Other spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin's SO 36

Other spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin's SO 36 PDF Author: Ramirez, Andres
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
ISBN: 3798327149
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 198

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Book Description
The heightened environmental awareness that defines our contemporary urban age is both a challenge and an opportunity for urban planners and designers. In order to acquire perspective, context and leverage, city-makers must access the intangible realms of meaning to investigate the nature of social life and its relationship to space. In response to provocative spatial discourse from Lefebvre, Foucault and the Situationists International, Other Spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin’s SO36, explores the application of theory in today’s broad and increasingly interdisciplinary planning and design practice. Deeply rooted in the philosophy of space, the concept of otherness is presented as a distinctive critical element and promising tool for contemporary urban analysis. As a source of spatial knowledge, otherness raises issues of relativity and reveals the layered, multi-dimensional reality of the urban environment. Both physical and symbolic, it complements conventional research methodologies with a qualitative, creative and proactive element. Unlocking a place-based imagination may be an instrumental tool for more responsible and creative urbanism. The SO36 case study suggests an alternative research approach that focuses on the observational, the experiential, and the intuitive as the fundamental basis for knowledge creation. An initial assessment of the built environment evolved to reveal abstract and subjective, but nevertheless complimentary dimensions of space. Alternative techniques of urban exploration and mapping were deployed, using otherness as a guiding principle to comparatively dissect urban morphologies and architectural typologies. Bridging the gap between professionals and citizens, this approach selectively explores urban themes and associations that reflect physical and symbolic otherness. The outcomes indicate a relationship between form and meaning, which is based and strongly supported by the community's distinctive personal and collective spatial imagination. Ultimately, what is revealed are conflicting social realities that exist simultaneously in symbiosis and define the neighborhood as a kaleidoscope of place. Das gesteigerte Umweltbewusstsein unseres zeitgenössischen, urbanen Zeitalters ist für Stadtplaner und Designer sowohl eine Herausforderung als auch eine Chance. Um bessere Sichtweisen, Zusammenhänge und Einfluss zu erlangen, müssen städtische Entscheidungsträger auf den vagen Bereich der Bedeutung zurück greifen, um das Wesen von Sozialleben und dessen Verhältnis zu Raum zu untersuchen. Als Antwort auf den provokativen Raumdiskurs von Lefebvre, Foucault und der Situationistischen Internationalen, untersucht Other Spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin´s SO36 die Anwendung von Theorie in der weiten und zunehmend interdisziplinären Planungs- und Designpraxis der Gegenwart. Das Konzept der Andersheit ist tief verwurzelt in der Philosophie des Raumes. Es stellt sowohl einen charakteristischen, kritischen Faktor sowie ein vielversprechendes Mittel einer Analyse der zeitgenössischen Urbanität dar. Andersheit als eine Quelle des räumlichen Wissens wirft Themen der Relativität auf, gleichzeitig offenbart es die vielschichtige, multidimensionale Gegebenheit der städtischen Umwelt. Konventionelle Forschungsmethoden werden sowohl materiell als auch symbolisch mit einem qualitativen, kreativen und initiativen Faktor ergänzt. Das Freilegen einer ortsbezogenen Idee kann ein hilfreiches Mittel für mehr Verantwortung und kreativere Stadtplanung sein. Die Fallstudie SO36 zeigt einen alternativen Forschungsansatz auf, der sich auf die Beobachtung, die Empirie und die Intuition als die wesentlichen Bestandteile für die Generierung von Wissen konzentriert. Eine anfängliche Einschätzung der bebauten Umwelt weicht der Freilegung abstrakterer und subjektiverer, aber nichtsdestotrotz ergänzender Raumdimensionen. Alternative Techniken der Stadtforschung und Kartographie wurden eingesetzt, die Andersheit als ein Leitprinzip anwenden, um urbane Strukturen und architektonische Typologien aufzugliedern. Dieser Ansatz erforscht gezielt urbane Bezugspunkte und Gemeinschaften, die eine äußerliche und symbolische Andersheit widerspiegeln, und überbrückt so die Kluft zwischen Experten und Einwohnern. Die Resultate deuten eine Verbindung zwischen Gestalt und Bedeutung an, die auf der unverkennbaren, persönlichen wie kollektiven räumlichen Vorstellungskraft der Gemeinschaft beruht, und von dieser auch unterstützt wird. Letztlich werden widersprüchliche, soziale Realitäten frei gelegt, die in einer gleichzeitigen Symbiose existieren und Nachbarschaft als ein Kaleidoskop von Orten definieren.

Other spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin's SO 36

Other spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin's SO 36 PDF Author: Ramirez, Andres
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
ISBN: 3798327149
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 198

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Book Description
The heightened environmental awareness that defines our contemporary urban age is both a challenge and an opportunity for urban planners and designers. In order to acquire perspective, context and leverage, city-makers must access the intangible realms of meaning to investigate the nature of social life and its relationship to space. In response to provocative spatial discourse from Lefebvre, Foucault and the Situationists International, Other Spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin’s SO36, explores the application of theory in today’s broad and increasingly interdisciplinary planning and design practice. Deeply rooted in the philosophy of space, the concept of otherness is presented as a distinctive critical element and promising tool for contemporary urban analysis. As a source of spatial knowledge, otherness raises issues of relativity and reveals the layered, multi-dimensional reality of the urban environment. Both physical and symbolic, it complements conventional research methodologies with a qualitative, creative and proactive element. Unlocking a place-based imagination may be an instrumental tool for more responsible and creative urbanism. The SO36 case study suggests an alternative research approach that focuses on the observational, the experiential, and the intuitive as the fundamental basis for knowledge creation. An initial assessment of the built environment evolved to reveal abstract and subjective, but nevertheless complimentary dimensions of space. Alternative techniques of urban exploration and mapping were deployed, using otherness as a guiding principle to comparatively dissect urban morphologies and architectural typologies. Bridging the gap between professionals and citizens, this approach selectively explores urban themes and associations that reflect physical and symbolic otherness. The outcomes indicate a relationship between form and meaning, which is based and strongly supported by the community's distinctive personal and collective spatial imagination. Ultimately, what is revealed are conflicting social realities that exist simultaneously in symbiosis and define the neighborhood as a kaleidoscope of place. Das gesteigerte Umweltbewusstsein unseres zeitgenössischen, urbanen Zeitalters ist für Stadtplaner und Designer sowohl eine Herausforderung als auch eine Chance. Um bessere Sichtweisen, Zusammenhänge und Einfluss zu erlangen, müssen städtische Entscheidungsträger auf den vagen Bereich der Bedeutung zurück greifen, um das Wesen von Sozialleben und dessen Verhältnis zu Raum zu untersuchen. Als Antwort auf den provokativen Raumdiskurs von Lefebvre, Foucault und der Situationistischen Internationalen, untersucht Other Spaces, plural narratives of place in Berlin´s SO36 die Anwendung von Theorie in der weiten und zunehmend interdisziplinären Planungs- und Designpraxis der Gegenwart. Das Konzept der Andersheit ist tief verwurzelt in der Philosophie des Raumes. Es stellt sowohl einen charakteristischen, kritischen Faktor sowie ein vielversprechendes Mittel einer Analyse der zeitgenössischen Urbanität dar. Andersheit als eine Quelle des räumlichen Wissens wirft Themen der Relativität auf, gleichzeitig offenbart es die vielschichtige, multidimensionale Gegebenheit der städtischen Umwelt. Konventionelle Forschungsmethoden werden sowohl materiell als auch symbolisch mit einem qualitativen, kreativen und initiativen Faktor ergänzt. Das Freilegen einer ortsbezogenen Idee kann ein hilfreiches Mittel für mehr Verantwortung und kreativere Stadtplanung sein. Die Fallstudie SO36 zeigt einen alternativen Forschungsansatz auf, der sich auf die Beobachtung, die Empirie und die Intuition als die wesentlichen Bestandteile für die Generierung von Wissen konzentriert. Eine anfängliche Einschätzung der bebauten Umwelt weicht der Freilegung abstrakterer und subjektiverer, aber nichtsdestotrotz ergänzender Raumdimensionen. Alternative Techniken der Stadtforschung und Kartographie wurden eingesetzt, die Andersheit als ein Leitprinzip anwenden, um urbane Strukturen und architektonische Typologien aufzugliedern. Dieser Ansatz erforscht gezielt urbane Bezugspunkte und Gemeinschaften, die eine äußerliche und symbolische Andersheit widerspiegeln, und überbrückt so die Kluft zwischen Experten und Einwohnern. Die Resultate deuten eine Verbindung zwischen Gestalt und Bedeutung an, die auf der unverkennbaren, persönlichen wie kollektiven räumlichen Vorstellungskraft der Gemeinschaft beruht, und von dieser auch unterstützt wird. Letztlich werden widersprüchliche, soziale Realitäten frei gelegt, die in einer gleichzeitigen Symbiose existieren und Nachbarschaft als ein Kaleidoskop von Orten definieren.

Berliner Chic

Berliner Chic PDF Author: Susan V. Ingram
Publisher: Intellect Books
ISBN: 9781841503691
Category : Clothing
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Since becoming the capital of reunited Germany, Berlin has had a dose of global money and international style added to its already impressive cultural veneer. Once home to emperors and dictators, peddlers and spies, it is now a fashion showplace that attracts the young and hip. Moving beyond descriptions of Berlin's fashion industry and its ready-to-wear clothing, Berliner Chic charts the turbulent stories of entrepreneurially-savvy manufacturers and cultural workers striving to establish their city as a fashion capital, and being repeatedly interrupted by politics, ideology, and war. There are many stories to tell about Berlin's fashion industry and Berliner Chic tells them all with considerable expertise.

Urban Intervention, Street Art and Public Space

Urban Intervention, Street Art and Public Space PDF Author: Et Al
Publisher: Pedro Soares Neves
ISBN: 9789899771260
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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This book it has its direct origin on an international call for papers, issued by Pedro Costa and Paula Guerra, which aimed to give body to a publication on the thematic of creative milieus and cultural scenes in contemporary urban spaces. The organizers of that publication were surprised by the great quality and interest of the proposals for papers which were presented, even if many of them were not focused specifically and directly on the "creative milieus" and "urban scenes" approach they were looking for. Interestingly, many of the papers raised the issue of the relation between urban interventions (particularly street art approaches) and public space. That was so stimulating that the authors, drawing also upon previous work on that area, decided to give birth to another project, complementary to the edition of the original idea of book, which would be specifically focused on issues of urban interventions, street art and public space. For that, they joined Pedro Soares Neves, which have been working for years in the field of street art and urban interventions, is executive director of Urbancreativity international research topic on Graffiti, Street Art and Urban Creativity. The diversity of contributions put together in this book acknowledges the variety of debates and perspectives that mark contemporary discussions on the relation between art and public space, with particular reference to the case of graffiti and street art, which attracted most of the contributors that came from various disciplines and backgrounds.

City Primeval

City Primeval PDF Author: Louis Armand
Publisher: Anti-Oedipus Press
ISBN: 9780999153529
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 554

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An anthology of personal documentaries of place and time by key figures in the art world from the 1970s to the present.

The Urban Politics of Squatters' Movements

The Urban Politics of Squatters' Movements PDF Author: Miguel A. Martínez López
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9781349957934
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 299

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This volume sheds light on the development of squatting practices and movements in nine European cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Rome, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Brighton) by examining the numbers, variations and significant contexts in their life course. It reveals how and why squatting practices have shifted and to what extent they engender urban movements. The book measures the volume and changes in squatting over various decades, mostly by focusing on Squatted Social Centres but also including squatted housing. In addition, it systematically compares the cycles, socio-spatial structures and the political implications of squatting in selected cities. This collection highlights how squatters’ movements have persisted over more than four decades through different trajectories and circumstances, especially in relation to broader protest cycles and reveals how political opportunities and constraints influence the conflicts around the legalisation of squats. p>

Cultural Diversity in the Arts

Cultural Diversity in the Arts PDF Author: Ria Lavrijsen
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 128

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Reproduction of the lectures and workshops held at the conference on February 9 and 10, 1993 in Amsterdam by Soeterijn, the theatre of the Royal tropical institute. The topic was cultural diversity in the arts due to demographic changes and new forms of intercultural communication. It is argued that this will produce changes in art production and audiences as well as in art policies.

Researching Subcultures, Myth and Memory

Researching Subcultures, Myth and Memory PDF Author: Bart van der Steen
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030419096
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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This book brings together contributions that analyse how subcultural myths develop and how they can be studied. Through critical engagement with (history) writing and other sources on subcultures by contemporaries, veterans, popular media and researchers, it aims to establish: how stories and histories of subcultures emerge and become canonized through the process of mythification; which developments and actors are crucial in this process; and finally how researchers like historians, sociologists, and anthropologists should deal with these myths and myth-making processes. By considering these issues and questions in relation to mythmaking, this book provides new insights on how to research the identity, history, and cultural memory of youth subcultures.

Spatial Aesthetics

Spatial Aesthetics PDF Author: Nikos Papastergiadias
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 9081602136
Category : Politics in art
Languages : en
Pages : 131

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International Futurism in Arts and Literature

International Futurism in Arts and Literature PDF Author: Günter Berghaus
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 3110804220
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 660

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This publication offers for the first time an inter-disciplinary and comparative perspective on Futurism in a variety of countries and artistic media. 20 scholars discuss how the movement shaped the concept of a cultural avant-garde and how it influenced the development of modernist art and literature around the world.

The Black Culture Industry

The Black Culture Industry PDF Author: Ellis Cashmore
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134809379
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Cashmore's controversial study argues that black culture has been converted into a commodity, usually in the interests of white owned corporations. Using detailed studies of the marketing of Motown, Michael Jackson and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, Cashmore suggests that inflating the significance of this commodified 'black culture' may actually be counter-productive in the struggle for racial justice.