Pathology A to Z

Pathology A to Z PDF Author: Kalyani Premkumar
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781740982
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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Focused on pathology needs for massage therapists, this reference is organized alphabetically according to diseases. It covers over 400 conditions likely encountered by massage therapists, and provides descriptions followed by Cause, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors and Caution and Recommendations to Therapists. Features include marginal notes providing more information on the topic presented, color illustrations showing some common skin conditions, a section on strategies for prevention of infection, and for safe practice, and coverage of side effects of common drugs. Also available packaged with a CD-ROM. Published by VanPub Books in 1999.

Pathology A to Z

Pathology A to Z PDF Author: Kalyani Premkumar
ISBN: 9780781741002
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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Book Description
Focused on pathology needs for massage therapists, this reference in encyclopedia-like format is organized alphabetically according to diseases. It covers over 400 conditions likely encountered by massage therapists, and provides descriptions followed by Cause, Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors and Caution and Recommendations to Therapists. Features include marginal notes providing more information on the topic presented, color illustrations showing some common skin conditions, a section on strategies for prevention of infection, and of safe practice, and coverage of side effects of common drugs. Available as a text, as a packaged set with a CD-ROM, or the CD-ROM version only

Pathology at a Glance

Pathology at a Glance PDF Author: Barry Newell
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119472458
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 404

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Book Description
Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format and in full-colour, Pathology at a Glance is an accessible introduction and revision text for medical students. Reflecting changes to the curriculum content and assessment methods employed by medical schools, this new edition provides a user-friendly overview of pathology to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Pathology at a Glance, Second Edition: Addresses the key principles of pathology that are central to medicine Contains full-colour artwork throughout, making the subject easy to understand Presents schematic diagrams on the left page and concise explanations on the right Is divided into three sections, covering general and systematic pathology and clinical case examples Contains self-assessment material, including 10 structured case study questions Covers general pathology mechanisms and the clinical pathology of body systems Provides key information on the epidemiology, pathogenesis and clinical features of the major diseases Revision of many chapters, particularly gynaecological pathology, acute cardiac syndromes, paediatric tumours and haematopathology This book is an invaluable resource for all medical students, of equal benefit for those starting their study of pathology or approaching finals; for junior doctors approaching their membership exams and anybody who needs a handy reference.

DNA from A to Z

DNA from A to Z PDF Author: Daniel H. Farkas
Publisher: Amer. Assoc. for Clinical Chemistry
ISBN: 9781594250026
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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This updated edition of a work previously titled DNA Simplified: The Hitchhiker's Guide to DNA reflects the many changes in the field that have occurred in the last five years, including the completion of the sequencing of the Human Genome. Entries are written in plain language with a sense of whimsy, and are illustrated with color and b&w images and photos. The book will be useful for students, professionals, and general readers. Author information is not given. Annotation: 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Digital Pathology

Digital Pathology PDF Author: Keith J. Kaplan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319203797
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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Digital Pathology: Historical Perspectives, Current Concepts & Future Applications provides the authoritative text in the digital pathology domain by combining the established expertise of leaders in this diverse arena with practical applications of this transformative platform while harnessing a content rich, interactive format. In detailing a cohesive narrative from a broad, global perspective the lessons learned from the past, the obstacles to digital pathology adoption that have been overcome and the challenges that remain for full realization of the potential that computational analysis affords, this text provides readers with the latest in where the field is heading as it seeks to unlock the potential of digital pathology by leveraging cutting edge technologies and innovative tools. Digital Pathology: Historical Perspectives, Current Concepts & Future Applications will be of great value to Pathologists including Translational Researchers and Informaticists, Pathology Trainees including Residents and Informatics Fellows, Healthcare CMIOs and CIOs, Bioimaging Engineers and Computer Vision Scientists, as well as Laboratory Information Technologists.

A to Z of Biologists, Updated Edition

A to Z of Biologists, Updated Edition PDF Author: Lisa Yount
Publisher: Infobase Holdings, Inc
ISBN: 1438183267
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Book Description
Praise for the previous edition: "...the coverage of women, races, and international history in general make it a good source for exploring the many faces of biologists..."—American Reference Books Annual "...useful..."—School Library Journal "Recommended."—Choice A to Z of Biologists, Updated Edition uses the device of biography to put a human face on science-a method that adds immediacy for the high school student who might have an interest in pursuing a career in biology. This comprehensive survey features more than 150 entries and 50 black-and-white photographs. Each profile focuses on a biologist's research and contributions to the field and their effect on scientists whose work followed. Their lives and personalities are also discussed through incidents, quotations, and photographs. The profiles are culturally inclusive and span a range of biologists from ancient times to the present day. The entries on women and minority biologists especially articulate the obstacles that these biologists overcame in the process of reaching their goals. This title is an ideal resource for students and general readers interested in the history of biology or the personal and professional lives of significant biologists. People covered include: Rachel Louise Carson (1907–1964) Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915) Dian Fossey (1932–1985) Galen (c. 130–c. 201) Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852–1931) Severo Ochoa (1905–1993) Linus Carl Pauling (1901–1994) Rosalyn Sussman Yalow (1921–2011) Lap-Chee Tsui (1950–present) Pamela Silver (1952–present)

Index-catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology

Index-catalogue of Medical and Veterinary Zoology PDF Author:
Category : Parasites
Languages : en
Pages : 502

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Epilepsy A to Z

Epilepsy A to Z PDF Author: William O. Tatum, IV, DO
Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing
ISBN: 1934559555
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 399

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Epilepsy A-Z is a unique compendium that provides a "bullet" of epilepsy-related information that is ideal for quick and easy reference. It is essential for busy practitioners who want the essence of terms and topics relevant to patient care and seizures. Physicians can quickly find answers to clinical questions, access important drug information, or understand the newest treatments and innovations for managing the most complex epilepsy patients with this concise yet comprehensive resource. Key points are summarized with current references and applicable graphics to give the reader an immediate and direct presentation that makes Epilepsy A-Z a must-have for the busy clinician. Tools that make this a must-have guide! More than 450 topics, terms and drug names - offer current and condensed coverage of all areas of clinical epilepsy A to Z dictionary format - presents a quick way to find terms or topic of interest Pearls and summaries - demystify and clarify where exhaustive textbooks can't Key points and references - highlight significant facts and articles New techniques complete with graphics - illustrate the latest innovations for evaluating and treating epilepsy patients Antiepileptic drugs - listed by generic and common trade names to aid in prescribing

Lippincott's Pocket Pathology

Lippincott's Pocket Pathology PDF Author: Donna E. Hansel
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781771276
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 970

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Accompanying CD-ROM includes over 400 full-color images.

A to Z of STS Scientists

A to Z of STS Scientists PDF Author: Elizabeth H. Oakes
Publisher: Infobase Publishing
ISBN: 1438109253
Category : Engineers
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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Profiles over 200 scientists from around the world who made important contributions to the interdisciplinary field of science, technology and society (STS), including Thomas P. Ackerman, Helen Caldicott, James Watt, and more.

Atlas of Bone Pathology

Atlas of Bone Pathology PDF Author: Shi Wei
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461463270
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 482

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Bone is a living tissue prone to develop a diverse array of inflammatory, metabolic, genetic, reactive, circulatory and neoplastic abnormalities. The Atlas of Bone Pathology describes and selectively illustrates the normal and pathologic conditions that afflict human bone, focusing heavily on tumor and tumor-like conditions of bone and their non-neoplastic mimics. Supplemented with radiographic and special study images, this extraordinary collection of high quality digital images aid continuing efforts to recognize, understand, and accurately interpret the light microscopic findings in bone specimens. Authored by nationally and internationally recognized pathologists, The Atlas of Bone Pathology is a concise and useful resource for both novice and seasoned pathologists alike.