Author: Estelle B. Breines
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118713443
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 230
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At last, a book about the little pieces of occupation which make up life' s real situations and experiences and form a basis for therapy. Offered in the form of stories about practice previously published in the popular US publication Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, this enjoyable book presents occupational therapists as "masters of the mundane." Therapists, students and educators will find this easy to read text a useful tool in guiding clinical approaches to therapy. Accompanied by theoretical papers by Dr. Estelle Breines and colleagues previously published in refereed international journals, these stories will aid the reader in understanding principles of active occupation that guide practice and shed light on how these ideas can be applied to the education of therapists.
Author: Heather Ajzenman
Publisher: Rockridge Press
ISBN: 9781646110766
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 194
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Watch your child develop the skills to thrive--with occupational therapy Occupational therapy uses simple, fun activities to help kids learn the skills they need for daily life, from eating meals and writing the alphabet to socializing with friends and family. Occupational Therapy Activities for Kids is designed to help children at all developmental ability levels strengthen those skills by playing their way through 100 exciting exercises that are easy to do at home anytime. This family-friendly guide offers concise information on how occupational therapy works and shows you how to apply it in a way that benefits your child. The games are even divided into chapters based on different types of occupational therapy skills--sensory processing, motor, social-emotional, and cognitive and visual processing--so you can focus on the ones that are most important for your child. Occupational Therapy Activities for Kids offers: Customizable for your kid--Every chapter starts with the simplest activities and increases in complexity, with tips on how to make each activity easier or harder. No experience necessary--From Balloon Volleyball to Find the Treasure, most exercises can be done with things you probably already have in your home. No prior knowledge or special tools required. All kids, all ages--These occupational therapy activities are built for kids 1 to 6 years old with various developmental challenges, but they can help all kids improve their physical, social-emotional, and cognitive abilities. Make it fun and easy to practice occupational therapy with your child every day.
Author: Estelle Breines
Publisher: F A Davis Company
ISBN: 9780803611450
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 245
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Author: Lynne Pape
Publisher: Amer Occupational Therapy Assn
ISBN: 9781569001967
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 287
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CD-ROM contains reproducible forms, checklists, and questionnaires referenced in the text for use in practice.
Author: Ayelet H. Danto
Publisher: Slack
ISBN: 9781617119309
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 256
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When working with children for extended periods of time in the same environment, it can be challenging to find and develop new and exciting treatment activities. Look to the updated Second Edition of 1001 Pediatric Treatment Activities: Creative Ideas for Therapy Sessions to provide you with new ideas and activities designed to enhance your treatment session while maintaining your client's attention and interest. This user-friendly guide by Ayelet Danto and Michelle Pruzansky will provide hundreds of new ideas and activities designed to enhance your treatment session while maintaining your pediatric client's attention and interest. Simple language is used and various photographs are provided with many activities to ensure this text is a quick and easy reference for the busy practitioner. Also included in many chapters is a list of compensatory strategies that may be employed by the therapist to assist the child who is deficient in a particular skill. New to the Second Edition: - A new appendix of iPhone and Android Apps that contains over 170 therapeutic activities to work on a variety of skills and areas in the pediatric population - 70 additional pictures to help explain various activities - 50 new and fun activities - Four new chapters have been added on Increasing Arches of the Foot, Decreasing External Rotation of the Hips, Decreasing Internal Rotation of the Hips, and Addressing Toe Walking, all dedicated to improving gait patterns. 1001 Pediatric Treatment Activities, Second Edition covers treatment areas that are typically addressed in pediatric therapy including sensory integration; visual system; dissociation activities; hand skills; body strengthening and stabilizing; cognitive and higher-level skill building; social skills; and improving gait patterns. Each chapter includes: - A brief description explaining the treatment topic - An explanation of why a particular skill is important - A list of treatment ideas and ac
Author: Ingrid Söderback
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319081411
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 900
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Advanced therapies and technologies, new service delivery methods, and care upgrades in underserved areas are translating into improved quality of life for millions with disabilities. Occupational therapy parallels this progress at the individual level, balancing short-term recovery and adaptation with long-term independence and well-being. This Second Edition of the International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions builds on its ground-breaking predecessor by modelling current clinical standards rooted in scientific evidence-based practice. Its interventions are applied to a diverse range of client disabilities, with many new or rewritten chapters on workplace and vehicle accommodations, smart home technologies, end-of-life planning, and other salient topics. New introductory chapters spotlight core competencies in the field, from assessing client needs and choosing appropriate interventions to evaluating programs and weighing priorities. And for increased educational value, interactive case studies allow readers an extra avenue for honing clinical reasoning and decision-making skills. Of particular note is a new chapter providing a taxonomy—the Occupational Therapy Intervention Framework—and a validation study of its categories and concepts, delineating the occupational therapist’s roles and the expected outcomes. Intervention areas featured in the Handbook include: ● Adaptive interventions, OTs manage and facilitate clients’ adaptations. ● Learning interventions, OTs teach and the clients learn or relearn. ● Enabling interventions, OTs enable clients to be meaningfully occupied. ● Preventing interventions, OTs prevent ill-health and promote clients’ ability to sustain health in daily life. The Second Edition of the International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions is career-affirming reading for all members of rehabilitation teams, including occupational and physical therapists and rehabilitation nurses. Students intending to enter this growing field and professionals working toward its continued improvement will find it useful and inspiring.
Author: Catherine Meriano
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1040138306
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 657
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Occupational Therapy Interventions: Functions and Occupations, Second Edition is a unique and comprehensive text intended to provide the essential information required for occupational therapy practice in the physical approach to the intervention process. This practical and user-friendly text offers an entry-level approach to bridging the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Occupational Therapy Practice Framework,Third Edition with everyday practice, specifically concerning interventions. Dr. Catherine Meriano and Dr. Donna Latella focus each chapter of the text on an area of occupation, evidence-based practice, current intervention options, as well as a specific hands-on approach to grading interventions. Although the focus of the text is the intervention process, Occupational Therapy Interventions: Function and Occupations, Second Edition also includes a detailed “Evaluation Grid” which offers a unique approach to choosing occupational therapy evaluations. New in the Second Edition: New evidence-based articles have been added to each of the chapters Some new rewritten and expanded chapters Updated references throughout Includes sample exam questions with each chapter Updated key concepts and incorporated new documents such as: AOTA’s Occupational Therapy Practice Framework,Third Edition AOTA’s Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics AOTA’s Guidelines for Supervision, Roles, and Responsibilities During the Delivery of Occupational Therapy Services Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom. With the incorporation of new evidence-based concepts, updates to reflect the AOTA’s newest documents, and new hands-on approaches to interventions, Occupational Therapy Interventions: Functions and Occupations, Second Edition should be by the side of every occupational therapy student and entry-level practitioner.
Author: Sylvia Rodger
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
ISBN: 9781405124560
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 320
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Occupational Therapy with Children draws on contemporary research to examine children’s roles, their occupations and the skills which underpin their ability to participate in society. The book will develop the occupational therapist’s understanding of how to optimise the participation of children in the various environments in which they are required or choose to engage. Occupational Therapy with Children maintains a developmental perspective and incorporates child-centred interventions to improve performance deficits. Section one examines children’s roles and occupations in contemporary society at a broad level. Coverage includes the child’s participation in the family, at school and in the community. This section considers environmental influences on childhood activities, and highlights children’s changing occupational time use and the impact this has on health and wellbeing. Section two focuses on childhood as a period of significant development and skill acquisition. This is profiled as a dynamic period for the therapist to encourage occupational mastery across the spectrum of childhood experience: in play; in self-care; as a student; and beyond the school grounds. Topical chapters evaluate participation in physical activity and consider the potential for ‘healthy’ leisure, along with the risk characteristics associated with certain approaches to leisure. Occupational Therapy with Children is aimed at students and practitioners of occupational therapy. Other childhood professionals, particularly early childhood educators, will also appreciate the articulate approach this book takes towards the development of the child. Highly illustrated with contemporary photographs, drawings and succinct tables Includes case studies; providing worked examples of therapeutic applications Draws on the World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to frame the concept of children’s occupations and societal participation Responsive to developments in occupational science Expert contributors provide international perspectives From the Foreword by Professor Charles Christiansen, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston [Occupational therapists] will find that this book provides a framework that makes planning effective therapy with children practical, relevant, and effective . . . [Rodger & Ziviani’s] contribution to the literature has helped unleash the genie of occupation in the service of improved therapy with children.
Author: Jane Case-Smith
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 344
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Emphasizing a family-centered approach to treatment, Pediatric Occupational Therapy and Early Intervention is a practical guide to providing occupational therapy services to young children. Written by a team of expert clinicians, this text illustrates the importance of successful early intervention and confronts specific challenges faced by direct service providers. Covering both the principles of early intervention and the application of current theory to everyday practice, Pediatric Occupational Therapy and Early Intervention details focused treatment strategies such as sensory integration assessment, assistive technology, and the power of play.
ISBN: 9781948726009
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 787
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Fully revised and expanded in 2018. The Occupational Therapy Toolkit 7th edition is a collection of 354 full-page illustrated patient handouts. The handouts are organized by 97 treatment guides and are based on current research and best practice. This 787 page practical resource is the BEST resource for every therapist working with physical disabilities, chronic conditions or geriatrics.