Nursing Care of Survivors of Family Violence

Nursing Care of Survivors of Family Violence PDF Author: Jacquelyn Campbell
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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This comprehensive text effectively responds to the growing need for treatment of survivors of family violence. Offering a holistic approach to identification, assessment, intervention, and prevention of domestic abuse, this book is designed to assist the healthcare professional to care for the victim as well as the family as a unit. By integrating theory and application, NURSING CARE OF SURVIVORS OF FAMILY VIOLENCE provides a timely, practical resource for students and practicing nurses.

Nursing Care of Survivors of Family Violence

Nursing Care of Survivors of Family Violence PDF Author: Jacquelyn Campbell
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 420

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Book Description
This comprehensive text effectively responds to the growing need for treatment of survivors of family violence. Offering a holistic approach to identification, assessment, intervention, and prevention of domestic abuse, this book is designed to assist the healthcare professional to care for the victim as well as the family as a unit. By integrating theory and application, NURSING CARE OF SURVIVORS OF FAMILY VIOLENCE provides a timely, practical resource for students and practicing nurses.

Family Violence and Nursing Practice, Second Edition

Family Violence and Nursing Practice, Second Edition PDF Author: Janice Humphreys, PhD, RN, CS, NP
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826118291
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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Nurses too often encounter battered women, abused children, and other victims of family violence in hospital and emergency room settings. Nurses therefore have a unique and important role to play in the prevention, identification, and mitigation of violence. This newly revised second edition is a landmark resource that provides comprehensive, nursing-focused coverage of intimate partner violence (IPV), child abuse, and more. This textbook provides a detailed overview of all types of family and other violence, including IPV, same-sex IPV, abuse during pregnancy, intimate partner homicide, stalking, violence against women with disabilities, dating violence, child abuse, children witnessing violence, sexual assault of both children and adults, and elder abuse. The book offers both graduate and undergraduate nursing students a clear view of the essential theories, interventions, and issues surrounding nursing and family violence-presenting an approach that empowers nurses to contribute to the prevention of this worldwide health problem. Special Features: Chapters on legal and forensic issues address the nurse's role and responsibilities when confronting family violence In-depth attention to cultural issues promote culturally relevant practice Abundant diagrams and tables offer quick access to essential standards for care Practice assessment forms and model interventions give practical strategies for addressing family violence A new chapter describes international work in family violence

The Violence of Care

The Violence of Care PDF Author: Sameena Mulla
Publisher: NYU Press
ISBN: 1479867217
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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Every year in the U.S., thousands of women and hundreds of men participate in sexual assault forensic examinations. Sameena Mulla reveals the realities of sexual assault response in the forensic age. She analyzes the ways in which nurses work to collect and preserve evidence while addressing the needs of sexual assault victims as patients.Mulla argues that blending the work of care and forensic investigation into a single intervention shapes how victims of violence understand their own suffering, recovery, and access to justice-in short, what it means to be a "victim".

Surviving Domestic Abuse

Surviving Domestic Abuse PDF Author: Michele A. Finneran
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000095150
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 174

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Surviving Domestic Abuse examines how formal and informal supports and services can mitigate the damaging, and sometimes fatal, social cost of domestic violence. The book highlights victims’ perceptions of supports and lays a foundation for professionals and family members to effectively assist victims of domestic abuse. The book offers actionable recommendations and multiple-use cases to fill gaps in the understanding of the complexities that exist in domestic violence dynamics. Dr Finneran uses real-life interviews with victims to inform action and intervention for policy, strategy and decision-making for support and service providers including law enforcement, healthcare, social services and employers. Identification of successful supports and services can assist in preventing victims from returning to their abusive relationships, and the author provides real-life examples and a sounding board for the voices of real women who have endured domestic abuse. Spanning the gulf between research and practice, this is the ideal book for a range of professional communities including psychologists, social workers and healthcare professionals, and victims and survivors themselves. It’s also suitable for academics and researchers, and students taking domestic violence treatment and prevention courses.

Current Catalog

Current Catalog PDF Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1628

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First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

Handbook of Clinical Nursing Research

Handbook of Clinical Nursing Research PDF Author: Ada Sue Hinshaw
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1452261881
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 713

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This ambitious and long-awaited volume brings together foremost nursing scholars, researchers, and educators to review and critique the state of research across areas most relevant to clinical practice. The contributorship appears as a veritable "who′s who" of nursing research and the contents comprise primary areas in the vanguard of nursing science. In the first section, the authors explore theoretical issues, the variety of philosophical approaches to scientific inquiry in nursing, factors shaping nursing research, and the relationship of the philosophical perspectives to research methodologies. In later sections, the scientists review and analyze the state of nursing science in relation to community health, practice strategies, family care, health promotion, biobehavioral investigations, women′s health, gerontologic nursing, and health system perspectives and outcomes. For physiological as well as psychological research, the most relevant theories driving the research are presented along with the review of multiple diverse instruments and measurement issues. Comprehensive in scope, cogent and truly thought provoking, a book such as the Handbook of Clinical Nursing Research arrives only once or twice in a career. It is a must-have shelf reference for every nurse and for those who would teach them.

Social Work and Family Violence

Social Work and Family Violence PDF Author: Joan McClennen, PhD
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826133495
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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The second edition of this comprehensive text for MSW and BSW students studying family violence is fully reorganized for improved flow of information, is substantially revised, and is updated to reflect current scholarship and practice. Focusing on child abuse and maltreatment, intimate partner violence (IPV), and older adult abuse, the book covers assessment procedures and evidence-based treatments used by social workers with victims and perpetrators of all age groups and of both genders. It provides expanded information on agencies advocating on behalf of children including child advocacy centers, guardians ad litem, and court-appointed special advocates as well as child welfare laws and policies. The textbook provides updated information related to IPV and vulnerable/at-risk populations including sex trafficking victims, veterans, and male victims. The second edition also features more in-depth theoretical information integrated with case studies, and new information regarding technological issues and criminal justice reform. The authors address assessments and interventions for adult victims of family violence, adult survivors of child abuse, child witnesses of domestic violence, adolescent victims of dating violence, older adult victims of abuse, and both male and female perpetrators of abuse. The text encompasses several features that make it particularly useful in the classroom, including real-life case studies in every chapter, key terms, and discussion questions. An updated and robust instructor package includes a fully revised Test Bank and more detailed PowerPoints. New to the Second Edition: Aligns with 2015 CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards Adds updated news articles to help stimulate discussion on chapter content Updated instructor package including fully revised Test Bank Updated and expanded PowerPoint presentations Expanded information in the child maltreatment section on child advocacy centers, guardians ad litem, and court-appointed special advocates A new child maltreatment case example and SMART plan Updated child welfare laws and policies Expanded coverage of safety planning and protection orders for IPV victims New coverage of IPV and sex trafficking Expanded coverage of IPV with male victims and their female perpetrators Coverage of multiple vulnerable and at-risk populations Use of pet therapy and service dogs for IPV in military Updated material on causation of older adult abuse Inclusion of instrument to screen for maltreatment Expanded chapter on assessment and intervention of older adult abuse Example of a possible risk assessment for older adults

Nursing Care of Victims of Family Violence

Nursing Care of Victims of Family Violence PDF Author: Jacquelyn Campbell
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Against Women

Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Against Women PDF Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548592
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 66

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A health-care provider is likely to be the first professional contact for survivors of intimate partner violence or sexual assault. Evidence suggests that women who have been subjected to violence seek health care more often than non-abused women, even if they do not disclose the associated violence. They also identify health-care providers as the professionals they would most trust with disclosure of abuse. These guidelines are an unprecedented effort to equip healthcare providers with evidence-based guidance as to how to respond to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. They also provide advice for policy makers, encouraging better coordination and funding of services, and greater attention to responding to sexual violence and partner violence within training programmes for health care providers. The guidelines are based on systematic reviews of the evidence, and cover: 1. identification and clinical care for intimate partner violence 2. clinical care for sexual assault 3. training relating to intimate partner violence and sexual assault against women 4. policy and programmatic approaches to delivering services 5. mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence. The guidelines aim to raise awareness of violence against women among health-care providers and policy-makers, so that they better understand the need for an appropriate health-sector response. They provide standards that can form the basis for national guidelines, and for integrating these issues into health-care provider education.

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care

Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care PDF Author: Margaret M. Andrews
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 9780781736800
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 596

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Now in its Fourth Edition, this transcultural nursing text conveys the importance of diverse cultural knowledge for the evaluation of patient outcomes, understanding persons in clinical settings and appropriate responses to clinical situations during the nurse/client interaction. Detailed theory is discussed and each chapter contains awareness exercises to ensure comprehension of the nursing role as trusted health care providers. Coverage includes cultural variation in lifestyle, communication and beliefs. New to this edition is a two-color design; revised content on assessment and applications of concepts; a new chapter on culturally appropriate interventions; and, more case studies, research studies and clinical vignettes.