, and North America to engage in intensive conversations about how argument functions in our increasingly networked society. The essays discuss four aspects of networked argument. Some examine arguments occurring in online networks, seeking to both understand and respond more effectively to the acute changes underway in the information age. Others focus on offline networks to identify historical and contemporary resources available to advocates in the modern day. Still others discuss the value-added of including argumentation scholars on interdisciplinary research teams analyzing a diverse range of subjects, including science, education, health, law, economics, history, security, and media. Finally, the remainder network argumentation theories explore how the interactions between and among existing theories offer fruitful ground for new insights for the field of argumentation studies. The wide range of disciplinary backgrounds and methodological approaches employed in Networking Argument make this volume a unique compilation of perspectives for understanding urgent and sustaining issues facing our society.

Disturbing Argument

Disturbing Argument PDF Author: Catherine Palczewski
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 131765286X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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This edited volume represents the best of the scholarship presented at the 18th National Communication Association/American Forensic Association Conference on Argumentation. This biennial conference brings together a lively group of argumentation scholars from a range of disciplinary approaches and a variety of countries. Disturbing Argument contains selected works that speak both to the disturbing prevalence of violence in the contemporary world and to the potential of argument itself, to disturb the very relations of power that enable that violence. Scholars’ essays analyze a range of argument forms, including body and visual argument, interpersonal and group argument, argument in electoral politics, public argument, argument in social protest, scientific and technical argument, and argument and debate pedagogy. Contributors study argument using a range of methodological approaches, from social scientifically informed studies of interpersonal, group, and political argument to humanistic examinations of argument theory, political discourse, and social protest, to creatively informed considerations of argument practices that truly disturb the boundaries of what we consider argument.