The End

The End PDF Author: A. D. Bauer
ISBN: 9780965879804
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The first Square Halo title, this book helps the reader work through the famous biblical book about End Times, providing explanations of biblical passages, definitions of the biblical imagery, and insights from other parts of Scripture.

The End

The End PDF Author: A. D. Bauer
ISBN: 9780965879804
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The first Square Halo title, this book helps the reader work through the famous biblical book about End Times, providing explanations of biblical passages, definitions of the biblical imagery, and insights from other parts of Scripture.

The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: A Look at the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation

The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: A Look at the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation PDF Author: Daniel H. Kiser
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 9781977237262
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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While in exile on the Island of Patmos, the Apostle John received this instruction from Jesus: "Write what you see into a book. Send it to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea" (Revelation 1:11; The Message Bible). Jesus then proceeds to dictate to the apostle personal messages to each of the seven churches. The content of these messages does not contain the opinions, or instructions of a pastor, deacon, elder or governing church council. These messages were sent directly from Jesus and reveal his assessment of each church. This in itself should be sufficient reason for taking the time and exerting the energy to do an exhaustive study of the seven churches. But there are additional reasons as well which are dealt with extensively in this book. The messages reveal what is acceptable and unacceptable to Jesus in the life of a church. They also reflect seven periods of church history. In addition, the messages explain a Christian's relationship to the group of believers with which they are associated. Furthermore, they stress the responsibility of every Christian to protect the spiritual welfare of the local church. Finally, these messages provide the proper perspective of what Jesus values most in a church. At the end of each message Jesus makes this statement: "Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches!" (Revelation 2:7; New Living Translation). The messages to the seven churches of the Apocalypse are as relevant today as they were when John received them. They are intended for anyone who has ears to hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Holman New Testament Commentary - Revelation

Holman New Testament Commentary - Revelation PDF Author: Kendell H. Easley
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
ISBN: 1433674203
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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One in a series of twelve New Testament verse-by-verse commentary books edited by Max Anders. Includes discussion starters, teaching plan, and more. Great for lay teachers and pastors alike.

Twin Flames Revelation

Twin Flames Revelation PDF Author: Zeyven Alexander Blackwell
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 9781478703181
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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Twin Flames and numerous advanced souls are presently re-uniting across the planet to complete their mission at this critical juncture in Earth's ascension. Humanity has long been trapped by the forces of darkness that have brought about much suffering and despair. Today the world stands poised to emerge from the spiritual wilderness as increasing numbers of souls awaken to their true purpose; to reconnect to their spiritual origins and serve their fellow brothers and sisters. If they are successful, they will transition to a higher dimension. Alas, unseen forces are working hard to stop humanities ascension and it will take the combined efforts of Twin Flames, Star Seeds and other advanced souls to bring the balance of power back into humanities favor. The time is fast approaching when the presently unfolding worldwide events will reach their prophesized conclusion. Will the souls of humanity be ready for a fifth dimensional existence or will they be required to experience further three-dimensional lessons? Worst still, might they be coerced into another dimension altogether, further delaying their return to their true home? This is the sixth time that humanity has attempted to ascend from this planet and it has required a substantial degree of interplanetary and spiritual assistance just to get this far. These souls have come to live the path of unconditional love knowing that there are no barriers that true love cannot overcome. Remarkably and despite high levels of intervention the final result still appears to hang in the balance. This book details the journey of one such advanced soul, his twin flame, his soul mates and their journey prior to and after answering the call to help liberate humanity. It details the relationship between other planetary races, especially those from the Sirius, Orion and Alpha Draconis star systems and Earth based humans. This work is not only an action-based adventure but also a love story; following the powerful bond of love that

The Last Days according to Jesus

The Last Days according to Jesus PDF Author: R. C. Sproul
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1585580929
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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A trusted theologian analyzes what Jesus said about his return and the last days.

Heaven and the Afterlife

Heaven and the Afterlife PDF Author: Erwin W. Lutzer
Publisher: Moody Publishers
ISBN: 0802494528
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 429

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Get ready for life after death. Combining three books that together have sold nearly 1 million copies, Heaven and the Afterlife gives you Erwin Lutzer’s best reflections on eternity and what it means for you today. The trilogyincludes: One Minute After You Die. A simple and moving explanation of what the Bible teaches about death, this book makes you consider a sobering truth: one minute after you die, your life will not be over. Rather, it will be just beginning—in a place of unimaginable bliss or indescribable gloom. Are you ready for that moment? How You Can Be Sure You Will Spend Eternity with Godsummarizes the Bible’s teaching on salvation, answering questions like, “What role do I play in my own salvation? Can I lose my salvation if I commit a serious sin? What if I doubt that I’m saved?” Your Eternal Reward. This book explores the often-overlooked Scriptures about reward and judgment for Christians, answering questions like, “How will believers be judged? Do rewards for faithfulness vary? If heaven is perfect, why do rewards even matter?” Together these books will help you live faithfully today, readying you for that final hour when you meet your Maker.

7 Visions 7 Truths

7 Visions 7 Truths PDF Author: David Scherbarth
ISBN: 9781478733904
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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7 Visions 7 Truths is a book that will change your life. Within the book of Revelation God has recorded seven visions, each containing a message about this world that you need to know. 7 Visions 7 Truths shows how the seven messages combine to explain what is happening in this world every day and to reveal your purpose within God%u2019s master plan. Pastor Scherbarth wrote 7 Visions 7 Truths to open the book of Revelation to everyone. Whether you are a Bible expert or a Bible novice, 7 Visions 7 Truths will make it possible for you to read Revelation and to understand what God is revealing in this important book. The seven truths of Revelation will change your life forever.

The Epic Bible

The Epic Bible PDF Author: Kingstone Media Group, Inc.
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 1414396678
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 840

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"Unabridged version previously published in 2016 in three volumes as The Kingstone Bible by Kingstone Comics."

Revelation Commentary

Revelation Commentary PDF Author: John K. George
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 9781478769972
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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You are sure to be blessed as you read and study Pr. John George's Exposition of Book of Revelation. His insight into the Holy Scripture is nothing short of amazing. Your understanding is sure to be enlightened as you examine each verse and chapter of this outstanding work by Pr. John George. - Sam N Clements General Overseer for the Church of God of Prophecy. I have read many commentaries on Book of Revelation. But this is a unique one. I recommend this great work not only for believers but to teachers and students of Theological Seminaries. Yes, an excellent work that touches many hidden truths in depth. - Pr. P. R. Baby (Faith City Church Cochin) Ordained Bishop in Church of God. Former Deputy Director and Senior Scientist of Naval Defence Research, India. It gives me great pleasure and enthusiasm as I go through the outstanding and scholarly research on the book of Revelation by my friend and co-worker in the Lord Pastor John K. George. The author critically comments about the wrong teachings of some denominations of the Christian world. I strongly introduce and recommend this book to everyone for reading. I am sure that this book will enhance our vision and intensity and will enable us to prepare for the second coming of our Lord. - Pastor K. Joy Delhi

The Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement and Its Place in the Christian System

The Scripture Doctrine of the Atonement and Its Place in the Christian System PDF Author: Henry Harris
Category : Atonement
Languages : en
Pages : 80

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