On the Road to Quitting

On the Road to Quitting PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780660370910
Category : Smoking cessation
Languages : en
Pages : 52

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On the Road to Quitting

On the Road to Quitting PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780660370910
Category : Smoking cessation
Languages : en
Pages : 52

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The Easy Way to Stop Smoking

The Easy Way to Stop Smoking PDF Author: Allen Carr
Publisher: Barnes & Noble Publishing
ISBN: 9781402718618
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 232

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The author offers a step-by-step approach to stop smoking without the use of nicotine substitutes.

Mastering the Art of Quitting

Mastering the Art of Quitting PDF Author: Peg Streep
Publisher: Da Capo Lifelong Books
ISBN: 9780738216546
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Find out why the happiest, most successful people have the ability both to persist and to quit. In a culture that perceives quitting as a last resort and urges us to hang in, Mastering the Art of Quitting tackles our tendencies to overanalyze, ruminate, and put a positive spin on goals that have outlived their usefulness. Bestselling author Peg Streep and psychotherapist Alan Bernstein demonstrate that persistence alone isn't always the answer. We also need to be able to quit to get the most out of life. They reveal simple truths that apply to goal setting and achievement in all areas of life, including love, relationships, and work: Quitting promotes growth and learning, as well as the ability to frame new goals. Without the ability to give up, most people will end up in a discouraging loop. The most satisfied people know when it's time to stop persisting and start quitting. Quitting is a healthy, adaptive response when a goal can't be reached. Featuring compelling stories of people who successfully quit, along with helpful questionnaires and goal maps to guide you on the right path, Mastering the Art of Quitting allows you to evaluate whether your goals are working for or against you, and whether you need to rechart certain aspects of your life. When is it time to stop persisting and start quitting? Take a moment and answer the following questions. Just thinking about the answers will give you insight into your ability to quit artfully and restart your life. Do you believe that "winners never quit and quitters never win"? How realistic are you when it comes to setting goals? What matters more: staying the course or exploring new possibilities in life? How much of your sense of self relies on other people's judgments? Do you tend to hang in longer than you should, even when you're unhappy? When you try something new, do you focus on the effort you have to put in or the possibility of failure? Are you a procrastinator or a delayer when it comes to getting things done? How much do you worry about making a mistake? Do you second-guess yourself? How hard is it for you to get over a setback?

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking PDF Author: Allen Carr
Publisher: Penguin UK
ISBN: 014103940X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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The revolutionary international bestseller that will stop you smoking - for good. 'If you follow my instructions you will be a happy non-smoker for the rest of your life.' That's a strong claim from Allen Carr, but as the world's leading and most successful quit smoking expert, Allen was right to boast! Reading this book is all you need to give up smoking. You can even smoke while you read. There are no scare tactics, you will not gain weight and stopping will not feel like deprivation. If you want to kick the habit then go for it. Allen Carr has helped millions of people become happy non-smokers. His unique method removes your psychological dependence on cigarettes and literally sets you free. Accept no substitute. Five million people can't be wrong.


Quit PDF Author: Annie Duke
Publisher: Noura Books
ISBN: 6232423720
Category : Self-Help
Languages : id
Pages : 361

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"Dalam berbagai situasi, kita sering kali dihadapkan dengan pilihan sulit: bertahan, berubah arah, atau bahkan berhenti (quit). Nyatanya, walau banyak pertanda tak ada guna untuk tetap bertahan, berhenti identik dengan kata gagal, sehingga tak pernah jadi pilihan. Annie Duke menawarkan strategi berbasis sains yang dapat mengasah keterampilan untuk mengetahui kapan kita harus memilih berhenti dan bagaimana cara melakukannya. Saat Anda sedang menghadapi permasalahan bisnis, karier, atau bahkan hubungan pribadi, piawai dalam memilih mana hal yang harus dipertahankan atau tidak dapat membantu Anda untuk menentukan langkah terbaik berikutnya. Hidup ini singkat. Tak sepatutnya kita membuang waktu, energi, atau uang karena terus mempertahankan keputusan yang salah."

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, August 1999

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs, August 1999 PDF Author: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (U.S.). Office on Smoking and Health
Category : Smoking
Languages : en
Pages : 100

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Smoke-Free in 30 Days

Smoke-Free in 30 Days PDF Author: Daniel F. Seidman
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439123551
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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I'M TOO STRESSED TO STOP. I'LL GAIN WEIGHT IF I QUIT. I'VE TRIED AND FAILED TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT. Why are you still smoking, even though you want to quit? Based on twenty years of research and hands-on work with countless smokers in his clinics at Columbia University and New York Presbyterian Hospital, Dr. Daniel F. Seidman understands that people smoke -- and quit -- for different reasons and what works for one smoker might not work for another. • Are you a Situational Smoker? Monitoring your reactions in different situations is a step toward permanently losing interest in cigarettes. • Are you a Worried-about-Weight Smoker? Properly using treatments like Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can help you quit and get healthy in all aspects of your life. • Are you an Emotion-Triggered Smoker? Scheduling your smoking breaks and sticking to a rigid "smoking schedule" helps break the link between stressful situations and craving cigarettes. In a comprehensive, 30-day program, Dr. Seidman explains how to retrain your brain, take advantage of all the tools at your disposal, and end the month smoke-free and feeling stronger than ever!

Quit Like a Woman

Quit Like a Woman PDF Author: Holly Whitaker
Publisher: Dial Press
ISBN: 1984825062
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “An unflinching examination of how our drinking culture hurts women and a gorgeous memoir of how one woman healed herself.”—Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Untamed “You don’t know how much you need this book, or maybe you do. Either way, it will save your life.”—Melissa Hartwig Urban, Whole30 co-founder and CEO The founder of the first female-focused recovery program offers a groundbreaking look at alcohol and a radical new path to sobriety. We live in a world obsessed with drinking. We drink at baby showers and work events, brunch and book club, graduations and funerals. Yet no one ever questions alcohol’s ubiquity—in fact, the only thing ever questioned is why someone doesn’t drink. It is a qualifier for belonging and if you don’t imbibe, you are considered an anomaly. As a society, we are obsessed with health and wellness, yet we uphold alcohol as some kind of magic elixir, though it is anything but. When Holly Whitaker decided to seek help after one too many benders, she embarked on a journey that led not only to her own sobriety, but revealed the insidious role alcohol plays in our society and in the lives of women in particular. What’s more, she could not ignore the ways that alcohol companies were targeting women, just as the tobacco industry had successfully done generations before. Fueled by her own emerging feminism, she also realized that the predominant systems of recovery are archaic, patriarchal, and ineffective for the unique needs of women and other historically oppressed people—who don’t need to lose their egos and surrender to a male concept of God, as the tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous state, but who need to cultivate a deeper understanding of their own identities and take control of their lives. When Holly found an alternate way out of her own addiction, she felt a calling to create a sober community with resources for anyone questioning their relationship with drinking, so that they might find their way as well. Her resultant feminine-centric recovery program focuses on getting at the root causes that lead people to overindulge and provides the tools necessary to break the cycle of addiction, showing us what is possible when we remove alcohol and destroy our belief system around it. Written in a relatable voice that is honest and witty, Quit Like a Woman is at once a groundbreaking look at drinking culture and a road map to cutting out alcohol in order to live our best lives without the crutch of intoxication. You will never look at drinking the same way again.

How to Quit Your Day Job and Live Out Your Dreams

How to Quit Your Day Job and Live Out Your Dreams PDF Author: Kenneth Atchity
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1620874466
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Are you a creative person seeking more satisfying work? Do you want to make the transition from a job you find secure but soulless to a life built around your creative dream? Then look no further than this essential guide, written by a tenured professor who quit his job and pursued his dream as a successful “story merchant” and film producer. This book will show you how to: - Construct a life that fits your personal vision - Stand up against negative peer pressure - Redefine success in your own terms - Identify and control your conflicting inner voices - Find time to make your dreams come true - And much more! If you’re ready to fall in love with your future, this book can give you the inspiration you need to make that life-changing leap into a better world.

The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation

The Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation PDF Author: United States. Public Health Service. Office of the Surgeon General
Category : Health promotion
Languages : en
Pages : 670

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