Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart

Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart PDF Author: Jannette Blair
Publisher: Book Writing Founders
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 137

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Book Description
Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart is the second volume for the book The Tears Behind My Smile, based on the life of a girl who had been through the worst days of her life and still stood like a queen. She had been mistreated by her loved ones and taken advantage of by the people she had trusted the most. The entire book revolves around her journey in which she saw the true colors of people in her time of need. Although her life-long lessons tore her into pieces, she still learned from them; instead of becoming the victim of everything. Everyone in her surroundings doubted her for not being strong enough and fighting the demons in her life. However, she proved all of them wrong and became the best version of herself. Whomsoever she trusted; always betrayed and wronged her. Thus, she started to be herself and stay away from everyone who claimed to love or look after her. Later, she realized that everyone becomes toxic in their life, but the true survivor is the one who accepts their faults and improves their selves, and she considers the true essence of life. There came a stage in her life where she decided to take steps for all those people, especially women whose voices were manipulated or suppressed due to someone else’s dominance. She also remembered how her ex-husband mistreated and kicked her out of the house, just like her parents did. She still understood his mentality, who had been a victim of abuse from his parents. No matter how many times she had been played, manipulated, wronged, or taken for granted, she never looked back because she had an optimistic approach to seeing things. In addition, in each step of her life, she remained thankful to God, who did not leave her hand in the hard times. She guided her readers to be realistic, no matter what social media is showing them, because, behind the cameras, everyone has to go through something they do not speak of. To get over her past, she made sure to make herself busy at work, where she again saw horrible faces behind the kindest smile. There too, she acted patiently and saw people reaping what they had sown. She remained thankful to her childhood friends, who never left her way and helped her fight her toxic ex-husband. She acknowledged and realized the power of unity and witnessed how it turned the tables. She asked the readers to remain grateful and helpful to the people around us because we never know when we might need their help or concern in this predictable life. Finally, yet importantly, she claimed self-love above all, as when people love themselves, they become contagious towards the better things and people in life. Thus, the main theme is to trust and love yourself, no matter where you are and how others treat you.

Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart

Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart PDF Author: Jannette Blair
Publisher: Book Writing Founders
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 137

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Book Description
Pardon me, but you’re stepping on my heart is the second volume for the book The Tears Behind My Smile, based on the life of a girl who had been through the worst days of her life and still stood like a queen. She had been mistreated by her loved ones and taken advantage of by the people she had trusted the most. The entire book revolves around her journey in which she saw the true colors of people in her time of need. Although her life-long lessons tore her into pieces, she still learned from them; instead of becoming the victim of everything. Everyone in her surroundings doubted her for not being strong enough and fighting the demons in her life. However, she proved all of them wrong and became the best version of herself. Whomsoever she trusted; always betrayed and wronged her. Thus, she started to be herself and stay away from everyone who claimed to love or look after her. Later, she realized that everyone becomes toxic in their life, but the true survivor is the one who accepts their faults and improves their selves, and she considers the true essence of life. There came a stage in her life where she decided to take steps for all those people, especially women whose voices were manipulated or suppressed due to someone else’s dominance. She also remembered how her ex-husband mistreated and kicked her out of the house, just like her parents did. She still understood his mentality, who had been a victim of abuse from his parents. No matter how many times she had been played, manipulated, wronged, or taken for granted, she never looked back because she had an optimistic approach to seeing things. In addition, in each step of her life, she remained thankful to God, who did not leave her hand in the hard times. She guided her readers to be realistic, no matter what social media is showing them, because, behind the cameras, everyone has to go through something they do not speak of. To get over her past, she made sure to make herself busy at work, where she again saw horrible faces behind the kindest smile. There too, she acted patiently and saw people reaping what they had sown. She remained thankful to her childhood friends, who never left her way and helped her fight her toxic ex-husband. She acknowledged and realized the power of unity and witnessed how it turned the tables. She asked the readers to remain grateful and helpful to the people around us because we never know when we might need their help or concern in this predictable life. Finally, yet importantly, she claimed self-love above all, as when people love themselves, they become contagious towards the better things and people in life. Thus, the main theme is to trust and love yourself, no matter where you are and how others treat you.

The Family Herald

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Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 844

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Catalog of Copyright Entries

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Languages : en
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Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil

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Languages : en
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Catalogue of Title Entries of Books and Other Articles Entered in the Office of the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, at Washington, D.C.

Catalogue of Title Entries of Books and Other Articles Entered in the Office of the Register of Copyrights, Library of Congress, at Washington, D.C. PDF Author: Library of Congress. Copyright Office
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Languages : en
Pages : 850

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Catalog of Copyright Entries

Catalog of Copyright Entries PDF Author: Library of Congress. Copyright Office
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 1412

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